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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12194664 No.12194664 [Reply] [Original]

Brave browser can't even load 4chan posts when you click new posts and binance doesn't work on it. Brave is a broken shitty chrome.

Brendan eich is a notorouis scammer known for junk software

>> No.12194684


Ah yes, the second round of fud is incoming. Tom Scott was the best thing that's happened to this all week. There's a reason the saying "all press is good press" is a cliche, and its because its fucking true. He'll end up a BAT shill, just watch. I wonder how much was sitting in his account anyway. Either way he's still a fucking pussy.

>> No.12194851


>> No.12194876


>> No.12194913

Zero zero zero zero 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. You are literally retarded and a liar so long as someone somewhere is willing and able to pay something for BAT.

>> No.12194917

BAT FUD is always the funniest FUD.

>> No.12194923


Brendan Eich, that damn scammer behind junk software like Firefox and Javascript. Damn him. BAT $0 EOY.

>> No.12195133

Brave for android/ios is amazing.
Brave for desktop is only for enthusiasts

>> No.12195480

Brave is literal dogshit and breaks dozens of websites I use regularly. Fuck Brave, fuck BAT, and fuck that homophobe Brendon Eich.

>> No.12195560
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fag detected

>> No.12195561

this whole bat thing is pretty weird and creepy desu

>> No.12196212

Its true all of it. I can't use Binance on Brave at all.

>> No.12196235

I bought a bag of BAT just because Brendan Eich is a based homophobe

>> No.12196256

this but unironically. They're consistently not delivering on the economically viable part of their project

>> No.12196518

I love watching people get mad at Brave/BAT. It's literally just an adblocking browser with a wallet that gets funded every month from Brave for free. There is so much hate from brainlets who don't understand it. I'm laughing at you all.

>> No.12197400

Netflix doesn't work on it either. Piece of shit

>> No.12197418

no fomo homo...

>> No.12197463

netflix is using a tracker plugin to detect your preferences you want privacy or you want to be brain washed by your preferences....whats holding more value to you....you cant get that now EARLY INVESTOR...you cant get that on 1.0......

>> No.12198017

then don't call a shitty alpha a fucking 1.0

>> No.12198054

>privacy browser can't just werks
L O L get a load of this bagholder

>> No.12198125

You can block trackers on firefox with that supporting that pedophile transphobe Eich brainlet shill

>> No.12198164

where is the HOLDING VALUE Imbecile.

>> No.12198185

THERES no value in brave

>> No.12198268

the value is on the attention of the user muther fucker why why ineed to xplain this !!! look for pbc last month an look at this month mother fucker you know nothign NOTHING!!!...even at 1.72 the token is valuead 10 to 14 times higher than now...wtf!!! look at the sentiment look at the social penetration of this shit token...it will be huge you will fomo as always when the ath is 2.7 youll buy at 2.0...if and only IF you catch the fomo ...bitch....

>> No.12198312

That makes no sense you meth head. Your chance to get rich off bat has faded, theres no value in Bat being over 15 cents.

>> No.12198324

PBCPBCPBCPBC you know nothing imbecile...stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.12198398
File: 35 KB, 500x517, Du5ASL2UYAABVFI.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine following that pajeet scammer teeka muh golden bull run in 2018 fuck off retard