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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12090120 No.12090120[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>his girlfriend/wife/partner has had previous sexual partners before him
>still thinks he's ganna make it

>> No.12090142
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Go back to /v/ with this incel virgin insecure garbage.

This is /biz/.

>> No.12090158

They did another study that shows most of them lost their virginity to other men as bottoms as well. Interesting to say the least.

>> No.12090185

My wife unitonically hadn't.

Had to use numbing cream on her hymen first time we had sex because it was too painful lol

>> No.12090327

>implying you are not a virgin

>> No.12090546

Ok mohammed

>> No.12090593

i love these threads just for the butthurt betas trying hard to convince everyone else they're not sore about getting sloppy seconds
literally the same pic and two sentences every time, but the pain is real and anons can't help but be triggered

>> No.12090599

>he's literally alone forever
>still thinks he's gonna make it

>> No.12090615
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It was only a handjob and she says he didn't come

>> No.12090621


How big is your benis?

>> No.12090736

>graduate university
>Get offered good job far away
>Take it as it's super lucky opportunity, gonna have to be long distance with gf for a while but she'll understand
>Tells me to go
>2 weeks in she won't stop crying, begging me to come back etc
>Decide it was worth it for her. Quit my job and move back
>She is still in school because she's a fucking idiot and had to do a 5th year
>I'm unemployed now, but still supporting myself with savings
>Applying to jobs everyday while learning software development on the side.
>Back for only 1 month until she starts bitching ay me for not having a job. The city we live in has basically no industry in my field
>Try to explain but she just gets mad, basically calling me a loser
>All this and she's always been horrible with money, in huge debt, always wasting money going out to eat, etc.
>Also have been training shitcoins every day during last year's bullrun, but kept it secret
>Finally make over 100k, gonna suprise her with a trip to Iceland
>Night before tell her I'm coming over the next morning, gonna suprise her
>Next morning she's not answering me
>Bus to her place anyway
>When I get off I see her walking by the stop, she doesn't see me, with some other guy with his arm around her.
>Freak out confront her
>She tells me it's not the same since I left my job for her and moved back
>Doesn't really feel anything for me anymore and wants to break up
>Fast forward a year of constant applying and I still don't have another job

At least I didn't tell her about the shitcoins... Women - Never again.

>> No.12090765

So am I a cuck if a have a non-virgin gf?

>> No.12090779
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>> No.12090824

>thread is empty because no one on /biz/ has gf

>> No.12090897

fuck that's brutal

>> No.12090927

My gf is a former hoe. Don’t care anymore because she fucks and sucks like a champ.

>> No.12090944


Thread is empty because it's an old repost, and full of /leftypol/ gypsy spies posting b8. Which I'm bumping like a brainlet.

>Inb4 incel

Married (to a wife that was indeed a virgin), lost virginity at 15, and 1488. Bite me leftards, keep your fake (((studies))) to yourselves. Go to /pol/ and post that shit. Oh wait, you lost there (since you can't defend your ideologies), so you have to post on non-/pol/ boards. Sooner someone figures out a way to filter commie bullshit the better.

>> No.12090948


No such thing as unconditional love. Don’t make any major sacrifices or hold yourself back for anyone but maybe a wife you really trust and have a long time with.

>> No.12090980

thats 99.99% of women for ya, hope you learned your lesson, i learned it the hard way too.

>> No.12090991

how to cop a virgin wifu?

>> No.12091013
File: 99 KB, 746x512, F50E908A-3019-402F-AB5A-D75CED5F3357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12091019

nice larp.

>> No.12091025

>make a thread wildly off topic of the board
>not funny
>no questions or discussion
>posts a shit frog picture

Why even have janitors this is worse than porn

>> No.12091036

It fucking sucks man. I had a gf once, but she was not a virgin. So I lost my virginity to her. I was constantly paranoid that she still had feelings for her ex, or that his dick was bigger than mine. Ended up cheating on her. It helped. I'm still with her

>> No.12091045

lol what kind of retarded logic is that

>> No.12091052

Its not logical at all, but on an instinctual level I felt that being monogamous to a girl whose been fucked by other dudes is a lose-lose situation. If she got to fuck around in her past, I should be able to fuck around in the present. She still gets my commitment, nothing of value was lost

>> No.12091084


9 our of 10 are whores that will constantly be on the lookout for an “upgrade” while in a relationship. Sad but true.

>> No.12091101

brutal, but at least it made you wiser

>> No.12091122

I honestly feel bad for them. Imagine having to climb into bed after a long day of work, your wife refuses sex for the 4th time this week. You just lay there and it hits you; at least half a dozen other men filled her holes with their DNA in her prime.

>> No.12091156

Yeah I definitely learned the hard way. I guess everyone thinks their partner won't be the one to do it.

The worst part was that had it just been like a drunken one night stand, it wouldn't be so bad. Don't get me wrong, I still would have dumped her. But it's the fact that I trusted her so much while she continually lied directly to my face about it over the course of weeks or months. There is so much more deception and thoughtout evil action that's so hard to stomach. Not gonna lie frens, it's hard to get over it. Does anyone have any advice how to move on? Idk if I'll ever be able to trust a woman again.
Thanks for reading my pussy cuck blog, bros. Your my only friends

>> No.12091205

do you have a virgin waifu tho?

>> No.12091215

the only answer is finding a new bitch, and knowing she would jump instantly to a better prospect if given the chance, so treat her accordingly.

>> No.12091222

God this board sucks so fucking much.

>> No.12091235

yikes, that sounds rough