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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1219842 No.1219842 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/,
Met a guy on /int/ this morning who's a farmer in Comoros and I didn't even realize I could easily pay for him and his family's living for next to nothing for me.
Personally I haven't been too involved in charity because the 'ROI' (happy pictures per krona) is just far too low for me.
So I got this guy's email and he will reply to me tomorrow when he gets back to the Internet Cafe. He doesn't have a bank account yet but I'm wondering what the best way to send money to him is?
I found moneygram, it seems to be a good choice because he can just pick it up at an agent. But I'm a bit worried 25000 KMF would risk him getting robbed and/or killed if he just walks home with more than a year's salary for a good year (he does odd jobs).

I'm just not sure what to do here.
>can't trust he's a guy from Comoros, there's proxies
I don't think someone would wander into a first world privilege thread with a Comoros proxy, decline receiving money 4 times because he thinks it's just Internet money and then write a nice long email detailing his situation more.
>why not give to charity, it's more effective
As I mentioned above I want happy pictures. It's not so much about him. I imagine this could encourage more giving if I play it right.
People here (Sweden) are absolutely retarded because they just pretend they're helpful when they argue for policy that helps the few relatively rich refugees rather than millions of poor people.
Also this guy might send me some of whatever crap he's farming. It's not a goal here though.

Tl;dr how to send money internationally to the third world? Haven't done it before.

Anyone think I should just look for some Chinese person and sponsor them to be a Web Developer instead? I would have to check the gdp per capita PPP adjusted but I'm pretty sure there'd be something I could do. I might see return on that too. But I'm fine with just giving.
I'l go find and link the thread if anyone is interested.

>> No.1219848


>> No.1219850

Yeah except that's Internet money and good luck finding a bitcoin exchange thing in Comoros.
Though I wish it was possible.

>> No.1219854

Dude that's completely the wrong idea. You can't just give someone a big bunch of money. They have to be able to create sustainable livings for themselves. Give him a small amount with a promise of starting a business or something. Not a greed filled lump sum payment.

>> No.1219858

Moneygram is the best choice for that. Just dont send a lot, you can start with no more than 100 dollars for example.
Ask him to open a bank account with the first change you send him for easy transfer.
Also you could ask for pkctures of his family and house and his field to see who you are really helping. Those picture will help to attract many more peopple into giving to charity the way you want to do it.

>> No.1219860

Looking at the margins it'd be stupid to give him less than a few year's worth of sustaining pretty much.

But yeah I want to encourage him growing something. I think if he has a safety net he can get somewhere. But right now I just want to know how to send money.

Kinda bothered by the fact that Comoros is so ultra socially conservative and estimated to be 98% Muslim.
Terrorism funding and stuff. But I doubt that's a real issue. The sums I'm thinking are clearly not a terrorism funding thing.

>> No.1219864

Western union?
Send cash by mail? (Use secure mail so no one fuck with it, chances are minimal)

How much are we talking about?

>> No.1219866

This is a fucking anonymous person you met online. Why of all people are you giving him money. There's no rush man, giving this man a large sum of money will possibly only make things worse.

>> No.1219869

Also who took that picture if pic related in OP because that's no cheap ass camera phone pic. Are you sure you're giving money to the right person here?

> sug kuk svennebög t. finland lol

>> No.1219872

You underestimate how much 100$ is here. He said that he, during a bad year made maybe a few hundred KMF, a good year he'd be making a few thousand. A hundred bux is 43k KMF according to Google.

That's already multiple years.
Currently NEET and self studying. It's above board to do this the way I plan to.
I estimate 500SEK (maybe 60$ USD?) every two months would be doable without any notice at all.
Thing is I pay rent to my family, so I can just pay extra for this dude and have them send it.

>> No.1219879

did you even look into it? even Africa has a thriving Bitcoin ecosystem

>> No.1219880

It's just a Google Image. I have no evidence yet. I just deem it unlikely to be a scam. Either way if I transfer the money to a scammed in Comoros it'd be some charity still.

It's not about how effective it is. This is a self-esteem booster and media campaign. A "trust people to do well" kind of a thing.
I get that you people are all aspiring bankers to some extent but I'm more politically concerned than financially. I have it better than most people here.
>make it worse
How? He's currently starving because he's got a family to feed.
Even if I just give him this money one time he has a rather significant amount of savings.

>> No.1219886

No I just presumed.
I suppose I will check it out though. But I think he'd prefer a simpler method most likely. Either way he needs a bank account now.

>> No.1219890

> I have no evidence yet. I just deem it unlikely to be a scam.

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.1219894

setting up a bank account is orders of magnitude more of a hassle than generating a Bitcoin address

>> No.1219900

No I just don't care a significant amount about practically no money. I can probably get him to give me evidence somehow. This is just planning.
How do you explain bitcoin and what to do, where to go and everything to a poor man who probably got on the Internet only a year back how to do it though.
If he wants a bank account over there he can just ask a bank I imagine.
But yeah if you or I were over there it'd be simpler.

Here's the thread by the way.
Found it.

>> No.1219926

The best thing to do is to give him enough to feed his family plus sponsor a career in a field it would help him the most to create a bussiness lr gdt out the most from his property.
Send him enough to open a bank account then send the rest via transfer, ask if theres a cap in how much you can send like this first otherwise the money will be held by the goverment until they know the money is clean, which will make a lot of troubles for him.

>> No.1219934

What the fuck am I reading in this thread?

>> No.1219942

He wouldnt just have to get a bitcoin address though. He would have to open up an account at a bitcoin exchange in order to sell it for money. Then he would need a bank account to transfer the money to after he sold. I guess he could try localbitcoins and pay a huge premium but thats assuming he even has any local buyers near him in a third world country. A lot of them dont have the luxury of speculating on a volatile commodity.

"Just generate a bitcoin address" is an extreme oversimplification.

>> No.1219949

An OP who feels bad for a guy and want to help ease his burdens while being inexperienced enough with money that I don't know how to conduct this kind of charity well.

>send him enough to open a bank account
Through moneygram? They have an agent there it seems.
What's the advantage to a bank transfer over moneygram? Just that he can always go to an atm or equivalent?
Is it possible for me to assist remotely by giving my phone number.

>> No.1219952

This. Plus I doubt any bitcoin exchanges deal in comorian francs. It would be multitudes easier just to have him tell you what money transfer service operates local to him (probably moneygram).

>> No.1219958

I make quite well for myself. I would maybe be interested in doing something similar

>> No.1220004

No, give me money goyim

>> No.1220005


Give a man a fish and...

>> No.1220010

Hard to give him the skills to fish when buying the fish is cheaper.
I will certainly try to encourage he invests in his future.
Maybe later Mr sheklestein.

>> No.1220019

I don't know where to find these people. It's the most interesting to me to target the poorest but they generally don't have Internet access.

>> No.1220030

One-sided charity makes a mockery of a man's dignity.

Make it a transaction, e.g. you send him $1,000 and he sends you one of his daughters.

>> No.1220033

Why are you doing this again?

Throwing money at the third world does nothing but make them dependent. Look at Haiti, their entire farming sector has collapsed because they can't compete with the free foreign aid coming in from the US. When the aid stops they will starve to death or have to import at huge costs because they will have no domestic production capability left.

>> No.1220037

Why would I want one of his daughters?
Id rather not adopt. I want my own kids. Weirdo.
Yes but this is an individual with a family. He's gonna need to invest because I'm probably gonna have some correspondence with him regularly.

If you have any business plans in Comoros you're free to share.
I think they could do IT support/code monkey work. Personally I consider it a brain dead job.
But I'm sure they can make fair money from that if they have me as a contact.

But I'm not sure. That's getting too attached probably.

>> No.1220040

>Yes but this is an individual with a family. He's gonna need to invest because I'm probably gonna have some correspondence with him regularly.

So it's failed every other time it was attempted in the last three decades but you're going to make it work this time.

I suggest you take that money and invest it in yourself instead of trying to live vicariously though your adopted third world brother.

>> No.1220041
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>Why would I want one of his daughters?

>> No.1220046

Eww. That'd never work here either way.
Maybe if I moved there I could have a harem or whatever but no. I don't even want all that.
It's for selfish reasons. I'm interested in trying to improve the situation. It's not that his life has to be great. I think the issue with foreign aid is that it's too large scale and it doesn't come with proper conditions. If I pay him this once I can cut the stuff at any moment. Like, if he doesn't send his kids to school i'l just not pay him again. I'm not sure how old they are or anything but I do have certain standards. I can't support everything.

Yes. Of course I could invest in myself but I'm literally taking taxpayer money here. The best I could do with that money is either leave it to be wasted on government stuff (not all waste sure). Stuff it in the mattress (illegal and amoral imo). Or send it to this guy who will have many many times more fun with it. Shit, even if he falls to vice it's better. What can I get for 500? A couple nice meals, a video game among the hundreds I buy and never play.

There's nothing I need. Except weights. I really gotta get on that.

>> No.1220047

Bit racist there pal.

>> No.1220056

Western Union is your best bet.

Don't give more than $100. It will be squandered or stolen.

I would give in installments of $10 or $20, over a period of years.

Don't give any money to the Chinese (seriously man, I'm Chinese)

>> No.1220061

Why? Why would I not give to someone Chinese?

>> No.1220092

Hello, and welcome from a /pol/ack and entrepreneur.

Firstly, I would like to say:
>(happy picutres per krona)
- Are you a Swedecuck?
- Are you female?
- Why the fuck in fucking fuck are you giving third world dissents cash for nothing? You fucking chump.

Here are some /biz/nessmen approved ideas:
- Set up a business, fund him via loan (Oy Vey)
- Set up a business, make in a minority partner (ie: give him equity), and fund it yourself.
- Set up a dick-sucking business and employ him and his family as fluffers.
- Gibs me dat income and I'll get you a yield on it by doing either of the first two.

Anything less than this is Marxist, and you're a faggot for even considering it. You will destroy this man and his family through kindness.

Real capitalists understand that men need to pull their own plow, or better yet, buy and rear oxen to pull it for them, until they can afford a tractor.

>> No.1220094

Third world dissidents.

>> No.1220100
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>> No.1220149

Do they trade with mobile credit at all? Maybe you could send that.

...bitcoin will one day be the solution to this, but it's not ready yet.

>> No.1220173

Don't recognize that political symbol by name but I don't suspect it reflects me well which makes me worry about the association to it.
No idea. I've only heard from him once so far.
Yes bitcoin/digital currency is certainly a solution a lot of problems. Really wish it would have gone better.
>destroying this man
By giving him more for his work? I also go to /pol/. I appreciate the openness to discussion. It's a shame so few people take it seriously though.
>men need to pull their own plow
Why not let him drive his own tractor? It's not like a tractor is just a convenience product. It's an effectiveness boost.
It's why China can have such a high population of genetically favored individuals yet not produce nearly as much as you expect them to because they simply don't have the tools to progress well. Though given how much money they have as a country it's certainly their leaderships fault.

I appreciate the concern for how I spend my governments money optimally to achieve what goals I want but I just don't buy that it would hamper him.

If what you're saying is correct i'l be redpilled on that eventually.

>> No.1221052

kiva.org let's you give interest free loans to people looking to start their own business. You can keep lending the same amount (paid back in full) constantly.

>> No.1221109


lemme get this right... a swedish guy wants /biz/ to advise him on the best method for sending the equivalent of a year's salary to some poor muslim guy in the comoros in exchange for "happy pictures"?

sweden: "hey, comoros... do you like money?"
comoros: "OF COURSE I DO!"
sweden: "cool, cool... i'll let you use my money but i get to watch"

>> No.1221335


You're trying to do a great thing OP but I'm more concerned how a poor Comorian farmer ended up on 4chan and /int/ of all places. And the fact that he speaks English is suspect too.

>> No.1221341
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>Sweden gets guilt memed into funding jihadists overseas
Holy shit /pol/ was right once again

>> No.1221345 [DELETED] 
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this is fucking retarted, just paypal me some money you god damn dweeb i need it more i live in a third world hell hole

paypal: Wiesner_x0042@hotmail.com

>> No.1221370

Just use kiva asshole

>> No.1221447

You do people no favors by mispricing the cost of their labor.

Indeed, you are teaching him, and his family, that the world owes him something. This just isn't the case.

>> No.1221457

That political symbol was the symbol for Obama's presidential campaign

>> No.1221470
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just saying,,,

>> No.1221925

why don't you look at what comoros has to offer and get him to send things to you?

i had a quick google, vanilla beans and ylang ylang(?) are good exports, maybe they do coffee too. but vanilla beans are small and lightweight.

you could have him send 1kilo of vanilla beans which you can 'sell' to someone young you know (you don't sound like you need or want a small side-gig, but it could be good for a young entrepreneur). they could bag them, brand them and sell them on to specialist shops, health stores etc.

you cover the costs of comoros man and pay him too. he is earning his money and probably getting a much higher wage for it. plus, you get to see it is a real deal. he can take pride in being in business and working for money, and doing trade with swedenistan instead of feeling like he has to depend on handouts.

>> No.1221932

This is a bait thread, but remember that there are people actually stupid enough to give money to third worlders

>> No.1221940
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Shit isn't even a parody at this point

>> No.1222323

Wow, an interesting thread really does come along from time to time, can't really help out but thank you for the read OP!

>> No.1222425

It's $60 in USD, that's 25k comorian francs

>> No.1222447


Sweden stop being so damn cucked

>> No.1222562
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Good God, a fool and his money are soon parted: The Thread

You meet a guy on 4chan of all places, think he's legit based on literally no evidence, and want to give him 25k? You even mentioned he could be using proxies. I mean it's 4chan after all. How can a farmer from some shitty African country just so happen to also be a 4chan regular?

Just give the money to me, OP

>> No.1222718
File: 214 KB, 593x342, 12802868_1687198911541109_8936621999513885358_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Swedish guy, you still here?

I'm a poor man here so please contact me through
There is something I need your help