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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12156017 No.12156017 [Reply] [Original]

>work in real estate /biz/
>in the office rn
>customer walks in
>"I want a house in downtown up to 80k"
>Sorry sir, there are no apartments in this price in downtown
>"I want a house in downtown up to 80k"
>We have such houses but they're not in the town center

Why are people like that?

>> No.12156034

what was the customers complexion?

>> No.12156038

>Anon enters /biz/
>Uses a post as personal blog

Why are people like that?

>> No.12156040

This faggot gets it. REAL businesses run on regulations and contracts enforced by courts of LAW, nationally as well as internationally. Holy shit, blockchain ain't shit in a real world usecase.

Why can't you brainlets understand this? OH RIGHT - you never had a REAL job in a corporation above flipping burgers. MBAs, JDs and anyone else who has just a bit of edumacation you sorely lack, understands this and is laughing their ass off about crypto.

>> No.12156042

"we will let you know as soon as something like this becomes available"

>> No.12156047

>Why are people like that?
You're my only friends.

>> No.12156055

These are the people who keep repeating the same Google search even though it's not getting them the right results

>> No.12156065


Was he a boomer?

>> No.12156066

Nah, pretty sure you have someone else in the physical word.

>> No.12156073

>Was he a boomer?

>> No.12156221

>Why are people like that?
Well people are usually estate agents because they failed to apply themselves in education and are intellectually lacking so they work in sales as useless parasitical cost increasers. Surely there is literally no need for estate agents in this day and age.

>> No.12156240

>work in real estate
>think you can still set prices in a bear market
>get offended when someone offers you 70% of the asking price after 9 months on the market

>> No.12156308

>works in real estate
>thinks asking price is the measure of what a property is worth
>doesn't understand that a property is only worth what someone is prepared to pay for it, and as such someone "lowballing" might actually make you want to reconsider if your seller's crazy lambo dreams are actually realistic
Anon, change your career

>> No.12156331


I have spent the last 6 months looking for houses and agents are more than happy to list your house at whatever bullshit pie in the sky price the owner dreams of. They inevitably don't sell and the boomer retards just throw away 10s of thousands of dollars

>> No.12156336

how do you do it, anon?

>> No.12156341

should have asked them what monthly payment they were looking for and get them an interest only mortgage.

>> No.12156514
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>they failed to apply themselves in education and are intellectually lacking so they work in sales as useless parasitical cost increasers
Not everyone's a winner.