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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1201823 No.1201823 [Reply] [Original]

Post your skills or what you are looking for.

Bilingual in french/english/spanish.

>> No.1201856

Thats not bilingual...

Being bilingual also means that you've been raised into 2 different cultures at the same time.

If you are french but you also speak spanish because you learnt at college or school you cannot say you're bilingual. Even if you dominate all languages perfectly.

This is not something relevant but people often use this term in a wrong way.

However good job bro ! Russian/Spanish/English here.
However this is not something relevant,

>> No.1201897

I speak Greek,Ancient Greek,Latin,Italian
that's it

>> No.1201911


>> No.1201918
File: 147 KB, 305x267, 1452245389041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm searching for a programmer that will enable the reproduction of his trades into my live MT4 account, using different leverage for each product, SL and such.


Thank you.

>> No.1201939

what if he mistweets something

>> No.1202012

That's nonsense. As long as you speak a language fluently and can get your job done effectively that's all that matters. The word you're thinking of is multicultural. Bilingual is what the fucking word means 2 languages. If anything you morons should be using polyglot since you're listing more than two languages. Not surprised you're getting it wrong if my assumption is correct your lists goes from native tongue to recently learned language.
Protip: If something is your second or third language and you know you don't have a full deep grasp on it, don't try to school other people in on that language.

>> No.1202038

All that hate. I dont know why my message showed up like this, is obviously full of nonsense.

All I am saying is that people use the word bilingual in a wrong way. It is not "multicultural" either because this term has more to do with society itself than language.

It just about the word. I am not pretending to discredit OP or anyone else. I agree with you that it is more important to speak fluently 2 or 3 languages, in fact most of the times people who study and learn languages from 0 end up being more effective than a bilingual person, because a bilingual folk sometimes will not put so much effort in being accurate.

Just stop this hate train bro... not going anywhere.

>> No.1202055
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>Russian speaking english
>da kek

>> No.1202117

I do WordPress themes, from scratch, based closely on your mockup, for $1K.

>> No.1202189

Bi = 2
Lingual = languages
It's that fucking simple. Also speaking 3 languages is being trilingual. Using your logic, the culture matters more than the language. Try claiming you're bilingual in a resumé and then tell them that you just know the culture and see how it pans out.

>> No.1202191

You seem to not get it at all.

>> No.1202197
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Or perhaps you don't know English as well as you think?

>> No.1202200
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OP here, wanted to put french and english but then I can talk some spanish and didn't correct. Don't mind the obvious mistake, don't ruin thread.

>> No.1202212

Bilingual is when you know 2 languages because you've been raised into both languages, and that implies culture because both come in hand. People who learns another language after 17-18 y\o are not considered bilingual in the true sense of the word.

For example, if your mother is english and your father is french and you've received influence from both and know both languages then you are bilingual.

If you are english and learned french because you wanted so, then you are not. That does not mean you being less effective in french than even a french person could be.

Off course bi means 2 and tri means 3, congrats anon, but thats not the point. You're being salty and you just are not getting it at all.

Its not ver y hard to understand though...

>> No.1202213

Ok thats the definition but there is more theory on that from a philology perspective, theory which google wont bother to explain to narrow minded feggets like you.

>> No.1202219

Guys. Guys. Relax. It can mean both. It is just a matter of perspective.


>> No.1202225

Its more logical the perspective of two mother tongues rather than one mother tongue and another language.

>> No.1202229

So you're trying to push your retarded philosophy as a fact, and then proceed to call others narrow minded? Try keeping your delusions to yourself, my philosophically enlightened friend.

>> No.1202234

Im not trying to push anything. You were the first one who started with the lack of education.

>> No.1202235

>Speak Fluently
>That's all that matters

Sure m8. I invested in Fedoras. Professional investor here.

>> No.1202237

You just dont understand that having two mother tongues is rather different from having one mother tongue and knowing another one (even if Its a 100% knowledge)

>> No.1202240

you are fucking autistic. that bullshit about "lingual" meaning "raised with the language" is a half-supported philosophy, not fact. you are a huge douche for talking down to this guy and telling him he's uneducated when the very shit you're claiming to "teach" him is ignored outside of progressive liberal institutions

>> No.1202243

You know what a mother tongue means ?

>> No.1202244

>People who learns another language after 17-18 y\o are not considered bilingual in the true sense of the word.

So which part of this isn't just plainly pushing your own opinion as a fact?

>> No.1202254

>citation needed
Both meanings seem pretty logical to me. One is a strictly literal meaning taken from latin roots (bilingual = 2 languages). The other meaning implies that the languages are both native which probably came from practical use. I don't think there is a wrong answer here which is why it is a pretty benign thing to argue about, even for you guys.

>> No.1202258

yes you retarded, pretentious faggot

>> No.1202263

Then I don't see why is such a bad thing understanding my point.

>> No.1202283

It's a total fact chimp. Don't you see that even in your own fucking language you get outclassed in distinct countries/contexts/ situations/ or speakers collectives? Unless you speak a faggistic minor language spoken in a fag country which is condemned to dissapear.

I can outperform you EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME as a native if you are that self branded "Bilingual" yo.

>> No.1202289

Wot. It doesn't even seem like english is one of your native tongues.

>> No.1202291

Because your point is retarded. Also, I believe that water is the best way to start a fire. If you don't understand why, you're uneducated.

>> No.1202296

>Then I don't see why is such a bad thing
>why is such
You either. Holy shit why are non-native english speakers giving english lessons on /biz/? Am I being punked?

>> No.1202301

You get offended like im trying to convince you that the earth is flat...

>> No.1202308

I bet you only know english.

>> No.1202718

I can do various programming and development jobs for Bitcoin.

>> No.1203437

English 6/10
Python 9/10
MySQL 9.8/10
Java 9.5/10
Algorithms 9.9/10
IA development 9/10

Work for btc and PayPal

>> No.1203518


>> No.1203809


>> No.1203820

Adobe After Effects 10/10
Adobe Photoshop 8/10
Adobe Illustrator 3/10
Ableton Live 5/10

>> No.1203833
File: 27 KB, 400x533, yea baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucking 4/10 dicks at a time
Taking 3/10 cocks in my ass

Bisexual in French/Spanish/English too

>> No.1204314

>Being bilingual also means that you've been raised into 2 different cultures at the same time.
i'm guessing English isn't one of your strong points?

>> No.1204350

Copy editing
Content management
Writing marketing/SEO copy

I only speak English, so going to keep out of this whole bilingual autism fest. Currently have an offer to be on retainer for 20hrs a week, think I will take it... sick of hustling for business constantly.

>> No.1204359

I'm a freelancer looking for some sort of CRM or networking software.

Basically I have a list of contacts that I want to have an automated system that's like "email steve, karen, paul today"

And it does that for priority clients every 2 weeks. For normal contacts it's maybe every 30 days, etc.

Any recommendations?

>> No.1204376

so much hate over nothing in this thread

i seem to understand things faster than the average person and able to explain it in lamen terms
the only thing i know i'm good at and what have been paying my bills for the last 13 years.

what would you call that /biz/ ? i mean in a way i can present in a cv or a job application?
i am now making 1300 euro a week and my colleagues tell me i can make more but i have no idea how

>> No.1204385

Tech writer?

>> No.1204390

no. client consultant at a car maker at the moment
though i did tech writing for a while

my big vice is i don't know how to talk to people if i don't have to explain something to them

>> No.1204392

Cool. What do you do as a client consultant?

>> No.1204400

mostly preventing them from spending enormous amounts of money on bullshit that will not work
make them realize what they can actually achieve withing the budget and technical limitation
and most importantly, evaluate and convince them of the EUNCAP score they will achieve with the current investment based on the NCAP scoring system compared to the current development and estimated production date
very boring stuff if you ask me
i am always surprised how ill prepared these guys are considering they work in this industry.

>> No.1204414

Actually that sounds pretty interesting. Do you work with analysts or do you perform your own evaluations?

>> No.1204482

my own evaluation but it's based on test results of makers and state of development of current supplier. things tend to repeat themselves so it is not very hard to estimate the feasibility of current development by looking at the history of the supplier involved in said development.

it is not that interesting really. may sound like it is on first glance but it's all too predictable

>> No.1205795

Freelance Writer.

I do Copywriting, Creative Writing, Blog Articles, stuff like that.

I even do freelance art on the side occasionally for some extra money, but that's only occasionally.

>> No.1205926

Fluent korean
English mother tongue.

Can never find shit because no one would ever randomly trust a white person whos fluent in korean over a native korean who studied their ass off in english all their life and could be trusted more than I since their native tongue is Korean.