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File: 186 KB, 720x1187, Capture+_2018-12-18-08-28-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12155346 No.12155346 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Wall Street . Do you think its worth it to bet against the pound since #noDeal brexit will happen in march ? Need answers .
No NPCs programmed by Farage or Moog allowed ,screeching "brexit means brexit" "leave means leave " .

>> No.12155384

May means May

>> No.12155395

>EU has more to loose than UK from no deal

Delusional. UK imports more from EU than vice versa.

>> No.12155400

>The only exporter in the world is the EU
Give Junker my regards next time you're sucking his dick

>> No.12155408

It wont crash, every possible fear is priced in.
GBP holding its value its actually bullish af

>> No.12155417
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Fuck the EU

>> No.12155420
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how does this affect the tendies market

>> No.12155423

it will go up

>> No.12155428

will I still be able to get tendies with my good boy points?

>> No.12155441

I watched the pound and since they announced that they'll leave , pound went from 1.3 to 1.1 against the euro . my prediction is that it will go 0.9 , or 1.

>> No.12155483

If youve made your mind up then why are you asking for advice you dumb cunt.

>> No.12155498

This, the UK inflation is at 2.5%, and sterling falling the BoE will have no choice but to raise rates to keep inflation in check. And that is a bull case.

>> No.12155528

Is that healthy , to raise rates ?

>> No.12155537

After being so low for so long, yes

>> No.12155557

"The European Union has more to lose"
hahahaha oh god the delusion

>> No.12155567

Raising rates on a economy that it'll take a hit ?

>> No.12155597

Describe the 'hit'.

>> No.12155623

#NoDeal means that tarrifs and customs VAT will be reinforced ,lines at borders . Pure madness . That will force the prices to go up , so lotts of bancrupcy , jobs lost and so on .That means a hit .

>> No.12155655

If youre terrified of whats to come then make the shorts you think will work out, just dont expect anyone to call you a genius for it, youre going to lose big, people like you always do.

>> No.12155849

fuck off you spaz

>> No.12156001
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Being THIS retarded...

>> No.12156026

British here. Short the pound. This country is fucked. Moved all my money to euros already.

>> No.12156143

Thought that one through?

>> No.12156378

You're joking, it will definitely crash, there is no doubt about that.

>> No.12156386

Are there any ETF's that short the pound?

>> No.12156446

>Moved all my money to euros already.

Why euros? I mean wouldn't the euro drop in value too as brexit will also be negative for them. Why not USD or gold for example?

>> No.12156450

no deal is not a foregone conclusion.
it's more likely than it ever was, but i'd still put the odds lower than may's deal getting through.

short's doubly risky, as any other outcome will result in a rally.

>> No.12156504


Cause he is a brainlet

>> No.12156537

brexit is mega bullish for the uk, dont listen to the media fud, big players are all-in london and shorting the eu

>> No.12156625

After months and months reading about Deal, No Deal, Remain. I find the conclusion that know ones what will happen

>> No.12156632
File: 146 KB, 640x1136, 0F2E5B3B-676B-4AF6-876F-C1462154A18D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already priced in retard you think you’re the first genius to have this idea? Literally every middle class millennial with a 2.1 degree has asked me: “do you think it’s a good idea to buy USD/EUR before Brexit?”

Fckign sheep

>> No.12156717

When the UK tries to leave, the EU will invade, kill all the livestock, burn all the crops and barns, and force the people to swear allegiance at gun point. Oh wait, that's how America keeps a union.

>> No.12156783

Pound will rise. Tariffs cut, taxes cut, especially business rates, will cause the pound to rise

>> No.12156798

>moving into euros at the moment the ECB pulls the plug on money


>> No.12156815
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 2C773EBF-E429-4240-BBF5-A96727E85CB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... more Poles

>> No.12157369
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Can confirm. Work for big UK manufacturer. We're making more in the run up to brexit than we were two years ago before the referendum, and the order book is full for the next couple of years.
No deal is best deal.

>> No.12157601

I own a business in the UK and if we get a no deal Need it it's going to hugely damage my business and might make it go under. To grow i need to import things from the EU (they don't make them in the UK).

If you think that 20% drop in the value of the currency and potential tarrifs and headaches of importing/exporting is good for the UK they you are either delusional, ignorant or profiting off of economic inefficiency.

It baffles me that a supposed business board can't see this, I'm sure my business isn't unique in this aspect but the government hasn't outlined plans in case of a no deal brexit to give any sort of confidence for businesses.


>> No.12157657

I run a UK business that primarily deals with clients in Germany and NL. Already registered a new business in Estonia and currently moving things there.
Even if the UK stays in the EU:
Fuck them and fuck paying another penny in tax to these arrogant, deluded, victorian times reminiscing, hubris ridden, crooked teeth having, child molesting, pig fucking, fish & chips eating dickwarts with delusions of grandeur. And fuck your ugly queen, may your country burn in riots and your people hunger to serve as an example.

>> No.12157706

I own a business in the UK and export to the US. I couldn’t give a shit about your business and am glad to be leaving this bureaucratic sclerotic ideological undemocratic globalist wasteful piece of shit institution

>> No.12157716

I agree 100% with you. I'm running this business for 3-4 more years, franchising it out and leaving this god forsaken island.

All those insults i don't even consider directed at me, because I don't share anything with 90% of the populace here.

People don't realise perhaps that every English person has this innate superiority complex behind any politeness. The proles on the other hand just have hate and ignorance.

>> No.12157733

Good for you, but you are utterly deluded if you think the UK government by itself doesn't have all of those characteristics.

>> No.12157804


>> No.12157819

godspeed then, bro.
>every English person has this innate superiority complex
which is why I worded my post a little sharper than I usually do. the arrogance oozing from every pore of englishness as such has gotten the better of me

>> No.12157836

>everything priced
lol a fucking talking fire extinguisher

>> No.12158052


The UK pays 12.5% of the entire EU's budget. Most countries are net detractors.

>> No.12158059

>To grow i need to import things from the EU (they don't make them in the UK).
What good is it? I bet you I can find it cheaper outside EU.

>> No.12158069


But you can send 20 million welfare draining negroids back, that'll save you around 2 trillion in the long run.

These people cost at least a million to keep in the nation, EACH

>> No.12158079


You'd probably get lynched for choosing quick profits over the long-term prosperity of your people anyway

>> No.12158090

pound will flash crash and be on parity with the dollar but then go on a run

>> No.12158140
File: 205 KB, 1000x1000, self-feeding+3pt+hitch+wood+chipper+shredder_l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your business is no longer viable.
That's your responsibility, no body else's.
If fighting globalism means your business, a business reliant on globalism, goes under, then that's for the best as it was never a business that creates much value.

>> No.12158183

probably scared he is not going to be able to pay some polak next to nothing in wages

>> No.12158250

Wouldn't the UK lose more poles in a no deal scenario?

>> No.12158311

most have settled now i doubt they will leave unless its hits the fan big time

>> No.12158395

I could buy chink shit that costs less but is 1/10th the quality. Also how can people not understand that if you are importing things china/usa is the other side of the world vs Europe that is just opposite us

>> No.12158772

I traded my GBP for rare pepes. Might re enter when volatility goes back to normal.

>> No.12158930

>it doesnt affect me
>jokes on you fellow brit
FFS you bongs are unaware of other people ,other countrymen , but you are very nationalistic . whats this madness about ? No wonder why everybody hates your guts .

>> No.12158949


>> No.12159147

Based. Bong here, I sell services to Danes and Dutch. My business will lose money and I voted leave because FUCK NIGGERS

>> No.12159168

your new years resolution should be 'think before you post'

>> No.12159224


Guess what?

Brexit wasn't a business decision. It was a straight forward directly democratic vote to gauge the will of the British people.

>> No.12159279


Exactly this. I put all my savings into USD as soon as Brexit vote was confirmed, and about 20% into BTC.

Lol at people only now thinking about this after the pound reduced 44%

>> No.12159477

>If you think that 20% drop in the value of the currency and potential tarrifs and headaches of importing/exporting is good for the UK they you are either delusional, ignorant or profiting off of economic inefficiency.
>It baffles me that a supposed business board can't see this, I'm sure my business isn't unique in this aspect but the government hasn't outlined plans in case of a no deal brexit to give any sort of confidence for businesses.


The EU can happily absorb the impact of a No Deal Brexit. Got to imagine the other financial centres in Europe would be fairly happy at their growth potential once the City of London begins it's exodus.

The EU would rather maintain access to as wide a market as possible, hence why it's negotiated a deal that does so for itself, but it has no reason to concede anything to the UK.

If the choice was between allowing the UK carte blanche over EU freedoms and losing the UK market through a no deal, then its the latter every day of the week.


thing is, when it comes to the "will of the British people", there clearly wasn't any homogeneous consensus (hence the gridlock in Parliament) over what that meant with regards to

>access to the European Single Market
>ending free movement of goods, capital and people
>potentially breaking the Good Friday Agreement
>negotiating a trade deal with the US on poor terms for the UK
>weakening the pound
>moving thousands of jobs and people from London to other parts of Europe

>> No.12159520

What is it that you need made? I’m sure it can get it produced here for you

>> No.12159527




it was reported on BBC Radio 4 news around November that since the referendum 145,000 EU migrants have now left the UK, whilst immigration into the UK from the EU has fallen by 74,000 over the past 2 years.

Conversely, immigration from non-EU countries - particularly India, Pakistan, Nigeria and Turkey has risen by 248,000 - the highest total since 2004.

>> No.12159576

You're aware that by limiting immigration from white, European countries, you're increasing the number of niggers, not decreasing it, right? Holy shit brits really have a hamsterwheel for brain, don't they?

>> No.12159709

Look mate, how can you be so arrogant to say "i'm sure i know your business better than you" to somebody who's livelihood depends on knowing this stuff.

It's a very niche industrial food equipment. For my business there are a couple of british brands that produce it. But they are all dogshit and I wanted the best possible for my biz.

It's not just about availability or possibility, it's about quality. Competition forces british manufacturers to get bettet and consumers benefit from more open markets, even if they only consume stuff domestically.

>> No.12159734

I know an boss of a firm that hires about 20 people and pretty much sells to Europe and he voted leave aswell

>> No.12159771

You don't Brexit, we bankrupt you.

>> No.12159860

I think many of those Brits saying that the EU has more to lose from a no deal Brexit don't realise how much bigger the EU is compared to the UK.

If the UK is gone as a commercial partner, every EU country has another 27 to choose from to re-direct their trade. The UK on the other hand now has to negotiate their way into a trillion trade deals in order to re-direct that same trade. But if that wasn't difficult enough, try doing that with the restriction that you can't make a deal with any of the 27 closest countries to you geographically. Furthermore, given that every country in the world understands how dire their situation is, they will have close to zero negotiating power to get those deals...