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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12176068 No.12176068 [Reply] [Original]

I am not even sad that I lost 50% in this shit. I am sad that some of you were right all the time and I just wouldn't listen.

>> No.12176081

for anyone still holding REQT.
You can still make gains but only if you move out of REQT. it's a total failure and I doubt it will ever go much above ICO price again. even if we have a golden bull, everything will 100x but reqt will only 3x.

>> No.12176153

never moving out of REQ. its sad everyone is price whore and value project in terms of current price action.

>> No.12176164

i value project in terms of what they have delivered and what is standing now, and for req its a fucking javascript button, and after one complete fucking year they still haven't integrated the most important and easiest coin BTC.

its a failure man stop deluding yourself.

>> No.12176166


I'm in crypto to get rich and don't give a shit about anything else.

Why are you here?

>> No.12176244

>javascript button
yeah, you're just price whore like basically anyone else. if it was 1$ per coin, you would shill this like mad even if the project was in exactly the same state.

you will fail precisely because you don't give a shit. if there are too many people that don't give a shit, the thing will just fall apart and everyone loses except a few lucky ones. you will realize this 10 years from now.

>> No.12176259
File: 146 KB, 1474x681, Abstract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REQT holders are delusional retards, confirmed.

>> No.12176342

says the guy who thinks REQ is just a javascript button and that integrating BTC is important, even though no one is using it for anything except speculation and jerking off to $ value in blockfolio.

>> No.12176456

lmao i don't think BTC integration is important. I do think it's important the team is capable. all that has been done is erasing things from the roadmap lmao. its a totally shit project and anyone who doesn't realize is fucking retarded and wont make it

>> No.12176504

Is there anything sadder than jeets being in total denial.
Anon you dont know anything about the tech, stop lying to yourself. Youre a late adopter moonboy like everyone else in this awful shithole board

>> No.12176515
File: 87 KB, 800x516, IMG_20181220_052719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase is adding it. Why would you sell?

>> No.12176551


>classic early seller
>doesn't believe in tech
>actually plans to sell back to fiat
>forever poor when could have been rich

>> No.12176564

That doesn't really mean anything to me, even if I am all in in req. I'll share my story: I started two years ago with 250 $ and through Tron and Substratum and Req I managed to go up to 1 btc when it was valued at 20k. Then I went in req and now I m at 250$ again. Why am I still in req? Just to suffer the slings and arrows of an outrageous fortune. But this shit will go up for sure. I m not saying i'm gonna hold forever but look the 12h charts and it's basically guaranteed to go up

>> No.12176596

dude its so far in the gutter it can probably only go up, no one can sell for profit anymore at these levels. The problem is no one really wants to buy req anymore cause the team sucks

>> No.12176611

I know this will be met with ridicule, but having a strict roadmap actually makes it less likely to achieve set goals, slows down development and decreases enthusiasm. so yeah, erasing things from roadmap is exactly what they were supposed to do.

>> No.12176634

>it is not a network
>it is a website that connects to blockchain
>the token does not perform any important function in the """"network""""
you can literally copy paste the code and remove the part that charges a fee
which is what someone will eventually do
the appropriate price is zero

>> No.12176660

i just want my money back guys
this shit does not move and btc is rising and this shit still at 0,023666 losing sats everywhere
its time to sell for link and never ever buy this shit again

>> No.12176682
File: 270 KB, 494x913, 1545246295685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still 2 cents

>> No.12176734



>> No.12176773

the ABSOLUTE STATE of Rekties.

>> No.12176804

Why would you invest in a website (not a network) that can be copied and used without the fee? It's not on a blockchain, it's literally just some UI software.

>> No.12176829

I once had $250k worth of REQ

>> No.12177087
