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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11993328 No.11993328 [Reply] [Original]

ATH: $275k
Current: $20k

Go on biz, I dare you. Find someone more JUSTED than me. I think about suicide every hour of the day

>> No.11993357

Initial 5k
ATH 110k
Now 5k again
cashed out only a couple hundreds

>> No.11993394

Initial: 75k
Current: $485

>> No.11993413

mah nigga

>> No.11993417

Is ok fren

>> No.11993419


Lmao no way. How is that possible?

>> No.11993432

Margin or hodling absolute scamcoins

>> No.11993433

Initial 30k
ATH 425k
Current 30k after paying 20k on taxes.

>> No.11993492

january fag here
initial 3k
ath 12k
cashed out 2.5k
current 50$

>> No.11993512

Initial 1k
Ath 23k
Cashed out 20k in dec/jan
3k is 182$ now.

>> No.11993513


>> No.11993515


>> No.11993522
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ATH: $1.2m
Current: $5k

>> No.11993526

initial 100k
ath 110k
current 11k

>> No.11993909

Initial: 25k I bought more on the way down so it's about 60k
ATH: 258k
Current: 30k
Not fucking selling you'd have to literally kill me to get these coins.

>> No.11993916

Inital: $5
ATH: $20
Current: 4.90

>> No.11993945

Got a fat liq in august 2018 when I was at my ATH

>> No.11993975

initial: $1900
ATH: $33k
current: $5600

>> No.11994034
File: 635 KB, 1242x2208, FE5EFF80-EB6A-41AB-A05F-A99493A21E4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initial 200k
ATH 32m
Now 358k

Shut the fuck up no one on this board is more JUSTd then me. I was even just at 380k yesterday. I didnt even cash out a cent at ATH because i fell for the hold meme

>> No.11994054
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What did you expect? If it would have gone to 10 million, you could have cashed out and still would be considered a genious.

>> No.11994061

You got fucked but it’s not the end. I was 30k initial, 210k at peak, not back to 28k.

>> No.11994206

Yeah but why would i cash out for only 10m when i could eventually cash out at 100m?

>> No.11994228

Initial 300$
ATH 1100$
Current 289$

>> No.11994382

Because it's better than the present 0m :^)

>> No.11994481

Because what would you have done with 100 million, what couldn't you have done with 10?

>> No.11994923

Invested 8k
ATH was 16k when I only invested 2.5k
Now 4k

Not selling, considering it lost money already

>> No.11995217

Thats the entire point. Unlike most of you degenerate neets i wouldnt spend my earnings on video game pixels or hookers and blow. I need the copious amount of money to fund a south and north pole expidition by plane and boat with the goal of finding out what they’re really hiding in the poles, specifically Antarctica.


>> No.11995325

Initial: 3k
ATH: 7k
Current: $760

>> No.11995350

No its really not i need 100m, idc if i drop to $0 from holding

>> No.11995374

Initial: 2.5k
ATH 64k
Current 61k

>> No.11995396
File: 201 KB, 317x275, 1498778329941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 1M Verge peaked at $227k. They're at $7.5k now.

>> No.11995426


>> No.11995463

Believe what you want. I did get lucky quite a few times though

>> No.11995536

How are you only 3k down after the ATH thats impossible the entire market dropped off a cliff

>> No.11995552

initial: $70
ATH: $41K
current: $7.5k

I didn't even buy the $70 myself, someone gave it to me lmao

>> No.11995571


>> No.11995596

Leverage trading. Oh and checked, I am about 4k down, the only alt I am holding went down a bit. But this one gave me 2x in november so it is all good

>> No.11995617

33k in
ATH of 360k
7.5k current

I had enough to start a business. Plenty of time to exit. Now I’ve lost my job and almost 2/3’s of all my savings.
Going to hold forever at this point.

Oh well there’s always suicide

>> No.11995634

want me to manage your shit for you? I been doing crypto and investing for many years. You keep everything in ur acc - i just tell u what to buy/sell ?

>> No.11995644

Not sure how you trade, but there is still money to be made by putting all profit in a stablecoin and wait for the next btc movement and getting in at the right moment

>> No.11995651

Because when u hold u cant lose. Unironically if you arent holding for atleast a decade you’re JUSTing yourself. Fuck fiat im holding until fiat is dead

>> No.11995658
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>investing in imaginary tulips

>> No.11995663

Please be real, this is cheering me up

>> No.11995673
File: 304 KB, 770x775, 1529558894778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initial: 5k
ATH: 120k
Current: 115k

>> No.11995682

wow fucking tradies this is a HODL thread because anyone who knows what they’re doing is holding for decades and throwing in gradually. Trading is too stressful id rather just afk on my gains

>> No.11995683

i watched all of that dudes videos

literally based as fuck and called this even back then

>> No.11995703
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, just yuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's people with -99% on their initial
people who bought shitcoins lost money, but people who bought the shittiest of shitcoins got raped

>> No.11995716

You should watch Tone vays and lucid investments ( Tyler Jenkins ) on youtube. They were the first guys to spot the top. Tyler sold all his company's bitcoins at 17k USD.

>> No.11995720

You bought the dip..
Deserve a Rip

>> No.11995757

Are they saying it's over forever?

>> No.11995765

Initial 1000
ATH: 100k
Current : 8k in crypto + 82k in fiat

>> No.11995769

The bull be dead anon..

>> No.11995789

Initial: $83.2k
ATH: $282k
Current: $48.5k

Not phased yet, anything less than 7 figures isn't worth worrying about

>> No.11995819
File: 60 KB, 735x373, Screen Shot 2018-11-30 at 12.14.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought 2,000 links last year at 18 cents.

and been buying eth since its downfall

am i doing it right?

gonna buy more at double digit eth

>> No.11995832

Initial 1,400
ATH 160k
Now 21k

>> No.11995860

These days mostly scalping and putting profits back into stablecoins. Except for one coin I just leave on long term hold

>> No.11995880
File: 216 KB, 996x458, sayori hanging ETH 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice cope
HODL is a strategy for people who DON'T know what they're doing so they avoid panic selling
it's much comfier to be sitting fairly close to my ATH as opposed to being 90%+ down like many of the people here

>> No.11995901

No. but they're showing you how to save a shit ton of money during the down turn. Your portfolio could drop another 80% if you hodl. Just watch them both and stay updated.

P.S. I've been 65% USDT and 30% BTC since around April.

>> No.11995976

If you had $275k right now what would you do with it

>> No.11996005

buy shitcoins probably

>> No.11996018
File: 14 KB, 152x254, DVTJGxTWsAUSUkB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this whole thread

>> No.11996024 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 467x456, evans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you buy at 19k?

>> No.11996028

I 600.00
A 120K
C 7K

>> No.11996045

Did anyone cash out tho?

>> No.11996051

.... 32m and you still held? That level of greed is ridiculous.

>> No.11996102
File: 42 KB, 800x450, You_get_used.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 1.2 btc worth of odn at ico

>> No.11996124
File: 155 KB, 960x640, 1442407877747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a tank and kill myself

>> No.11996171

>all these people convinving themselves to HODL because to do otherwise would lock in their losses.

And this is why you aren't good traders, should have sold a long time ago, you should sell now before it goes even lower, but you won't, you will keep holding because you are trading with your emotions.

>> No.11996214

>sell now at a 85% loss so i can accumulate at lower prices
Nice try fudster

>> No.11996230

>Current: $48.5k
i hope you are in usd not in usdt or btc

>> No.11996231


Yeah hire the guy who doesn't even know how to reply properly on biz to manage your shit lol

>> No.11996258


Do you honestly think buying a tank of helium just to give yourself a funny sounding voice to cheer yourself up is going to solve your problems?

You might have fun in the short term but you need to think in the longer term

>> No.11996278
File: 125 KB, 1178x1152, 1531713075918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call those people "Sayoris"
They're afraid of admitting they were wrong and exiting, so they held on and watched their portfolio suffer 90%+ losses.
Quite often, they margin long their entire stack in a desperation play to make up for their losses and then proceed to lose everything.

>> No.11996288

No thanks Raj

>> No.11996302

Fuck off jin

>> No.11996354

the fact that you have an 85% loss in the first place shows how well your trading strategy is working

it's like you people have no idea what a stop loss is, one of the very basics of trading and you call yourselves traders

>> No.11996790

But we’re not traders, we’re investors and holders