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12115069 No.12115069 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill or blackpill me on Warren Buffet.

>> No.12115105

he's right about everything

>> No.12115108 [DELETED] 

Wholesome slow and steady wins the race boomer who is tight with money and played it safe for decades now he’s rich in virtue of being old

I’m not saying he’s not a good investor but it’s mostly down to luck that he’s one of the richest men in the world as opposed to just a very rich man. If he had to do it all again he’d be rich for sure but would almost certainly never have been the richest man on the planet

>> No.12115121

Wholesome slow and steady wins the race boomer who is tight with money and played it safe for decades now he’s rich in virtue of compound interest + being old

I’m not saying he’s not a good investor but it’s mostly down to luck that he’s one of the richest men in the world as opposed to just a very rich man. If he had to do it all again he’d be rich for sure but would almost certainly never have been the richest man on the planet

>> No.12115126

He had 340,000$ at the age of 13 years old.

>> No.12115132

>If he had to do it all again he'd be rich for sure
What does he know that we don't? Smart & well researched?

>> No.12115139 [DELETED] 

Citation please

>> No.12115146

Citation please.

>> No.12115160

He has $80,000,000,000, but lives like he only has a $8,000 p/y pension.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.12115169

lol and what would you do with all that money?

>> No.12115177

Very evil Jew who is in bed with big pharma to peddle diabetes

>> No.12115179

Extremely smart and most likely pretty lucky. He seems very self-aware, e.g. admits he doesn't understand tech and that's why he (mostly) doesn't invest in it. Read his annual shareholder letters if you want to learn from him. You won't learn much from his interviews as they're all targeted at financial brainlets.

>> No.12115183

I'd move to NYC or LA and be a fucking GOD.

Certainly wouldn't be living in Nebraska in middle-class income driving a 10 year old car.

>> No.12115201

He's in mostly cash right now

>> No.12115205

Might also see how much I can push the boundaries of what I can make people do for money.

>> No.12115211

>You won't learn much from his interviews as they're all targeted at financial brainlets
Have this problem with Mark Spitznagel and Nassim Taleb, the interviewers are always smooth brained. Just have to read their writings

>> No.12115215

Not everyone wants your lambos and hoes normie dream lifestyle. He does own a private jet, spends a lot of money on personal security etc. Enjoying a somewhat modest lifestyle doesn't make him an idiot.

>> No.12115234

He didn't invest in microsoft even though bill gates shilled it to him in the early 90s.

>> No.12115260

Unless you are billionaire retail investing is a loosing game. Real money is made in Private Equity / M & A / LOB / Venture Capital. 5x-10x and in some cases 20x-100x are common. For some fucked up reason “accredited investors” (this status is based on existing wealth, not on a exam testing investing knowledge) are not invited.

Most of the money WB is via private equity except in few cases. He buys undervalue companies, improve efficiencies and get preferred dividends or exits. This is institutional investing at a highest level. Just like University is a meme to keep middle class debt-slave and wage-slave, Index/value investing is a meme unless applied at institutional level with big money. Besides all those index funds shareholding companies re killing shareholder-activism again unless you are a billionaire.

So be refpilled, learn value investment and ratios, but be assured that you are playing a game with a tiny tiny capital and informational asymmetry which institutional investors like Buffet has.

Invest your time in a business that would generate 20-30% yield and forces you to learn a real skill even if it fails. Also invest your time with your family and friends and pets. Time is most important currency you have. And yes invest some in some selected crypto, if you are not “accredited”

>> No.12115326
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He will die like any other Human being .

>> No.12115957

a real investor. /biz/ gamblers hate him for that

>> No.12115983

Based post

>> No.12116018
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4channel? It's me, Warren.

Go all-in DOGE.

>> No.12116215

ok senpai
do you like crypto kitties?

>> No.12116278

Redpill, he studies tons to make his investments and has an indepth understanding of corporations and how you should value them giving him an edge on the market
Blackpill is that he started investing his money at a young age when the indexes were low, all the money he made is because of unprecedented economic growth and you are unlikely to repeat his strategy and make it in todays envoirment.

He's litterly just a statistical deviation from the norm, anyone could have done the same with little effort had they started when he did. Except that most people did not, which makes him a little smarter but nothing special.

>> No.12116295

Patient and smart man. He probably owns a few btc lowkey

>> No.12116345
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This is the only kitty game I enjoy whole-heartedly. I was devastated when Nintendo announced they were only bringing Catz 2 to the Nintendo DS.

>> No.12116365

The guys pretend he studies a lot before investing.

I think it is a lie, and he mostly have good foresight.

So it is better for the normies to accept that he litterally is million times better than them.

Other than that among the richest of the planet, he might be the less worse. Way less evil than Roth and his friends.

Maybe he didn't have to kill people to get this rich.

Maybe he didn't even fuck and kill little children and drink their blood.

>> No.12116375

(million times richer than them).

>> No.12116468

t. npc

>> No.12116496

Warren Buffet's dirty little secret is that he invests in companies that have no or very little competition. Another dirty little secret is that he benefited greatly from government actions such as bailouts and blocking the oil pipeline construction. Obama admin blocked the pipeline construction and suddenly Buffet's railroad transport company that he bought got influx of customers.
Croniest deal in my opinion was the backdoor bailout that Goldman Sachs received. Buffet invested 5 billion in Goldman which was waiting payout from AIG for the credit default swaps(CDS) that it bought. CDS is kind of insurance where the buyer of CDS gets paid if eg mortgage gets defaulted. Goldman bought lot of these "insurances" on mortgages that they knew would default. AIG who was selling these "insurances" was not putting any money on the side in case of defaults, because their CDS show was a scam too. AIG would have gone bust, if it would not have received bailout and take Goldman Sachs with it, since it would not have received the "insurance" money. Warren Buffet was one who lobbied personally for the bailouts. So instead of losing 5 billion that he invested, he made over 3 billion dollars of profit.
You got ol' Warren to thank for the continuing existence of the one of the croniest companies in America.

>> No.12116524

he's satoshi

>> No.12116640

this and more. He has connections and information that very few have access to so he MAKES his investments successful. Any above average IQ below average morals Mr.Mediocrity can do as well with he does, with those connections and info.

>> No.12116818
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>> No.12116869
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>> No.12117219

if you start saving when you are 6 years old you can afford to retire

>> No.12117255

look into Offut Air Force Base and Warren Buffet's presence and activities there on the morning of 9/11 if you want the real Warren Buffet blackpill

>> No.12117276

legit millionaire
soft insider trading beyond that

>> No.12117342

but also, consider young Warren got his start misrepresenting himself as a company so he could sell his pinball machines
literally same strategy as 2017 ICO scammers and their partnerships. fake it till you make it. warren buffett is a 20th century justin sun

>> No.12117345


>> No.12117377

this is the only way to do it, venture capital is extremely wholesome investing too. buying at a value is actually significantly more important here as well since the margins are only cents on the dollar but could mean a full third or half of your investment (or more). this is really the only way a small fry investor could make decent money with starting 4 figures

find one good microcap company you are convinced will succeed, and dump money into it that you've already written off. the difference between that and speculating is whether or not you properly audit the sector and the company members

>> No.12117489

There's more than 20 years of Berkshire meetings on youtube