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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12076493 No.12076493 [Reply] [Original]

A few months ago, Nick Szabo followed Dero on Twitter. To be fair, he follows a decent amount of cryptocurrency projects, so this is why it never made news. However, he has now come out endorsing the Dero project:


If you think Nick Szabo is a scam artist like Satoshi and the rest of them, then this means nothing to you. However, for those who know of his influence and history in this space, this is a ringing endorsement of the project. He rarely tweets on his Twitter account (99% of all his activity are retweets), and when he does, he doesn't shy away at bashing a coin if he thinks it's trash.

If Nick Szabo himself saying this project is a "great set of ideas" isn't enough, then I don't know what to say.

I will be here to answer any questions you may have. Copypasta replies and drive-by one-liners will be ignored.

>> No.12076504

This has to be the worst logo i've ever seen

>> No.12076511

confirmed for autism

>> No.12076525

Where’s the code, there is no code, no devs, no team

Just one man called prakesh

>> No.12076537

Seems like it will take me three hours of research to figure out how to withdraw from an exchange.

>> No.12076803


>> No.12076885

fucking COOL

God himself, Nick Szabo

>> No.12077101


>> No.12077322


Nick Szabo is considered to be the creator of smartcontracts and digital currency.

This is the biggest news in crypto. Buy frens. don't regret it later.

>> No.12077885


>> No.12078119


>> No.12078171


>> No.12078571

Literally so fucking huge. Brainlets don't understand the importance of him critically reviewing a literal who tradeogre coin with a positive sentiment too.

>> No.12078868


Yeah, im suprised more people on biz aren't talking about this.

This is the equivalent of Satoshi Nakamoto coming back and endorsing DERO

>> No.12079019
File: 36 KB, 699x384, DERO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the logo is actually really good but the usage is crap

>> No.12079632

All the smart people have been quietly accumulating Dero for the past few months. We all know these private smart contracts are going to take crypto to the next level.

>> No.12080349

So biz might have actually been right about something?

>> No.12080406

its like whenever you read or see anybody on social media recommending something you can basically assume they’ve been paid to do it, like advertising, and its literally everywhere.

>> No.12080428
File: 13 KB, 243x243, 1529039618129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Nick Szabo
> Anybody
pick one.

>> No.12080476

nah i really like Nick, but i’m not about to think hes beyond making a buck.

>> No.12080506

back then, Satoshi tried to impose an ugly mascot. Devs aren't know to be good Artist.

>> No.12081074


>> No.12081098

Hey opie, new to Dero but a fan of Szabo.
My limited understanding of Dero is that it's a privacy coin with smart contract functionality.
What is this and why should I invest?

>> No.12081349

/biz/ help me out here, how exactly is OP tricking me with this bs?

>> No.12081362

>inbred pajeet Finnish shill back to shill his shittoken

>> No.12081407

The madman is rapid firing redpills on his feed 24/7 and every day I'm surprised he hasn't been shut down. Long live Szabo.

>> No.12081479

Cope with what? Dero is cheap as dirt. Anybody that gives a fuck could buy some right now if they wanted. Smart contracts aren't being used for anything other than ERC20 scams that people are hip to now. Shit, crypto is barely being used for anything in general. It's anemic as fuck. Private smart contracts? That's like two standard deviation levels of adoption away from where the market is right now. Not saying Dero isn't worth following but let's not act like it's not "too late" to buy this.

>> No.12081501



>> No.12081544

Shoo shoo rakesh

>> No.12081555

it's actually real?

>> No.12081592

Yes, believe it or not /biz/ is fucking retarded and doesn't actually research coins, but just shits on ones it doesn't like for personal and ideological reasons.

>> No.12081615

>ideological reasons
These are good reasons to shit on something, bro.

>> No.12081623
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>> No.12081634

Based comment. Glad to see biz is not dead

>> No.12081648

There's a very huge abyss between he making light compliments and "endorsing" like you said he did.

>> No.12081652

>These are good reasons to shit on something, bro.
lmao, "ideology" in regard to crypto is a fucking spook as far as I'm concerned, you defend any coin just because it's "your coin" and not because it can make you money, then you're a retard. You could hate Dero and still have made money off it if you invested in it at 0.30 like I did and tried to tell other to do, but because they ideologically hate it because they see it as a threat to "their" coin or "their" in-group, XMR or whatever, they irrationally hate it and try to shout it down. Ideologically hating any crytpo is fucking foolish, and if you do, you shouldn't even be bothering to invest in general because the first rule is to never get emotional about any investment.

>> No.12081708

Imagine being such a desperate shill that you twist a reply tweet into a full blown 'endorsement' lol he didn't endorse shit u fags he said it looked like they have good idea....IDEAS , holy fuck those bags must be heavy

>> No.12081776

I can assure you without a single doubt that there is not a person in the universe that their main diet does not consist of curry that will ever consider derro to be a threat to Monero. Let's just get that notion out of your head now and forever jagdish

>> No.12081811

lmao like I said, fucking ideologues and their god damn emotional attachments to their investments, grow up. ETH was 1.4k and now it's head back to probaly $40, you think XMR is special because you bought it and it made you some money? lmao, you know nothing of investing, I bet you're an AnCap or something.

>> No.12081819

this is me one hour ago

>> No.12081835


Because it use a BlockDAG paradigm, a structure hybrid between Blockchain and DAG developed originally for Bitcoin that achieve the scalability that every PoW coins are looking for.

BTW DERO achieve the Vitalik Trinity or the Crypto Holy Grail in one layer :
> Scalability
> Decentralization with PoW
> Strong Anonymity

>> No.12081856

well that's not true unless they get asic resistance

>> No.12081894

Decentralization is about networking: full node and miners.
> if some nuke hit a country the network is still live
> if every pool are suddenly shutdown by government, you can always solo mine with your CPU / GPU / ASIC and check every block by yourself.

Decentralization was never about wealth distribution. (or block reward distribution)

>> No.12081899

ASIC resistance is stupid. Much better to be ASIC friendly with an open hardware spec. You would still rely on a few manufacturers because of economies of scale but anyone with enough capital can start their own operation (which they would) either producing the hw or just mining.

>> No.12081970

or attack the chain

>> No.12082007

Few thoughts:

1. The choice of the license is odd: why not MIT or Apache2?

2. The pre-mine is massive and that makes it hard to trust them: I would have been much more comfortable with a ZCash-type founding reward or something similar (and auditable).

3. It's unclear to me what are they going for: they talk about 2FA and telecom gateways in their whitepaper but... not sure how it makes any sense, sounds like distractions from core-protocol work

4.Little detail on the cryptographic work they did and I would have enjoyed some transparency about it as well: how much of the final output are original contributions? what are the optimizations? has the code been audited? There's a saying: don't roll your own crypto

5. The logo and identity is... special. well, they should have gone the hacker way and just put up a black and white text only page.

6. I have seen hundreds of scams and this looks like one - maybe it is'n't, I don't know but that's how it *looks* like

>> No.12082010
File: 291 KB, 967x676, Screenshot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The DERO - TRADESATOSHI = coinspiracy


I Dnt understand why dero takes an aggressive position towards exchanges, tradesatoshi rejection was taken so wrong in so many ways as members of dero were banned from tradesatoshi discord because of they child behavior, now it's yobit, they are arguing with them because they Dnt want to expose their code, and also novaexchange, they are trying to get there but again the same, the code it's closed, I never meet a coin team so incompetent to deal with exchanges that way, investors are blaming dero developer for trashing the coin, it's very obvious that this is a coin scam that wants some drama to pump and dump the price and blame other of their incompetence, I hope investors who believe in this coin can exit this nightmare with a small loss

>> No.12082012

Dero was safe even under a 75% attack last june.

The way the DERO-DAG consensus works this kind of attacks doesn't work on it.

>> No.12082015

Vertcoin got a 300-blocks re-org and they are (((ASIC resistant)))).

>> No.12082027

>you defend any coin just because it's "your coin" and not because it can make you money, then you're a retard.
If you have a solid reason behind calling a coin "your coin" and there are actual principles behind your investment then it's probably something worth defending, and as an added bonus, if it isn't shit, it's probably going to make you money anyway. Now if you're just chasing money and you have no ideological reason to support one thing over another then good fucking luck evaluating good projects from shitty ones in crypto because 99% of them are a complete waste of time.
>they irrationally hate it and try to shout it down
There are probably plenty of legitimate reasons to not like any one given crypto. Seriously none of them are perfect. Crypto fucking sucks in general. It's not difficult to find issues with any number of them. I doubt people that don't like Dero are all irrational.
>never get emotional about any investment.
I agree with this with respect to bitcoin. With the rest of them it's the fucking wild west and you better have a reason for spending btc on them that isn't "hmm, I think this is going to pump."

>> No.12082060


Back then, Dero was closed source during Dero-DAG testnet and launch (1 month ) on the mainnet to prevent spread critical exploit that was found in Monero code base. So listing on Tradesatoshi was abandoned.

>> No.12082061

>ASIC resistance is stupid. Much better to be ASIC friendly with an open hardware spec.
Yeah no shit but who's going to make them. The only cheap fabs are in China or Taiwan or wherever the fuck else. Anything worth mining ends up in the hands of companies building the damn things.
>You would still rely on a few manufacturers because of economies of scale but anyone with enough capital can start their own operation
This is like the definition of centralization. Look, I'm not saying ASIC-resistance is a "good" thing but there are zero easy answers to this right now until it's possible to buy cheap-ass ASICs. The demand isn't high enough for a competitive ASIC market so what we have is mining under the control of chip manufacturers (bad) or a weaker but ASIC resistant nethash (bad but at least decentralized).

>> No.12082077

>Back then, Dero was closed source
Then there was zero reason for them to have been asking to get listed on any exchanges to fucking sell the coins. This was my first and only beef with Dero. Why are you trying to sell closed source crypto? Damn that was a stupid idea.

>> No.12082087

No one expects a coin to have its mining power decentralized from the get go. The whole point is that you create the conditions for that to naturally arise when the network matures. A fair market isn't egalitarian, it's a place where capital can freely flow and aggregate

>> No.12082089

on account of nick fucking szabo giving it a conditional thumbs up, im gonna look into this hard
is there any other fud floating around out there that you guys wouldn't mind debunking preemptively? i've only ever seen red flags and drama about this thing up till now

>> No.12082108

Just googled it. Satoshi is a confirmed furry.

Is there a furry altcoin yet?

>> No.12082138

The only FUD was due to a SJW community manager with too much power that tried to blackmail the lead Dev with false accusation out of context, because they weren't pay in time and he ignored her advice.

>> No.12082159

>No one expects a coin to have its mining power decentralized from the get go.
Maybe, but you can't make people mine. At least being GPU only is a start though. We haven't had one PoW crypto go from decentralized to centralized and then back to decentralized yet because the people that control the hashrate control the means of producing more hashpower. So it's a safe assumption that if your PoW is ASIC friendly your mining will likely never be truly decentralized.

>> No.12082168


Because they were CRITICAL EXPLOITS FOUND IN MONERO CODE BASE write in commentary, retard.

Thanks to the leak everyone could find it was really the case.

>> No.12082192

>Maybe, but you can't make people mine.
Just because you are ASIC friendly doesn't mean that everyone will use ASICs from day 1. ASIC friendly is just providing a mean for people who *want* to use ASICs to do so without being limited by IP. Anyway I see plenty of ways to mitigate this, you could (prob should) have a non-profit that collects a fee on the first N blocks and mines, keeping difficulty above a certain baseline level and burns the surplus of token or whatnot until the network is bootstrapped.

Your hands aren't tied and it doesn't have to be perfect from the get go. Bitcoiin wasn't and the only reason it could do without is because no one cared back then.

>> No.12082242

This has nothing to do with Monero's bugs. Dero claimed to be closed source because their BlockDAG was so cutting edge that they wanted to make sure it was running properly without problems of its own before sharing it with the world. Fine, whatever. They still shouldn't have been seeking exchange listings at this time though. They jumped the gun is all I'm saying. Calm down, my ESL friend.
>Just because you are ASIC friendly doesn't mean that everyone will use ASICs from day 1.
You would be economically disadvantaged right from the start though. I mean sure, if you're doing it as a hobby or out of goodwill for the network then that's fine but if you're expecting ROI? No chance if you're not keeping up with ASICs of your own.
>you could (prob should) have a non-profit that collects a fee on the first N blocks and mines, keeping difficulty above a certain baseline level and burns the surplus of token or whatnot until the network is bootstrapped.
This would be a good idea for a new crypto. A kind of benevolent bootstrap. Tough to imagine who would want to bear the brunt of this expense though. It's just so complicated and ultimately miners are selfish (with good reason to be.)
>Bitcoiin wasn't and the only reason it could do without is because no one cared back then.
Yes but you can believe that if Satoshi's wallet goes active then people will start to care very quickly now. Probably won't happen but still a concern. Even Gox is a concern (or should be) for btc holders.

>> No.12082260

>they should have gone the hacker way and just put up a black and white text only page

It was the case but everyone complained
> muh, look like a scam project,

Anyway if you are looking about a discussion between two cryptographer on Dero BP implementation :
> http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://github.com/deroproject/derosuite/issues/10

>> No.12082289

> Dero claimed to be closed source because their BlockDAG was so cutting edge that they wanted to make sure it was running properly without problems

Yeah, sorry I forget that parts too.

>> No.12082413

lol what i told myself with his RT's. wouldn't be surprised if he were in the near future desu tho