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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12178435 No.12178435 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf just happened.

I have a Revolut card with £0.50 on it, but thought I had more. Bought £50 of shopping in Tesco, and it went through. Checked my Revolut and it just says "insufficient balance, transaction declined".

What's going to happen

>> No.12178441

You will be arrested for wire fraud

>> No.12178450

Your bennies are going to get slashed

>> No.12178464

you win. tesco won't get paid

>> No.12178487

UK sounds comfy

Anglos are so wrapped up in their appeals to "sensibility" and bureaucracy that they create more loopholes than they fix. You can literally break into a place and trespass and not even get arrested because it's a civil matter.

>> No.12178497

You beat the system Anon

>> No.12178520

Heading to the nearest Lambo dealer now to try it again

>> No.12178545

Very nice let us know what colour you get