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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 100 KB, 380x380, derolivestream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12030156 No.12030156 [Reply] [Original]


Dero is hosting a live conference starting at 9 am EST that will go for about 2 hours.

You've seen seeing for months on /biz/ about how "Dero is a scam" and "it doesn't even exist." If you want to see how Dero actually works, please tune into this stream where the DeroDAG, private smart contracts, and other various technological features of this project will be discussed.

Main features of Dero:

- First and only crypto ever to use BlockDAG technology
- Will be the first crypto ever to release fully functioning private smart contracts
- First crypto ever to have complete SSL/TLS on the P2P layer
- First crypto ever to release fully-audited bulletproofs
- Upgraded CryptoNote core that runs 8x faster that original inception
- 12-second blocktimes with 2-minute confirmation times and 75 tps (can be faster in the future when worldwide infrastructure upgrades over time, meaning this is scalable)
- Highly resistant to majority hashrate attacks
- Has completely eliminated orphan blocks and double spends
- Unique consensus algorithm
- All these features are running on-chain with full privacy and no need for validators or lightning networks

The stream will be starting in about 30 minutes, so if you're sick of the FUD, join the stream and actually learn what Dero is all about.

>> No.12030389 [DELETED] 


>> No.12030409


>> No.12030485

Thanks, man. Who here is going to hit Room 77 tonight?

>> No.12030539

>29 watching

>> No.12030568

>29 watching with zero advertising

The last stream in November only had 4 watching. This stream is planned to be highly technical, so it makes sense not too many people want to watch it live and would rather watch tidbits of it at a later date.

>> No.12030587
File: 34 KB, 631x473, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this someone's basement?

>> No.12030605

Thanks for the bumps fren

>> No.12030613

Fucking kek

>> No.12030635

It is in the official Blockchain Embassy in Berlin

Having that green barrel there does make it look trashy though haha

>> No.12030650

At least they are not near some restroom restaurant.

>> No.12030662

Looks like someone's oil stained garage.

>> No.12030675

I wonder how the inflatable mattress on the ground smells haha!

>> No.12030685

I guess the embassy should pay to make the place look better then.

>> No.12030696

>green barrel
I also know another project who like to do presentations near the toilet

>> No.12030810

That's the Fuhrerbunker reformed.

>> No.12030818

lmao somebody messed up the audio, can't hear anything.

>> No.12030833

I think they just noticed.

>> No.12030843


>> No.12030853

They're restarting the stream now

>> No.12030940

Livestream cancelled. Reason: They couldn't fix the sound.

The absolute state.

>> No.12030970

They're fixing it right now.

>> No.12031004

>claims to be the best private cryptocurrency, better than Monero
>wants to implement private smart contracts over CryptoNote protocol
>can't fix the sound driver of the stream computer

>> No.12031034

Those people aren't the devs lol, just because a laptop has some issues doesn't mean anything.

>> No.12031046

So the devs aren't going to show up, right? These people are just cuckboys, right?

>> No.12031053

>12-second blocktimes with 2-minute confirmation times and 75 tps (can be faster in the future when worldwide infrastructure upgrades over time, meaning this is scalable)
>can be faster in the future when worldwide infrastructure upgrades over time, meaning this is scalable
Hey, BTC is also scaleable with that condition. In fact we can just put a blocktime to 12 seconds right now and it will be faster than dero.

>> No.12031068

>he thinks the presenters are the devs
kys. devs are anonymous. this is just a community meetup

>> No.12031070

>embassy's wifi is trash so they're having issues even getting the stream to work at all

Blockchain Embassy more like Pajeet Embassy

>> No.12031079

no it cant. op is a retard. dero can do 2 sec block times because it uses a blockDAG so orphans are near non-existent

>> No.12031082

Get back to me when that happens.

>> No.12031101

they are invested(paid) shills

>> No.12031109

it will happen at exactly "never" because its not scaleable and LN is a meme, so is dero
>this is just a community meetup
so whats the point?

>> No.12031120

So this means devs are not showing up? Am I wasting my time here?

>> No.12031124





>> No.12031135
File: 81 KB, 653x651, 1516435878015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12031155

there's only one dev and hes anonymous so yeah
everyone else is "community members", paid shills or bagholding shills with vested interest.

>> No.12031166

They're claiming they'll be uploading a video of it in 3 hours. If they don't, Captain is going to fire the marketing manager for severe mishandling.

>> No.12031177

no no nononononooooooo

>> No.12031197

lolwut post proof

>> No.12031206

Lmao this is such a scam. The lead dev is fine with using some paid social media shill to present his shitty little conference, but he won't reveal who he is.

>muh satoshi

LMAO. Derofags are so fucking delusional it's not even funny.

>> No.12031213

They were already recording a video of the conference separate of the live stream. It's supposed to be a 360 video.

Although I don't get the point of doing a 360 video of that terrible looking room unless there are some really distinguished guests they want to show off.

>> No.12031217

>They're claiming they'll be uploading a video of it in 3 hours.
Are you guys retarded or something? Who the fuck is going to watch that?

>> No.12031221

this is the most retarded logic ever

>dero cant have any community meetups or conferences because developer is anonymous. THEY HAVE A MEETUP WITHOUT DEV REVEALING WHO HE IS? scam confirmed!!!

>> No.12031236

>whine about there being no live stream
>wondering who would watch the exact same thing but not live

>> No.12031238

>reddit spacing
>quoting like that
go back

>> No.12031244 [DELETED] 

>there's only one dev and hes anonymous so There are three devs so that's bullshit.

>> No.12031250
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 1525113306837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Dutch Wifi

if it rain the network is down.

>> No.12031271

They fixed the audio issue, but then the Blockchain Embassy wifi decided to start being a jerk.

How the hell are people supposed to be able to present if their wifi is trash, bring your own hotspot? I honestly hope they choose to go elsewhere next time as the Berlin Embassy is clearly trash as evidenced by the room.

>> No.12031283
File: 32 KB, 600x600, Screenshot_82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! The absolute state of derro. You fucking bagholding morons can't even put together an obscure circlejerk. Why didn't craptain show up? He can't pull himself away from fucking little boys long enough?

derro heading to zero. Told you assholes. Fucking closed source centralized shitcoin bagholders.

>> No.12031284

All eastern Europe is like that, network is trash.

>> No.12031294

>the state of Turtlecoin

>> No.12031304

lmao you've been saying it's over for months, meanwhile XMR and turtlecoin are crashing and burning as we speak.

>> No.12031329

>10% premine
>can't afford a decent laptop with sound driver for their event

Apparently the dev wants all of it for his "retirement".

>> No.12031361

holy shit you guys are retarded
whole point of livestream is that its live
nobody will watch it 3 hours later, its like watching a footy when you already know results

>> No.12031365

It's not the laptop, it's the embassy wifi.

>> No.12031370

>don't know how to read
>keep bringing up "sound" issue over and over again even though that wasn't the issue

The state of Turtlecoin

>> No.12031381

The only reason most people wanted to watch it anyway was to troll the live stream chat and make rude remarks the entire time. Anybody who actually cares about Dero will have no problem watching it later when they upload the video.

>> No.12031393

>lets do marketing
>but only people consuming marketing are people that are already interested
I suggest suicide.

>> No.12031409

>10% premine
>can't afford a decent place to stream the event

As I said, he wants all of it for his retirement, not a single coin less.

>> No.12031420

>>can't afford a decent place to stream the event
It's hosted at the blockchain embassy, can you think of a better place to do it? Let me guess some random hotel?

>> No.12031657
File: 57 KB, 600x600, 1526269565109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Using wifi for live streaming.

Burgers are really retard.

>> No.12031696

>i have been completely btfo so now just going to resort to muh reddit

>> No.12031726

>can't even check IDs
please stop embarassing yourself even futher and leave already

>> No.12033072

Stop forcing this Dero vs. TurtleCoin meme, samefag. There's no conflict between the two.

>> No.12033096


>> No.12033233

Loling @ your life OP. Is this everything you wanted and more? A meeting that Capt doesn't show up to and a live stream they can't even get running. You guys are absolutely pathetic

>> No.12033294

Here's the video taken from a bystander at the meeting:


>> No.12033869

>A meeting that Capt doesn't show up to

1. He was never meant to show up in-person to this meeting. This was never advertised. Stop spreading false crap you fag.
2. He did show up via a text chat unannounced anyway and answered attendee's questions.

>a live stream they can't even get running

The livestream WAS running. There was no sound. When they reset the livestream, they got the sound working, but then the dumb embassy wifi stopped working. The only mistake they made was assuming the embassy would actually have functioning wifi.

>> No.12034208
File: 458 KB, 550x335, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx, anon

>> No.12034321

Well judging by the posts f the supporters here dero is a no go on investments. If you cannot even put together a small 7 person livestream, how do you expect to properly manage people's assets on a blockchain?

How embarassing.

>> No.12034476

good luck have fun staying a poorfag forever after dero virtual machine is deployed on the mainnet

>> No.12034490
File: 4 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enigma wins again.


>> No.12034645

Who is the Marketing guy of dero?
Probably someone from cryptotwatter....topkek