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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12054759 No.12054759 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw work in HR
>tfw feel like a literal GOD having the power to give someone a job or deny them one
Not gonna lie /biz/. My job is comfy af. I get so many desperate college grads with shit resumes begging for jobs and I just click one button to instantly ruin their lives

>> No.12054772


>> No.12054899

But HR department doesn't actually decides who gets the job, it only helps the manager to make the decision.
Or am I wrong?

>> No.12054954

We filter out the crap from the gold before sending it to the hiring manager to decide. All I have to do is select the top 20 candidates and forward them. Because thousands of people apply there is a high chance one is going to be qualified for the job anyway

>> No.12054990

care to share some cringy resumees begging for jobs?

>> No.12054995
File: 169 KB, 460x405, rs=h 175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just mine cryptocurrency - Jerusalem Love coin / cryptocurrency.

>> No.12055007

>working indoors
>having an office that's the same every day
>only get rained on while running to/from your car
>never seeing the sunrise or sunset, only bland indoor lighting so your skin gets pale
>sitting all day so your body entropies
>can't stand the cold and heat, need AC
>working a 9-5 dead end job with the same people for years

get fucked fatboy officecuck :^)

>> No.12055024

>tfw work in IT
I feel like a real god, compared to all other departments, no restrictions, no monitoring, can check the computer of every employee, can get the salary of every employee with a simple SQL query. We're the real gods of every company.

>> No.12055047

Unrealisitic LARP. There are no black women on /biz/.

>> No.12055068
File: 84 KB, 757x481, 050-056c026d-1c66-4d42-9fae-a8e96df290c5-1020x1189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in core business
>feel like pic related

>> No.12055110

Cool you can look up the salaries of people that make more than ur IT help desk cuck bitch and wish u made this

>> No.12055142

>tfw hr asks for ridiculous documents
>tfw send in faked docs to match padded resume
>get hired
Feels good man. Grateful hr is staffed by dumb cucks like you. Never been caught and never will be.

>> No.12055156

>not hiring someone is the equivalent of ruining their lives

>> No.12055170

>your body entropies
How does it feel knowing HR is where all the thickest dimwits end up? "Atrophies" is the big word you were grasping for.

t., 18 year unemployed anon

>> No.12055214

I did the same, kek. Faked a certificate from an obscure award in 2016 that they expected me to have for whatever reason. They lapped that shit up, thank god HR is staffed with absolute morons

>> No.12055268

could you get into troubles for faking documents?

>> No.12055282

what? of course, not only would it ruin your chances of getting that job it would potentially also ruin your reputation

>> No.12055302

You mean women dont you?

>> No.12055309

Not at all. Not only is it not illegal, there is almost nothing the company could do except say they can’t hire you. Unless you’re lying to become a doctor or something.