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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 382 KB, 678x557, CC31BD22-D895-44BD-8922-6F24F6518446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12177632 No.12177632 [Reply] [Original]

What does it say about the state of the USA if major infrastructure projects need private funding by donations to be implemented? And how much money could someone made by creating his own campaign? Is a 5% cut possible?


>> No.12177644 [DELETED] 

Step 1: Create a MEW address or Install Metamask. I recommend using the Chrome Version.

Step 2: Go to https://multomox.com since they're the ones running the Crypto.com MCO Bounty Program

Step 3: Make sure ETH is available in your MEW/Metamask account. You can Exploit the Multomox TOS by using multiple Metamask accounts. I'll explain in a moment

Step 4: Participate in the Multomox bounty and when you receive your MCO, sell them ASAP on any exchange. Sell MCO for ETH.

Step 5: Send your ETH to A NEWLY GENERATED ETH ADDRESS. Multomox only lets you participate once UNLESS you use a new ETH address.

Step 6: Participate in the Multomox Bounty again, and repeat steps 4 and 5 until all 500,000 MCO are taken.

There's approx 358,000 MCO left as of 4PM EST. Take advantage quick if you want to survive.

This is a rare opportunity to live out your NEET dreams.

>> No.12177995
File: 199 KB, 500x349, totallyclearsthepresident.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12178143

it says that trump is a neocon cuckold who betrayed us

>> No.12178165

its eitehr that or the deep state is so powerful that even the president cant do shit about it. either way were pretty fucked.

>> No.12178274

It means that ancap is our only hope.

>> No.12178284

Also be careful before donating, plenty of faggots take advantage of foundraisers.

>> No.12178313

No shit you fucking mouth breather

>> No.12178344

who hurt you

>> No.12178362


>> No.12178466

He is a goddamn cuck.
Muh roads, muh hospitals...if people crowdfunded the entire infrastructure themselves, we would pay about 1/4 of the taxes.
Like UK anon recently posted 88% of taxes went to gibs.

>> No.12178483

It's not that the US can't afford it. Congress does not want a wall because it does not want a reduction in illegal immigration, because donors do not want it either. They have to keep up appearances for elections, but they don't really want to stop it. People are trying to raise money to go around Congress, but Congress will find one way or another to prevent it from being built, even if people raised 10B, they would refuse to do the necessary land use authorizations. The military will refuse to work around congress and the judiciary will block any such workaround anyway.

>> No.12178500

It means the market does things more efficiently, both financially and the amount of time it takes to do things. This isn't a representation of the USA, this is a representation of the free market providing desired services, products, or in this case, infrastructure, in a far more efficient manner than government. Capitalism will always win. Capitalism will always provide.

>> No.12178525

People pooling resources to make something happen = socialism
One fat oligarch blocking the movement of thousands with his money = capitalism

>> No.12178607

socialism=the centralized governing authority using threats of violence to extort money from every one "for the good of society".

capitalism=a voluntary association between mutually consenting individuals to exchange goods and services.

Ignore the "social" part of "socialism" it is extremely misleading to people who dont know any better.

>> No.12178640

Here's how it will go: the wall will have to go over some Indigenous land. At this point the Ford Foundation, Soros Foundation, etc. will start funneling money to Indigenous activists to protest this land acquisition, at which point the matter will be sent over to the Judiciary, who will either side with the activists or decline to resolve the matter until Trump is out of office, at which point the next Democratic administration will take power and abolish ICE. This will be spun as a great moral victory for Democracy against bigotry and hate and the whole wall thing will be forgotten.

>> No.12178649

>Betrayed us
If you didnt see it from the get go, I cant help you. Still miles better than Hillary though.

>> No.12178749

desu you can flip the label any way you want
but to the very core
The rule of society (people) vs. the rule of Capital ((((2%)))
socialism as you describe it is closer to capitalism. Centralized authority only enforces the law, those few with capital are creating it

>> No.12178784

i saw him change demeanor as soon as he went to the white house and then when all his appointments was neocon kike swampcreatures from the bush era i realized it was over

>> No.12178807

What you commie faggots dont get us under capitalism you're allowed to work together and under socialism you're a slave and are forced to work with whoever on whatever the government says

>> No.12178812

probably this am burger can confirm

>> No.12178836

Every public project should be funded by private donations fucking commie

>> No.12178854
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The wall is seriously the stupidest thing in existence. I've been to an ivy league (came from shitty area before the COPE starts) so know a lot of rich/successful people. None of them care about illegal immigrants, at all.

So what if it costs a bit in taxes, no one who actually pays this shit cares (apart from maybe boomers).

SO what if they take jobs? They're taking all the shit no one wants to do, and frankly if you can't compete with them after having a proper education and then screech instead of improving yourself they deserve to be here more then you.

Don;t even mean this ironically. Drumpfies are either pathetic (the younger ones) or selfish cancers (the old ones)

>> No.12178938

That's great if you're above average in intelligence. The moment the immigrants are smart enough to match your intelligence level, you lose your job. Cause they're willing to work for less than you are. Companies will even hire less competent workers as lomg as they're cheaper. They compensate with hiring more of them. As long as there are still a small amount of high intelligence people managing the tards, things kinda hold together for a while. Just that the original people are displaced (jobless), the quality of the work goes down and social tensions escalate exponentially.

>> No.12178944

>SO what if they take jobs? They're taking all the shit no one wants to do
Nope. They are legally enforced into the top management positions

>> No.12178977

>The wall is seriously the stupidest thing in existence. I've been to an ivy league (came from shitty area before the COPE starts) so know a lot of rich/successful people. None of them care about illegal immigrants, at all.
of course not. they get gardeners, landscapers, maids and cheap labor. its the working class that bears the brunt of it while the rich white liberals and jews stay in their gated majority white communities

>> No.12179033

Yeah this is an issue for immigrants from india or similar. But the beaners only do manual jobs (the stuff no one wants to do ). If you can't btfo them with an American education, you are either a waste of space who shouldn't be here or genuinely mentally challenged and should be supported by the government.

When they have kids I see no reason they shouldn't receive an education and compete for the desirable jobs, if their parents paid their taxes and worked the shitty jobs most Americans are too lazy for.


>> No.12179037

>Companies will even hire less competent workers as lomg as they're cheaper.
Haha this. I do the outsourcing/offshoring calculations for a fortune 100. We will hire 5 pajeets over 1 burger because it's cheaper. Maybe the code isn't as clean but pajeets are yes men and it still gets done.

This, and anyone that argues with you has not worked for a large corporation. AA was bad enough, but now corps are incentivized to overreact in order to not get sued. Hence all the fucking harassment, discrimination, and equality training.

>> No.12179077

Are you blind? I grew up with black people, mexicans and whitey in a shitty town. Saw all sorts of degeneracy, it's common to all races and way more to do with money/education than le niggers are dumb argument.

>> No.12179084

This post is absolutely spot on. It really shows that wealth doesn’t equal intelligence when people say shit like “i know rich people and they dont care about immigrants”. Probably because they don’t have to live near them. Fucking retarded. When I make it, a gated community will be on the list, let me tell you.

>> No.12179186
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>hurr dey just need mo gibs mang

IQ is not a perfect measure of intelligence, but it's a predictor for basically every measure of success you can come up with, and the best metric we have. Of course there are outliers, but if you are suggesting that someone with a 75 IQ has the same chances to be wealthy as someone with a 150 IQ you are denying a harsh reality.

>When I make it, a gated community will be on the list, let me tell you.
You can move to some south american countries with 2 mil and live like a fucking king if you feel so inclined. Depending on how fucked things get here, I may jump ship to argentina and live off my 6%.

>> No.12179245
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Tell me. How well did you do in HS? Where did you go to college? How much money do you have? What's your job?

>> No.12179314

You need a way to incentivize people to pay themselves. Maybe being banned from or subject to heavy tolls while using infrastructure you didn't contribute to would work.

>> No.12179358

>public university
Not sure why any of that matters though, I never claimed to be clever or successful or actually anything.

>> No.12179389

> lol
what is google? what is msft?
lol, have fun wasting 200k on your degree, while Sanjay Gupta gets the CEO position ;)

>> No.12179419
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Lets just say I've met very few non-retarded/incel/losers with this view.

Tell me, if I invest $100, it increases by 10% yearly for 10 years before decreasing by $100, what is the percentage gain?

>> No.12179435
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>Being such a brainlet you think a fortune 500 company will hire an uneducated illegal immigrant over qualified nonwhite Americans because of the ebil ~diversity~

>> No.12179484

You are short sighted brainlet.
The same as a boomer.
Uneducated illegal immigrant's children will be guided by nanny state from 0 to the top.
Your stupidity is so colossal that you are unable to learn from recent decade.

>> No.12179542
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Well I'm fairly sure you've lying now. The reason i asked was cause the only people who spout this shit are utter failures who shouldn't be in America.

Improve yourself instead of screeching about other people working on themselves.

>> No.12179606

I’m fairly liberal but am willing to vote for border security. Thing is a physical wall is the most brainlet, ineffective solution imaginable. I hate orange man supporters not because they’re conservative but because they’re retarded af.

>> No.12179686

I only hire the best, I don't give a fuck who or where they are. If you such a master race boi then why so worried? You're on biz, dipshit.

And if you want some special protection against other people taking your job I recommend Cuba or NK.

>> No.12179702

What it says is that a lot of us elected Trump specifically because he's been the only one with the balls to say screw this, shut down that leaky border.

Meanwhile, the Democrats, and also the Republicans whose business interests benefit from cheap labor, have colluded to keep the flow of illegals chugging through to the detriment of middle class America.

So, what it says is that people with honor are telling Congress that if they're going to piss on such an important national security issue by simply refusing to fund it, we'll personally dig a little deeper so you can't use that as an excuse. Anything we threw out there financially to build a border wall, we'd make back several times over in the reduction in benefits we're paying to illegal immigrants. Federal law (Plyler v. Doe) says we have to fund education for every illegal immigrant kid that sets foot in this country. Democrats say we have to provide them with all sorts of benefits if they make it past the border. Not to mention, if they claim "asylum" because they are moving from a shithole country to a decent one, we're supposed to pay a ton of legal costs to challenge it or just wave them on through and take them on as dependents.
I'm strongly in favor of merit-based, legal immigration. But I'd check a box to send my entire 2018 tax payment to building a wall and not a dime of it to any other Federal program.

>> No.12179725

>1.3 million
It's up to 5 million and it's been less than 4 hours lmao

>> No.12179744

Whatever happened to the Mexicans? All you cucks voted for him because he promised you they will pay for it. Now what? You learned your lesson? Obviously not.You're gonna vote the next empty shell to the throne with your "meme magic". No surprise, Trumpets and LINK holders are the same retards.

>> No.12179758

>not the response I wanted you're lying!
Nice cope, coulda called it.
What are you going on about? Just over 59%, unless you were being intentionally vague so you can pull some dumb shit with semantics.

>> No.12179770

Hiring on merit. That's how it should be. But that's not what gov enforces.
You try to imply that biz and politics are not interdependent. Nice.
In my country, the univ. admissions are purely based on the test score.
Meanwhile in the US...

>> No.12179775

Sorry, but the numbers aren't in your favor, bro.

Everywhere it's been tried, US or otherwise, physical barriers are a good investment. Israel reduced their illegal border crossings by 99%. Huge areas of the southern U.S. border have seen entire cities with 70%+ reductions in illegal immigration, and a thriving tax base with fewer illegal immigrant kids taking up $6200/year each in public school costs and countywide social welfare programs having cost reductions of over 85% one year after a border wall went up nearby.

Physical borders not only work, they're the only thing that works. Now to close down the holes.

>> No.12179780

eating burritos while listening to historias my madre knows good sir

>> No.12179786
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>but who will build the roa-

>> No.12179795

of becoming the next somalia

>> No.12179807
File: 7 KB, 250x246, benshapiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fucking retarded
illegal immigrants do not come from over border on foot, they come from plane and overstay their visa, this is where 80% of illegals come from

get them OUT OUT OUT but don't be a fucking moron and waste money

>> No.12179830

>illegal immigrants do not come from over border on foot
A nice lie but not reality. Over 20,000 people were caught coming on foot in ONE MONTH.


>> No.12179837
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>is not made by trump
>they even are showing aTrump pic
Are people this retarded? how about making the nigger you elected as president build the fucking wall he literally promised?

>> No.12179857

Need Congressional and Senate approval. Unfortunately we have "checks and balances" against national defense. Trump got the Wall funding into the bill. Dems said no. He could try to force it but they'd impeach him over some technicality. We need to stop the insanity in the country before we can do anything.

>> No.12179873

Israel and Southern US are geographically not comparable. You regurgitating talking points from orange man makes me question your intelligence.

>> No.12179920

You’re the insane one. Like you unironically expect an old demented orange idiot who ran for presidency for the sole purpose of free publicity is actually competent enough to get shit done

>> No.12179991

It's not the rule of society, it's mob rule led by an elite few

Socialism is not voluntary, socialism is the application of force to prevent private ownership.

>> No.12179999

>"He did his part. Your people blocked him."
A fine mindset my dude

>> No.12180013

If you bring in millions of retarded, violent people from South America you will turn the US into a third world country

>> No.12180036
File: 104 KB, 1478x1454, brainlet helipad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drive down the wages of low education jobs with immigration
>wtf why does nobody want to do these jobs welp guess we need more immigrants

I think you're better off dropping out with that intellect

>> No.12180048

it means no one gives a shit about that wall in the gov, my little autist

>> No.12180052

There is no way you get anything done regardless who you elect. Any president elected would be unable to tackle the major issues because too many people rely on the state.

This will continue until the dollar collapses

>> No.12180073

>he did his part
>unironically thinks that’s enough
>thinks US is a dictatorship
>what is compromise and negotiation
Yeah you are a retard

>> No.12180084

What negotiation is possible when a significant proportion of the country want to dilute whites with brown immigration

>> No.12180120
File: 50 KB, 585x371, 1545329068002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but you just gotta give them stuff!
1. No. They won't make a deal, we need them OUT of office. Their whole career depends on stopping this country from being secure.

>b-but you just gotta GIVE. THEM. STUFF.
Reagan's Amnesty Act of 1986. We already gave them full amnesty for 4,000,000 illegals in exchange for full border security. After they got the amnesty they made California blue for the rest of this country's existence (it was heavy red beforehand) and they blocked the border security. Why wouldn't they? They had what they wanted and honor means nothing to them.

>> No.12180148

People in socialism owned land and real estate
> 50% cost refund from the state if you have built house yourself
> "free" and accessible healthcare. Surely debatable, but if you had a health problem you went to doc and got examined within a week
> lower taxes
> 0% interest homebuying loans for young couples
that was socialism in practice
surely far from the ideal, but not as demonic as propaganda claims

>> No.12180167

In case you’re not aware of this yet, the fact that cons controlled all three branches and still haven’t built a wall should tell you that the wall is a bad idea for this country. If you want a wall so badly go start your own nation and tax your own citizens for it. Or better yet take personal responsibility for putting yourself in a situation where you’re competing against uneducated illegal immigrants who are willing to pick in the fields for less than minimum wage. Or just kys

>> No.12180191

If the illegal immigrant's children are born and educated here, then they're Americans and will be just as qualified as the next person. Your own failings and insecurities blind you.

>> No.12180193

Nordic "socialism" was probably the peak of humanity in the late 20th century when it was 100% white and the employment rate was near 100%, there were even a couple years with not a single murder if i recall correctly

Obviously now Sweden is a laughing stock because pension systems and urbanization destroyed the population pyramid and the people that were supposedly going to "stabilize" it actually just want to rape kids and collect unemployment benefits, the rest are stagnant and getting worse except Norway that manages to stay somewhat isolated from the EU and has found oil.

>> No.12180198

Hate to break it to you but the Bush era wall still has several eminent domain lawsuits pending.
Trumps wall is not going to be built according to his vision.

>> No.12180227

It says that taxes all go to gibs.

>> No.12180239

>controlled all three branches
lmao no they didn't, McCain and Flake are not Republicans. They actively voted against every measure to make American lives better and only vote for queers and invasions.

>> No.12180247

Go get a better job and stop blaming the government for your own shortcomings. I can’t even imagine being so down on life that I’m motivated to donate for building a wall that my president promised would be built by Mexico. Pathetic

>> No.12180249

>Here, have all these incentives to break the law! If you break the law we'll make your children have better lives!
Retard alert

>> No.12180270

You disgust me

>> No.12180283
File: 54 KB, 566x480, 1544460057970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Illegals aren't coming over the border, walls are stupid!"
>Actually 20,000 come over a month, as per Border Patrol official numbers
>"Well Trump didn't do his part to build it!"
>Yes he did, Dems blocked it
>We already did this in 1986. Dems don't honor their deals
>"Then you must be unsuccessful in your personal life!"
lmao Happy Hanukkah

>> No.12180288


>> No.12180295

>Cuckservatives talking about honor
Your Daddy is the least honorable person in US history.

>> No.12180310

You’re actually pathetic

>> No.12180312

Hey dummy, I'm saying the illegal immigrants aren't competing for these super well paying VO level jobs, and when I say that their kids are just as educated and qualified as you or your kids, you sperg out. Kindly kys and get this "white genocide" started in earnest.

>> No.12180321

What a Shabbos Goy

>> No.12180326
File: 368 KB, 2048x1365, pitts-column-adv23mi---op-ed-750-words-20161124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ is a socialist shithole
No wonder you're so bad with money

>> No.12180354

>magical fantasy socialist wishlist

It's almost as if you are under 18

Governments do not make money, they distribute and waste money. Socialism always and will forever collapse because forced collectivism is extremely inefficient and corruptible.

Proof? Socialism doesn't exist outside the state. No collectively owned businesses, charities, organizations that are outside the state exist.

The reason why illegal immigrants survive in the US is because of public welfare, education and healthcare.

The US government is subsidizing an ethnic class to wipe out the white working class

>> No.12180364

>more personal attacks when your arguments are beaten
You really dont know that people can see through this now? Normies have been in constant debate for the last 2 years because of people like you. They understand what it looks like when you have no actual remark. You'd never change your views so when you cant back them up you've lost.

>> No.12180395

First of all everyone in the lower level jobs who lose those jobs then re-educate and compete for even higher level jobs, it puts pressure on everyone. Secondly those illegals can easily live their own good life in their own country where they have full citizenship and you don't. No south American country is being invaded or facing major natural disasters, the only thing they're fleeing is living around each other.

>> No.12180397

Liberals are effective liars, and when caught they are resort to snarky comments

>> No.12180412

I can tell your entire political education came from a southpark episode...

>> No.12180443
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>> No.12180457

Lynch kikes and free market worshipers.

>> No.12180468

This is the way it should be done. People who volunteer their money and time to a public project feel more responsible for its success.

>> No.12180530

>in socialism the people has anything to say
sure thing mate, sure thing

i hope you are trolling

>> No.12180532

>I've been to an ivy league (came from shitty area before the COPE starts) so know a lot of rich/successful people. None of them care about illegal immigrants, at all.
Congrats on telling us how little you understand the situation at the southern border you pretentious faggot.

>> No.12180545

This sounds like working for the state of California. Except the people managing the tardis are even more retarded since they promote incompetence up to get rid of them instead of firing them.

>> No.12180586

Goddamn you are such deeply programmed.
The list I wrote was a reality, not a wish.
Aaand surprise...country had zero fucking debt and considerable gold reserves.
I only lived briefly through it, my parents lived their whole life in this system.

>> No.12180624

They had no say, neither they have in current "capitalism".
System was however, more beneficial to the people.

>> No.12180824

I have no interest in trying to change your victim mindset. There’s no debate going here, just shouting meaningless shit opinions. You’re wasting your life on meaningless politics, expecting government to actually be effective on your side all the time, and staying miserable. Haven’t you learned that the only thing worth focusing on is your own life?

>> No.12181275

I'm sure all your ivy league Jewish friends however are in favor of Israel's border control though.

>> No.12182096
