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12090039 No.12090039 [Reply] [Original]

How much money are you supposed to spend on a wedding ring?

>> No.12090054

>> No.12090058

Traditionally, 2-3 months pay

>> No.12090064

I spent £600. Depends what metal you want.

>> No.12090113


>> No.12090137

As much as you want. Just don't buy diamonds. They're a Jewish scam.

>> No.12090153 [DELETED] 

If you have a bitch that loves you, $1k or less.

If you have a bitch that is materialistic, you've got bigger things to worry about than how much you spend on a ring FOR the materialistic bitch.

Also, not many sluts can distinguish a real diamond ring from a fake. So, don't be afraid to get a 5 kt "diamond" ring. It's all about confidence.

>> No.12090157

Buy her something useful instead, like bitcoin

>> No.12090164

Imagine being the Jew who cooked this shit up and people swallowed it... Holy shit

>> No.12090173

Expensive rings are a meme. Buy a down payment or something. If she doesn't understand run

>> No.12090198

You are literally all confusing a wedding ring with an engagement ring. This proves none of you have ever been with a woman.
When you get married, you have to buy three rings: the engagement ring, and two wedding rings, one for you and one for her.
Getting married is the most jewish thing ever. You waste a shit ton of money.

>> No.12090226

This lol. Fucking everybody believes this shit and buys into it without thinking why.

>> No.12090238

Bout $3.50

>> No.12090249

A tattoo is like $50 maybe #thankstoduckdynasty

>> No.12090250

I am thinking about getting a $50 engagement ring. Do you think she would notice?

>> No.12090260

Save your money man. Get yourself 2 monitors and a nice gaming PC, you can stream and make even more money, can get her a ring later down the road after yall have a couple kids. See you on fortnite man!

>> No.12090263

>getting married

>> No.12090279

Is that what she deserves?

>> No.12090311

Basically don't blow it all on an expensive ring. My gf bought a ring off this guy on gumtree and we went to his house to get it. Apparently his bro's wife had been cheating on him so they got the ring back together to help pay off some of the debt this bitch had gotten his brother in. Sold it at a fraction of the price too, so do NOT blow everything you have on this girl.

>> No.12090318


>> No.12090324

This notion of "she deserves for you to spend x amount on a ring" is just a jewish scam to part you from your money.
I love her but I am not willing to to waste any more than $50 on a ring.

>> No.12090338

that jew is a genius.

>> No.12090387

Why spend $50 though? Whats the point?

If you think the whole thing is a jewish scam, just dont bother at all. If you're doing it because its the social norm, you've already bought in to the jewish scam. Also, its going to be really embarrassing for her to have to show people the shitty cheap ring that you bought her.

Are plain wedding bands also a jewish scam? Or just precious stones?

>> No.12090410

Because $50 is cheaper than the time and effort it would take to de-brainwash her

>> No.12090426


If she leaves you over that then you know you dodged a bullet.

>> No.12090437

You would literally never get married if this was the answer. It's too deeply ingrained in western culture that you have to buy an engagement ring.

>> No.12090462

About tree-fiddy.

>> No.12090465

depends on your lady OP

my wife has a friend who is trying to get married with a guy she has been seeing for 3 weeks and is demanding a 10k engagement ring because she believes it is the standard
the cuck is actually going to do it so I'm just gonna sit back and wait for the keks to unfold

>> No.12090483

Nope. Only way she'd be able to tell is if she had it appraised. If she does that, you don't want her golddigging ass anyway.

>> No.12090497
File: 88 KB, 426x460, Screen Shot 2018-12-11 at 6.38.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this out

>> No.12090766

I once brought how insane that is to my gf, who argued with me that it was fair, unironically up to 6 month's salary. I dumped her that day kek

>> No.12090774


>> No.12091021
File: 11 KB, 219x214, 63475687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are being unfair. It's not that the woman cares about the price of the ring. It's that she is a very social being, and must function socially where absolutely fucking everyone, her friends, her mother/aunts/grandmothers, her coworkers, will judge her relentlessly. They will judge the quality of the man based off how much money he wasted on her.

That being said, you should spend absolutely nothing, because you should not be marrying, because women are bad. Just the idea that you are conversing with roasties is anathema. Don't do it.

>> No.12091034

6 months salary

>> No.12091044

FPBP, never get married.


Don't say I didn't warn you.

t. you in 15 years.

>> No.12091046

How much do you want to eventually lose if you break up? Spend $2,500 you’ll get a great ring. And if she bitches about it, you know she’s trash.

This isn’t 30 years ago, diamonds have lost value. Get something timeless and not gawdy. You’ll be fine faggot.

I’m on my second marriage. I’m 34.

>> No.12091055

It’s a stupid ass rock that can be manufactured for $1 a carat. The real worth is in the symbolism.

I’d pay $500-1k take it or leave it

>> No.12091063
File: 31 KB, 559x556, 1544543741288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd pay at least the same as I did for my attorney to write the prenup.

>> No.12091071

>he doesn't know judges throw prenups out of the window

oh my sweet summer child

>> No.12091079

>I’m on my second marriage.
you fell for it? twice?

why not just staying together without marrying ?

>> No.12091081

Uh what? Mine worked phenomenally well.
>t. divorced boomer

>> No.12091087


Those aren’t even that iron clad. Just don’t marry a poor ass or girl who wants to be a stay at home mom, or earns way less than you

>> No.12091089

how so? judges don't favor the woman in the divorce?

>> No.12091097

Because commonlaw marriage is the same as regular marriage. Get a good attorney to write an iron-clad prenup and get on with it.

>> No.12091098
File: 130 KB, 953x1300, mq7I5zt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better to buy bsv sir much stiffer investmet

>> No.12091112

They favor women if you're the breadwinner and you were dumb enough not to have a premarital contract. A judge cant just throw out a prenup without cause you moron, he'd be disbarred if you went after him.

>> No.12091114

>earns way less than you
basically impossible if you have an income over $60k or so the percentage of American women who earn roughly as much as you do by that point plummets
it's essentially impossible to not be betabux in a long term relationship

>> No.12091146


So don’t marry. At the very least you want someone who won’t qualify for alimony.

>> No.12091296

Go look in your toilet, really visualize this, and ask "how much money would I like to flush down here?" Picture the amount floating in the water and then disappearing forever. There's your answer.

>> No.12091302

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