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11994964 No.11994964 [Reply] [Original]

I want some advice, encouragement or even ridicule if possible, and mostly to just share my story of failure.

I'm poor with a poor dumb family. I worked for three years saving my spare money to accumulate 10k USD when someone told me to "worst thing you can do with money is save and sit on it". True words I still think. Another friend told me to get into crypto and that was back in November. I bought in heavily at around 5.5k BTC when there was the "flippening" scare as I thought it was my chance. I was not an investor or a trader. I thought BTC was something I just held. Then I proceeded to trade altcoins back and forth until my 10k was almost 24k. I felt like I was going to make it and was on track to becoming a homeowner. Rather than meeting real traders and getting good advice I just listened to the euphoric crypto traders who thought that ride would never end. Now through various bad decisions and a few thankfully good trades, my 10k is now 4k, and I realize I've really fucked up my life for the future, and the hope I would be the one in my family to get us out of poverty are gone. For the next decade atleast. At 32 I don't have much hope that I'll make it.

I kind of just want someone to tell me that 10k isn't alot in the grand scheme of things. Or that things will be ok. Something. Even familiar ridicule might be nice, because I feel pretty bad as a holder of an asset that's likely going to die more, and whom I doubt will allow me to break even. Last year has been emotionally troubling, I haven't been able to find mental peace for a year. I thought I was safe since I bought back before December, but boy was that wrong. Anyway there's some poor dumb anons uninteresting story.

>> No.11995004

>getting good advice I just listened to the euphoric crypto traders who thought that ride would never end
>10k is now 4k

kek. Buy Chainlink?

>> No.11995060

>Thinking 10k is a life changing amount

Bro sort yourself out. You can make 10k in a few months working minimum wage at McDonalds

>> No.11995086

You absolutely cannot make 10k working McDonald's in a few months.. atleast not in my area. I'm sorting myself out. I hope all this money lost is just a fever dream in the next few years.

>> No.11995118

I have chainlink, it's been one of my saving graces.. and it's the Lions share of my "portfolios" at 10k links. Of it weren't for the run-up in link I'd be even worse off somehow.

>> No.11995140


You are stupider than I thought

>> No.11995215


>> No.11995272

You might have missed out on Bitcoin
You might have missed out on Ethereum
Don't miss out on Chainlink

This is your last shot to invest in a network solution that will be the standard protocol connecting Real world data to ALL smartcontracts. Yes, All of them. Any platforms that is not partnered with Chainlink will eventually be useless. LINK makes Smartcontracts usable in the real world.

The partnerships are rolling in weekly. Just don't be late.

>> No.11995339

i live in an eastern european shithole and contruction workers earn 10k in around 4 months lol

>> No.11995485

Thanks, this comment cheered me up, as did some others.

>> No.11995878

Just hold for now and look into making money online; smm if you know how to market, making yt comps, growing and selling instagram accounts, translating articles. The list goes on.

>> No.11996872

Maybe if you live with your parents and have no expenses.

>> No.11996991

>I kind of just want someone to tell me that 10k isn't alot in the grand scheme of things
it's not. ideally you should be expecting your work experience to result in increased earning power that will make that 10k feel like it's just a small misstep
also crypto is gambling masquerading as investing. look into saving and investing responsibly:

>> No.11997064
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>I fucked up everything.
>I know I fucked up.
>I know I got greedy, and was a dumb motherfucker who thought you put a memecoin in your computer, and it just werks and gains value for no reason.
>please tell me I wasn't a dumb motherfucker, even though I just told you that I know I am.
>yes, I'm holding links.

This is how the wealth transfer process in crypto works. I'll only tell you this once.
You work at a mcjob. You get tricked into turning mcjob money into coins. You think you're making money doing nothing, that you're getting passive income.

But at the end of the day, or the year, rather, it turns out all you'd been doing was buy the bags from older suckers who cashed out by dumping their shit on you.

>> No.11997610

Rich parents but poor since earning own money here net worth 10k. Turned 3.5k to 350 bucks in crypto over last year, just hold out and try buying bottom its smarter than trading. A friend had 120k now has nothing because he traded when I held. 350 is nothing but i pulled most out when i realised 7-9k wasnt the bottom for everything close to breakeven.