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11979841 No.11979841 [Reply] [Original]

I reached 250k at 20 last year and had a massive blackpill. Money doesn't make you happy, at all. Ironically charity work has been far more satisfying.

Am I the only one who wants to be one anyway simply cause most people can't do it?

>> No.11979902

If it doesnt make you happy, but charity does, you are free to donate me 100 monero anytime, so i can buy a fucking car so I can get to my wagecage easily. Otherwise quit larping faggot.

>> No.11979921

I know money doesnt make you happy but it gives u more free time
Atleast for me i had 50k at 21 and thats allot for my country like 10years of work and it didnt make me happy but i didn enjoy the free time i had

>> No.11979922

Learn to spell, nigger

>> No.11979927

I don’t like charity work at all. Most of the time it’s just helping nigs who can’t/won’t help themselves

>> No.11979959

you have to look for the right charity Im gonna start working in a dog shelter soon. fuck niggers I would never donate my time or money to these filthy animals they get enough of my tax money as it is

>> No.11979964

>I know money doesnt make you happy but it gives u more free time
I want ot wagie regardless of how much money I have. I know I'll get bored out my mind otherwise

>> No.11979972

>money is bad for you
>charity charity doo
the fucking post
who gives a fuck?
I have no future because I'm going to automate it and i havent nay savings

>> No.11979978

wtf, it's very easy if you just dump your morals

>> No.11980201

you might be colorblind OP, because that's a bluepill if i've ever seen one

>> No.11980628

if it doens't make you happy and you like charity then send some my way

>> No.11980810

Since you have so much free time, take a writting course in English.

>> No.11980909

OP is mostly right. It's more along the lines of cucks having a sense from purpose from wagie work because they need it to survive. However once you get enough money to live off (or simply work from home but only a few hours a day compared to 10 hour+ wagie job), you will start to get "bored and depressed" (how some cucks describe when they lose their jobs and have to neet it up). This is when you will have to realise to find a new sense of purpose. It doesn't matter what it is, new hobbies, "charity" or, as it is for me, starting a family. It's really not that hard to understand that without purpose we become shells of our former selves. Doesn't mean you have to slave away for someone else or that money is evil or whatever. Good luck kids.

>> No.11981259

I agree that money alone doesnt make happy, however the things that make one happy can cost a shitton of money. I wouldnt be happy without building a f1 approved racetrack at some point. this would cost be around 100-150 millions. So i ahve to get a shitton of money or i will be forever unhappy.