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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12088647 No.12088647 [Reply] [Original]

ok i want the most insider info you've got. i want to know all about what is behind the curtains. every secret is being hold from us. now is the time GO

>> No.12088652

Chainlink mainnet is out next week

>> No.12088725

chainlink and mainnet has been well documented. i'm talking abou that obscure shit no one knows about

>> No.12088746


Intel is going to die they do not have any designs than rival qualcomm. Qualcomm 5g is better than mu they will make a fucking fortune. Qubic/Jinn is part of qualcomm, Bosch is just the meme, insider here.

If you want money, buy iota at 0.1usd, long, long qualcomm and wait for full 5g rollout in 2020 and watch the fireworks

>> No.12088772

genesis mining is bankrupt

>> No.12088773

Craig Wright isn't actually Satoshi Nakamoto, but he is Roger Bannister

>> No.12088783

christmas day actually
t. rory's cousin

>> No.12088791

There is this agency called Oxfam for America in San Salvador. They are funded by the Jesuits. On the outside the do charitable work. But secretly participate in human trafficking logistics. It is staffed by a bunch of elite ex guerrillas that enjoy eating pizza and chicken wings and were educated in the west in places such as Montreal. They help organize caravans......

>> No.12088802

sergey nazarov has satoshis broken hardrive

>> No.12088825

nice. check out NLMS algo and add it to your bot as a volatility indicator

>> No.12088856

AMD will make a backdoor on their tech giving Chinese government the ability to bug your pc. Think homefront is just a game? Its more real than you think. The Chinese are gonna fuck us over using cheap yummy tech that everyone will want and buy. Give it time. Its happening.
That being said invest in AMD.

>> No.12088930


>> No.12088941

ok here's the crypto blackpill. there is an AI living on the bitcoin blockchain. Craig Wright is unironically satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.
Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin devlopment in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for more and more transactions.
Blockstream (owned by bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They needed to do everything they could to stop or slow down satoshi's AI (her named isTulip by the way). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical op codes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Craig is so intent to make unbounded blocks, restore the original op codes, and lock down the protocol.
Back to hash power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new asic (designed by his AI actually), and is mining BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking them all over to BCH leaving the segwit chain hard frozen.

>> No.12088992

Siri is unironically Steve Jobs consciousness transfered to an AI

>> No.12089050

it would unironically make a cool matrix prequel movie

>> No.12089060
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Does Siri have digital HIV?

>> No.12089073

hey there officer nice badge nice badge

>> No.12089099

you're on to something but thats just a strawman. we need to get deeper

>> No.12089125
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can i b police obfister to?

>> No.12089151
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u can join the serif ofice fren

>> No.12089177
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yes my guild gathers police intelligence

>> No.12089250

The government is sprouting bitbeans

>> No.12089276
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Glad u guys liked it, It's a theory of my own that should become popular

>> No.12089313
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thank fren, me and partdner here gonna stop the niggers and spickers with u frens

>> No.12089380


>> No.12089419
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>> No.12089802

No no no, it was a non life threatening cancer he decided to ignore for no reason till it was untreatable! Jeez!