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12180296 No.12180296 [Reply] [Original]

Why has the pickup industry collapsed in recent years?

>> No.12180319

Pickup industry?

>> No.12180322

tinder + online dating

>> No.12180323
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The blackpill more or less killed PUA.

>> No.12180327
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>> No.12180339

Because PUA is a scam and most women these days are not cool with getting unwanted flirtations from men they've never met before

>> No.12180345

??? It's easy to get women without trying though. Just be attractive.

>> No.12180534

Its doable but it takes a pretty big investment to get some pussy especially in the beginning

>> No.12180557

wow it's almost like if you give the woman no information to go off of other than a few pictures, she's going to choose the more attractive man every time
if youre not at least a 7/10, online dating is not for you. you've got to get to know a girl first in a platonic sense, get her attracted to your personality, then make your move. It's impossible to be as instantly attracted to a personality as it is to be instantly attracted to physical traits.

>> No.12180563

Because roasties have degenerated to the point of not even being worth it for degenerates

>> No.12180573

The Ford F-150 went aluminum.

>> No.12180591

because you'll be charged with sexual harrasment/rape if you did anything remotely similar to pua's while being fugly

>> No.12180629

But RSD just keeps growing?

>> No.12180654

Short pua
Long mgtow

>> No.12180676

This desu.

Meeting and chatting up strangers in person is extremely inefficient and also takes a significant amount of work for someone not skilled to pull off.

So yeah you could spend an afternoon walking around a mall trying your "skills", approach 40 women, get 20 numbers, 5 respond, and 2 go to dates, who happen to be mall trash anyways.

Or you could go on The League and get matched up with top tier women and have a date pretty easy.

>> No.12180700

How is the league? I’ve debated using it but it seems like nothing but gold diggers (I know know all women are gold digging roasties).

>> No.12180909

Tinder only really works well for a tiny fraction of men (basically the top 10-20% with good faces), the rest doesn't get any pussy online.

The reality is that a large chunk of millenial men have just given up and just play video games and masturbate to porn, basically full MGTOW.
Zoomer boys are even worse because they are more feminized and autistic (when they are not straight up trannies).

The final point is that the whole TRP/PUA thing basically wrote everything that could be written about the whole thing during more than a decade.

>> No.12180933


>> No.12180941

>Why has the pickup industry collapsed in recent years?
#me-too & "victim" anonymity in date rape trials

>> No.12180953

>The reality is that a large chunk of millenial men have just given up
yeah taht would be me Im a 30 year old boomer and was into this PUA shit in my 20s. banged a bunch of girls and spent countless hours studyin this shit, going out etc. I thought I was the boss until one night I went to a nightclub with a legit chad. his game was literally just standing tehre waiting to be approached and he mocked me for being too agressive "you just gotta lean back and let them come to you bro". it broke my spirit and Ive been pretty much a volcel since then.

>> No.12180976

>Meeting and chatting up strangers in person is extremely inefficient
pua is meant to abrogate this tho, if done correctly.

>> No.12181094
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>Or you could go on The League and get matched up with top tier women and have a date pretty easy
Sure if you're a top tier chad. The rest of us simply won't ever get laid in this new climate of dating apps.

>> No.12181165
File: 55 KB, 636x382, Degrasse Tyson Rape Victims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because even you nerds are serial raping women nowadays. There are almost no good men left.

>> No.12181182
File: 20 KB, 480x360, Rapists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are almost no good men left.

When you can't even trust your childhood heroes...

>> No.12181291


Wouldn't this create a large number of single mothers?

This isn't backed up by census data

>> No.12181341

Because we're waiting for Westworld-like AI sexbots.
Also, RSD Julien killed pickup with Transformation Mastery. All PUA tells you that you're basically missing something if you're not getting laid. Transformation Mastery makes you happy with the life you have.

>> No.12181366

Didnt he claim that he supposedly made hundrets of millons of dollars with his programs? Is he larping ?

>> No.12181385


>> No.12181427

I don't buy it.

>> No.12181444

>Not torrenting all PUA material

>> No.12181458
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This is going straight into my (((women))) folder, thanks.

>> No.12181708

#metoo killed PUA.

>> No.12181769
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#metoo was 100% rich Hollywood liberal men getting fucked. They represent the exact opposite of what PUA espouses.

>> No.12182175

PUA is still out there and thriving, it's just had to adapt over the years, the business end is still primarily targeting autistic young males. I think the red pill about women has basically spread throughout the internet, so that the average male is much more wary of this shit - even if he's not truly red-pilled in any meaningful sense.

>> No.12182214

this is the virgin generation

>> No.12182255
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PUA here, banged 6 chicks in past month, 4 from online. The PUA industry isn't dead, the quality of information available is better than ever before but it has gone more underground. In the Me Too era pickup is not politically correct and being associated is not cool. If you look in the right places the guys who are good are better than ever and their information is top notch, it's not unusual for guys to bang hundreds of women from PUA. Guy in picture just cracked 1000 and is a coach, bangs over a hundred a year for past 6 years.

>> No.12182269

nawh 1/3 are gay if you havent heard

>> No.12182298
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Because women are a waste of time.

>> No.12182320

you know what i wondered the same thing for a while.

I been a member of the top invite private torrent trackers for PU material and there was a serious decline in quality material, and its like the old "gurus" are not making anything anymore.

I known about this stuff for at least 15 years, studied some of it but never applied it cause i had a LTR with a gf that ended up cheating.

Now im trying to put all the top stuff in a quality app format that makes sense when you're out in the streets so you can pickup girls. I'm a bit ugly so online game is not an option for me, i opened a tinder and got legit 0 matches for a couple months so i deleted it.

>> No.12182351

Your best bet is to hit on ugly/fat girls. If you're ugly then any attractive girl will be creeped out by you coming onto them

>> No.12182405

>Guy in picture just cracked 1000
I'm sure he has valid proof of this and surely wouldn't just be bullshitting to shill his crappy course, yes?

>> No.12182443
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all this whilst wearing make up. some women really overestimate their worth compared to the men they rate down.

>> No.12182471

it just feels all rigged
and even if I manage to score some ugly girl I don't want to hang around her
after all I leanerd I won't ever love again

>> No.12182483

banging 2 different broads per week, every week of the year is gonna leave you with some vicious std's. i cant even imagine what his microbiome is like.

>> No.12182484
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> thousand flaps stare
I understand conquering countries and impregnating women
Being loyal and form a family is okay too
...but being a roastie manwhore...dunno man
I had that phase desu, did some numbers.. it didn't make me happy
felt like an insurance agent cold calling for pussy

>> No.12182497

He has a Facebook group with several thousands and regularly posts pictures of the chicks he has smashed, he is well known, my friend went out with him and saw him pull 2 3somes with his bisexual gf in one night, said it blew his mind, another friend of mine learned from in Vegas in 2013, they lived in a mansion together, he has been with 300 women now and I've seen him pull and bang 3 chicks in 24 hours in Vegas.

>> No.12182532

I feel that personal coaches should do just fine, if not better than ever. I mean i would love for someone to say when I'm being autistic and what i should pay attention to.

How exactly selling programs works I have no idea. i feel though that making some gimmick should help you sell stuff and people should still buy it.

Tinder may be the biggest factor though. However blackpilled you are if you are not aiming for super high numbers i imagine you can do something with it. a profile with extremely good lighting + one in nature + one having fun with some attractive people should get you some swipes. I don't really get people complaining that girls swap attractive guys. If women can use tricks to get some attractive shots why can't you?

>> No.12182551

He pays hookers and small-time actresses to act interested and feign that he "banged" them. Fucking lol.

Women only care about looks. Be a hunky Chad or you'll never know what it is to be actually lusted after by just standing around. Women are horny as fuck, but only for 2-5% of men.

>> No.12182584

Lol imagine being this ugly/gay. I've fucked 50+ bitches on tinder, and whenever I go out, I usually go home with a different girl. I don't even hit the gym. I'm a fucking 23 year old unemployed college freshman prior military, spends 15 hours a day playing vidya, and I get more pussy than you faggots. Jesus christ.

>> No.12182753

are you attractive? if so, you just got lucky on the genetic lottery, there's nothing skillful about that.