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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 316 KB, 1536x2048, DZHhd8wU8AAEELD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11995288 No.11995288 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest /biz/, are your only goals in life sex and money? Are you guys really that shallow?

>> No.11995301

yes, the girls in that pic are ugly tho

>> No.11995315

implying you wouldn't cum in two seconds with the girls on the left u fucking faggot


>> No.11995317

No, just money. I'm a low t gymcel, all I need is enough money to lift all day and not have to work.

>> No.11995319

mind you, one of them is a Playboy model

>> No.11995337

Although one helps you get the other, and it's reversed if you're the opposite sex.

>> No.11995343

Not the only goals but those do play a big part. How about you OP?

>> No.11995345

I just want money so I don't have to work for a boss ever again.

>> No.11995353

I want neither. I am young enough to want freedom and love.

>> No.11995362

I want money so I can stop working on other people's shit and instead solve problems I think are cool.

I remember thinking it would be cool to use deep learning to render computer graphics, instead of just simple Ray tracing like I have aplayed with a few times, but I'm so fucking exhausted from working on shitty corporate productivity tools, I just want to pass out and sleep forever when I'm not at work. I don't even go to the gym anymore.

Being able to quit my job and sleep when I feel tired and work when I'm most productive, on problems of my own choosing, would be amazing, even if that means I work from 1am to 5am and sleep from 9am to 4pm, instead of working 9 to 5 when I normally feel exhausted and then trying to sleep late at night when I have a burst of energy.

>> No.11995368

What ice doing these days

>> No.11995404

No, my only goal is money

>> No.11995419

I also want nice muscles

>> No.11995447
File: 701 KB, 3200x1680, 1411665659000-XXX-MARQUESTECHREVIEWER-EMB310-67496500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically i want a condo in hoboken like technigger. Otherwise a small apartment/home with a beater car, and internet. Just want to play vidya with my F.I.R.E. homie.

>> No.11995464
File: 114 KB, 761x571, 1543370711348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice digits; however:
>implying that life for mortal monkeys is necessarily any deeper than sex and money
"Life ain't nothin' but bitches & money." -- Master P

>> No.11995484
File: 5 KB, 182x250, 1517540144715s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my goal is REVENGE

>> No.11995496

>has a RED pointed out the window

the fuck are these nogs watching out there?

>> No.11995498

>30k video camera
>10k lens and attachments
>still has shitty in-window AC

This dude lives a pretty dope life, though.

>> No.11995505

even working @mcdonalds you can fuck girls like these

>> No.11995574

>tfw even autistic twitch celebrity bangs hot thots while you rot in your inceldom

>> No.11995578

Money yes, sex nope. Want to live comfortably and travel

>> No.11995621

Money and Asian women.

>> No.11995647

I want to give people back their dignity.

>> No.11995661


If your goal in life is sex and money, you're a woman.

If your goal in life is a woman, you're a man.

>> No.11995699

he probably has a sweeter setup by now, that image is like 3-4 years old. Dudes practically rich these days.

honestly any apartment/condo in New Jersey overlooking the NYC skyline on a rainy night, would be the most comfy experience.

>> No.11995846

projecting your ugliness this hard

>> No.11995855

I only want money to gtfo and live in a comfy place outside of the rat race.

>> No.11995902

what's the point of his crazy camera setup? Doesn't he just do really fancy shots of shitty new apple products or something? I don't really get it. he should do videography of something interesting like plants or food

>> No.11995918

Not concerned with sex anymore, it is a low energy focus for the spiritually underdeveloped.

I just want enough money to keep me safe, so I can just do drugs and train juijitsu all day, and create a workshop for my grandchildren to play in and hopefully develop enough skills and knowledge to help the human species.

>> No.11995936


>> No.11995953

girls in that picture all have face problems what-a-fuck-ing queer

>> No.11995977 [DELETED] 

Because he was ahead of the game for YT product reviews. You had to go to CNET or IGN, or listen to some awkward punjab. Everyone had shitty setups and presentations. And this well spoken, upwardly mobile negro had the best visuals and editing. You could see a clear demonstration of the products people were interested in. During and currently in a time when people are constantly buying phones and laptops.

Since he's made an impact in this space, he is the go-to man for technology previews.

>> No.11995995


It looked like they were all midgets in the thumbnail. Very disappointing.

>> No.11996016

on his way to Hawaii currently with some Andys for a 1 week stream trip

>> No.11996435

There's a lot of women in this thread then

>> No.11996719

Whats the deal with ice poseidon anyway? Is he half muslim/jewish or something?

>> No.11996721

Fear of DEATH, Worship of MONEY, and Idolization of SEX, are the modern day versions of SLAVERY

>> No.11996733


>> No.11996812
File: 77 KB, 750x717, IMG-20181128-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled

>> No.11996889

this. specially fear of death. absolutely pathetic the garbage quality of life some people accept upon then because "its better than being dead". these people would prefer eating a giant shit sandwich and then get shot in the head than just get shot in the head
never understood, never will.

>> No.11996911
File: 68 KB, 580x354, lamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, Marques owns the Dirty Lamp™

My man

>> No.11998104

nah i learned early that women are dangerous. so sex is completely off the menu for me these days. i got a kid so the majority of my wealth creation goes to giving them a good life.

>> No.11998129

my goal is to create a perpetual trust fund i can leave to my kids and grandkids. nothing crazy, just some modest pay out to make sure they are okay. i don't want anyone else in my family growing up like i did.

>> No.11998144

I've got money and no libido

I have no goals

>t. 31 years old

>> No.11998223

lol he looks so funny there. i love autist niggers

>> No.11998312

35 years old. Money. Enough money to retire in lower middle class home that I own out in the sticks. An acre of land would be preferred but not required. I just want time and space to do my hobbies in peace. Don't care about sex although I'm curious to get a fuck doll for fun at some point. I'm divorced and quite through with biosluts and their bullshit.

>> No.11998357

even your ID says yer a fucking vagina

check yerself m8

>> No.11998430


>> No.11998878


>> No.11998945

lol shes the ugliest of the three

>> No.11998958

this too

>> No.11999162

What I really want is advancement for us as humans.
The next step is close, it's within our lifetimes and I want to be a part of that step.

>> No.11999190

Right one is insanely hot. I agree on the other two.
I can't believe this faggot went from being a runescape playing manchild with zero social contacts to fucking playboy models and having tons of friends.