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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12009783 No.12009783 [Reply] [Original]

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What defines as being a "failed" currency

>> No.12010377

>OP doesn’t know about Zimbabwe

>> No.12010450

When people stop believing it because everyone has finally realized it's worthless. Yes, currencies have failed in the past and those countries would get rid of it and just issue a brand new currency.

>> No.12011176

As a Maknigger I really fucking want this.

>> No.12011198

this has to be a scam right? how is that only worth 6k?

>> No.12011490

This. When if becomes economically more efficient to use your currency as toilet paper than to use actual toilet paper, your currency has failed.

>> No.12011530

and how much was that worth in 20 BC?

>> No.12011532

I have like 800k in Yugoslavian notes and a few rubles that are no longer valid even though they're post 1991

>> No.12011543
File: 87 KB, 1008x552, ffdsfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The roman empire was so vast, and their currency so ubiquitous, that a lot of it, even 2000 years later, is basically worthless.

>> No.12011563


You can literally pick up Roman money for a few dollars. There was so much of it made that it’s still literally all over Europe and the Mediterranean. Towards the end of the Empire, they started diluting their currency with baser metals so they could just print more (sound familiar?), which means it’s not even worth much as scrap.

>> No.12011573

This, you can buy a lot of antiquities. I started collecting things a long time ago but even museums will sell some of their collection as they cant put everything on display, people keep donating stuff, and they have to clear out basements from time to time.

>> No.12011578

Not all roman coins are created equal

>> No.12011593


Zimbabwe, as mentioned above. The currency of Germany at the end of WWI was failing so badly that people would take wheelbarrows full of their pay to the store to buy essentials immediately because they knew it would be worth the next day. Venezuela is teetering close to truly failing as well. Failure is a consequence of political instability—people assume the government is going to fail or the government is just printing money out of thin air, creating hyper inflation. Usually it’s a sign of total political and economic collapse, like at the end of a catastrophic war.

>> No.12011600


I had a history professor in college who would carry around some Roman coins and pass them around his classes to show off. They were only worth a few cents each.

>> No.12011631


If you guys sit down and think about it for two seconds, you'll realize that this exact thing is happening in crypto right now, and is the real reason it's dumping in value at an astronomic speed.

>> No.12011655

there was tons of it
only the most rare and best condition go for any real money

>> No.12011686

just like USD, so now BTC is going to take its place.

>> No.12011761


>> No.12011800

Do you guys know where I can buy antiques? I want to start a collection

>> No.12011864

A lot of it sells at specialty auctions. You'll definitely have some in your area, have a look on the web.

There is one near me that happens every 3 or 4 months. Its quite unbelievable what you can buy. I had my eye on a spear head from a long phalanx style spear from the Mediterranean (2000ish years old) held in a nice display rack. It's estimated value was only like $500.

>> No.12011901

Thanks Anon. I Want to collect to invest but I also find stuff with history like that very interesting. I’m in the Bay Area so there should probably be some good stuff for sale.

>> No.12011971


>> No.12012165
File: 724 KB, 2340x4160, bitcoin and far more valuable zim dollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mugabe says our coin will forever have value.
>him kicking out all the whites who ran our farms is good for the coin.
>he's very sure of this. ZANU-PF will make the nigger ran potatofields prosperous.
>okay, so the harvest went to shit, but it was a drought.
>invest in ZANU's combine harvesters.
>ignore this other nigger who says he has better monetary policy.
>ZANU's combine harvesters didn't fail because they have no idea how to use them, it was sabotaged by white imperialists.
>the ZANU 8th dollar print will be the one true dollar.
>look at Mugabe. He's so generous, he's made these 1970s rhodesian coins in the fountain legal tender again, making the homeless nigger who lives next to it a gazillionaire.
>I refuse to believe that ZANU would do that just to beat him up and take the wealth for themselves.
>this new ZANU branch is very different to the old one. Invest in the 11th dollar.
>ZANU has amended history. The 11th dollar is actually only the 5th dollar.
>I don't understand why I'm starving. I have 9 different dollars and four combine harvesters on my unused farmland, and 1000 nigger war veterans who never actually fought in any war guaranteeing I'm safe as fuck.
>Mugabe was never true ZANU. The new guy is our lord and Jesus. He'll replace the combine harvesters with more up to date iphones, finally bringing us back to prosperity.
>black Jesus was never our lord, nor our Jesus. Mugabe was never ZANU. Invest in this guy who's driving tanks over the combine harvesters and iphones.
>you know as well as I do that this is just a bear market brought on by the evil imperialists and capitalists who have sabotaged our plantations and tricked the people into buying combine harvesters.
>ah, at long last, the 17th dollar. Let's go, boys.

>> No.12012247
File: 158 KB, 1046x505, cruzado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shitcoin failed

>> No.12012745

No wonder, it's ugly as shit

>> No.12012861

Silver and gold have never failed. 5000 years baby. Another thousand year reign is on it's way.