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File: 2.61 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20181224_164525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12226119 No.12226119 [Reply] [Original]

On Christmas Eve.

Their $10/hour job literally is more important to them than spending time with their loved ones.

Today, I spent the day on the beach with one of my girlfriends and my dog. I'm about to spend the night with another girl.

How do wagies do this knowing they are allowing others to enjoy life at their expense?

>> No.12226130
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Pic related

>> No.12226142

They do and we are going to rise up and murder you like we always have in the past.

>> No.12226150

>hurr I made an extra $100 today I don't mind

wagies will sell their soul for peanuts, they honestly deserve their slavery

>> No.12226159

Mr Prick again

>> No.12226163


Is this before or after voting to ban guns?

>> No.12226171

you rich and drinking low quality Coffee. Whos the asshole

>> No.12226173

Nice chick drink you got there, OP

>> No.12226177
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Pic also related

>> No.12226188

>spends his christmas eve bragging on pol
Lol im having a foursome in thailand right now

>> No.12226213

Lol bro you save numbers with emojiis?
You are true chad.
You actually think your the only chad fucking this girl? She spent all day getting plowed by another bro and is cleaning his cum out of her pussy so you can get seconds.

I love these guys thinking they're big players hanging out with a couple broads but in reality these stacies are getting more dick in one day then you've seen in the locker room.

>> No.12226217

Faggot OP

Sage in all fields

>> No.12226222

I have to because there was already a Megan and "Megan Tinder" in my phone. Common names I've had to start saving with emojis.

>> No.12226227

>I'm also solo tonight
Meaning that last night she wasn't.
Enjoy spending xmas eve with your "girlfriend" with some other dude's cum dripping out of her snatch lmfao

>> No.12226230

You type like a girl

>> No.12226231


>> No.12226233

I already know this is fake. Starbucks has Christmas-themed cups.

>> No.12226236

haha exact same thought

>> No.12226266

absolutely nothing wrong with typing like a girl

>> No.12226273

I get that a lot. They don't care how you type when they are riding your cock.

>> No.12226284


>3x splenda

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12226289

Literal faggot hahahahaha

>> No.12226294
File: 1.39 MB, 640x1136, 36CB3325-F3D4-4446-ADEE-B5766716BEFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incapable of making his own coffee so buys lowest tier coffee
>single loser with no kids and future who has to make fun of wagies to feel better
fucking fag you too cringy even for local standards

>> No.12226295

Yeah I'm gay.

Gay for that pussy

>> No.12226305 [DELETED] 



>> No.12226309

Dude, speaking from experience that's the kind of girl that's getting pounded by AT LEAST 3 other guys every week. You see sluts like this all the time in places like TH and PH. One slut got physically angry when I didn't hook up with her. She was incredibly hot, but I just didn't have the time. Later found out she was a complete whore, and I've since switched over to fucking modest virgins. Every other girl is a slut that's realized how much power a pussy gives them, therefore rendering them worthless sluts.

>> No.12226310

Quite ironically have a kid.

>> No.12226323

This is such a low t response

>> No.12226333

Op is unironically a faggot

>> No.12226340

Low T? I'm on blast rn lol

>> No.12226346

Then why do you sound like a bitch?

>> No.12226351
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> Spending Christmas with some random broad and telling strangers about it.
Beats being alone, I guess. Best wishes anon.
At least post a picture of the gurl

>> No.12226352

Who are you talking to when you caption pictures like this

>> No.12226356

I honestly don't care. I've fucked 4 girls this week so if they wanna get dicked down that's their choice. I'm not trying to marry these chicks

>> No.12226374

Probably cause I've been posting this shit while driving.

>> No.12226393

>their riding my cock
>im dicking them down

Im pretty sure you're a 20 year old frat boy the way you talk like a huge faggot. Getting laid is not an accomplishment

>> No.12226400
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10/10 larp bro

>> No.12226403
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>not ordering a Vanilla Latte

>> No.12226408

Nah senpai. 29 year old engineer who made it by selling in December. I still do contract work a few months out of the year but most of the time relax in my beach house, lift, fuck thots.

>> No.12226416

Elliott, I usually order the skinny vanilla latte but I'm trying to cut out carbs nearly entirely. Vanilla latte is on point. Did you make sure to wish your drive thru servant a very merry Christmas?

>> No.12226419

Girls only want Chad though. You have to be a Chad in order to get laid.

>> No.12226433


Yes and I tipped.

>> No.12226441

You literally have to not give a shit what anyone else thinks.

>You type like a faggot
>OP is gay
>Get rejected

Who cares? My life is fucking awesome. Every chick who has ever rejected me eventually begs for me.

>> No.12226450

I usually throw whatever change is in my cupholder directly at the wagie.

>> No.12226453
File: 6 KB, 227x222, not impressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> puts down a regular person who is a barista working a job trying to get by
> brags about being manly when orders a gay drink instead of just getting coffee
> shows off a girl he supposedly had sex with on tinder
> babby's first tinder lay
> brags about this on a vietnamese hentai forum to other autists to prove he is not deep down lonely and needs validation from 4chins that he is worth something

it's ok OP. You're doing good. Keep up the good work of putting down others and filling the void of your existence with meaningless sex.

>> No.12226455

you are a whore though & you are working you just dont know it

>> No.12226489



>> No.12226542

Bro this thread is so fucking sad. Like even if you were this guy you're LARPING to be, his life sounds sadder and emptier than any wagie's. Did you think this autism was cool?

>> No.12226600
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How much $ do you make and what do you do for a living, OP?

>> No.12226614

You should be thankful without those works you wouldnt get your coffee. Without literally everybody doing their jobs, shit they dont want to do, you've been able to drive to Starbucks, go enjoy the beach, use your phone, eat food and live

>> No.12226632
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>> No.12226665

Lol bro, I don't even need to use the cesspool of tinder. I don't even have social media. Biz is like my social media.

last night I went to a staff Christmas party at a restaurant I go to semi regularly. I don't even work there and they invited me.
Drank and ate for free, drugs floating around smoking inside having a great laugh.
10/10 pharmacist walks in and targets me immediately.
First thing I said to her was " I'm not sure if the human body can digest denim but I'd sure like to try" spent a couple more hours of her hanging off of me, went back to her place and smashed that pussy ate that ass, the usual shit.
Woke up this am to the smell of bacon, had a feed and bounced. Didn't exchange names or even numbers.

Have fun putting in hard work to get easy sluts when I quite literally have to look at them and they smell my confidence and basically beg me to let them suck my cock.

>> No.12226667

I made $82k this year working 3 months as an engineer during outages. Hourly pay was $112, each hour worked over 8 in a day was time and a half, Saturdays were all time and a half, Sundays double time. You do the math. I worked 13 hour days for about 90 days of the year in 2018. I also received two bonuses. I have zero debt as I cashed out my crypto gains in December 2017. I am working from January 21-April 15 this year and am off the rest of the year.

Some of my full time colleagues are pulling 250-300k a year and I might do that for a year and buy more crypto but I bought back in 500k worth at 6.2k when we were trading sideways for 3 months and then fucking lost my shit when we dropped to 3k. Right now my work schedule more than pays my bills and child support.

I'd rather live my life than have more money. If I get bored I can work a fall outage too but fall is my favorite season and I'd rather spend it in the mountains.

>> No.12226719
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Don't agree with all your personal choices but I'm not judging as I might end up there too someday.
Props on the solid gains. I also cashed out a decent chunk (20%) in December, too greedy to cash out the rest, but it's not looking disastrous as I successfully traded along the way.
>I'd rather live my life than have more money
I work sporadically throughout the year, making slightly less than but I also live in a LCOL place, so I completely get that point. Free time > being cucked.

>> No.12226954

Low tier larp 0/10

>> No.12227028

When did you get into crypto? You cashed out half a mil in December?

>> No.12227049

Someday Starbucks will be all vending machines, with most of their workers gone. Would you prefer that?

>> No.12227057

nice story, here's mine:
>$75k annual salarycuck programmer in frigid flyover land
>work on christmas eve
>didn't cash out in 2017 because I'd be subject to STCG taxes and it wasn't enough to buy my freedom anyway
>life goal is to move to some cheap remote shithole area and never spend another minute of my life working for another man
if monero doesn't get me out of this mess by 2020 I'm going to find you and take you down with me. I don't ask for much.

>> No.12227059

>3 Splenda
Wow you’re a real faggot aren’t you op?

>> No.12227078

No I rebought half a mil in September

>> No.12227115
File: 213 KB, 1148x1180, 9d49873bd694e1c8e4fee63daf1dcf2575f1f518b865578457827322b5bc43ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't the proles rise up
Is that what you're trying to ask?

>> No.12227130

the weak should be pitied, not scorned

>> No.12227156


No, I am a Marxist and I personally believe in gun rights. I think a real revolution will require a gun-bearing working class.

>> No.12227174


True leftist politics have little to do with the present state of the American "left." The fact that liberals are currently against guns is a completely arbitrary and cultural thing, not an ideologically left one.

>> No.12227204

When did you get into crypto? When we gonna bull again?

>> No.12227232

checked. do you hit the gym often?

>> No.12227245

not everyone likes spending time with their family and would rather get time and a half for working on a holiday

>> No.12227446

4-6 days a week depending if I'm blasting or not.

>> No.12227563

this. wtf is wrong with op. we need peons to exist to make our own lives better. not everyone can be white collar

>> No.12227634

I work as a barista and only make $8.50, and yes I did in fact have to work today. Not the whole day but still. I'm a college grad too. Shit is fucked

>> No.12227664
File: 14 KB, 236x226, 4c953b8d19fc221d54bc1acfec4346e2--hulk-hogan-funny-comments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your tip wagie.

Put it toward the $100k debt you took out to get a sociology degree.

>> No.12227688

Thanks, that's almost as much as the $2 in tips I made today

>> No.12228097
File: 56 KB, 645x729, 1509899069200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so smart I need coffee to feel awake because of my adrenal glands failing
>Look at all the stupid wagies doing a job in exchange for money
>amirite? tehe

>> No.12228202

any /k/ommando would gladly toss you in the jew pen with the snakes

>> No.12228206


>> No.12228259

OP, you're still poor to be using tinder & not fucking virgins/fresh pussy. Tinder is like going to a cheap restaurant and asking for uneaten scrap. Anymore than two dicks have been in her, I ain't touching. Don't date anyone but virgins and tell them so when I meet them and things arw moving.

Have some fucking standards, sex is way better in moderation after a few weeks of abstinence bare minimum...

>> No.12228268
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we all believe you

>> No.12228360

Give them a few years to realize the ruling class doesn't go away even if you get rid of the jews.

>> No.12228365
File: 66 KB, 171x233, whot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you really do did all of this, why on earth are you here on 4chan of all places to brag about it? If you're so popular with literally everyone you meet, why don't you go talk to them about it? Don't you have friends, OP?

>> No.12228400

its 100% gay larp

>> No.12228432

>I think a real revolution will require a gun-bearing working class.

No, a revolution would require a tons of fools like you who would kill anyone without hesitation when ordered to do so.

>> No.12228451

>thread isnt working, oh shit, lets try harder! type seriouser!

>> No.12228480
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>> No.12228489

Goddamn you drink your coffee like a bitch

>> No.12228505

Have you seen the U.S. military?

>> No.12228533
File: 10 KB, 624x379, 590B1FB7-44FA-402F-A3B8-25F57BF3D93C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low quality bait. Fuck off LARPer

>> No.12228535
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>> No.12228672

you gunna suck the cum out her rotten hole fore u fuck her?

>> No.12228695


>> No.12228728
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>> No.12229320

This strange ideology of not wanting to have sex with anyone but virgins that is quite prevalent on 4chan is based on nothing but insecurity. If you have sex with only virgins you are likely to rarely have sex, and on the rare occasions you do it will probably be with religious fanatics, asexuals, and social rejects.