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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1197893 No.1197893 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think you owe your parents?

I don't owe them anything. I told them tonight by the time I'm 30 I will take every single penny they've earned from them for treating me how they did for 20 years.

I will not help them at all and the moment I'm finished college they are dead to me, I will never speak or have anything to do with my family the day I graduate, I'll never ever speak to them after that day.

>> No.1197897

EDGY. Did daddy molest you?

>> No.1197899

i owe them only not becoming a sperg manchild who fails in life

>> No.1197904
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>I will take every single penny they've earned from them for treating me how they did for 20 years.
not if they leave you out of their will

you are not an edgy manipulator, you just threw a little bitch hissy fit, if you were a manipulator you'd do that thing socios do when they act all perfect and nice so you never suspect anything

>> No.1197907

they went too deep more likely kek

>> No.1197908

Teach me to become a manipulator and make people pawns in my game.

>> No.1197909

Come on, man.
This thread sucked the first time.
And the second time.

>> No.1197913


Cmon I waited a long time to remake it this time. I thought a few months would be enough time.

Do you ever go outside?

>> No.1197918

>I thought a few months would be enough time
Well, it wasn't.

>> No.1197929

Quite a bit and I plan to paying it back atleast the monetary aspects

>> No.1197971
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>in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf

You are not a special snowflake. Most normies are as intelligent as you, some can be pretty smart, they can see straight through the little lies. Anyone can abandon morality, anyone be devilish and mischievous, stealing bikes, mixing weed with oregano and whatnot, the normies are prepared for this even if they fall for it occasionally, this path leads to mediocrity.

However some lies are so huge most normies simply aren't able to understand them and the few that do are more willing to join in the fun and games than try to warn everyone else.

Thus to become a master manipulator you must also be a good boy who strives for excellence, until you are in a position to push the big lie that is. Even someone mediocre can compete by choosing to do things most normies are unwilling to do, by being willing to put aside their ego in favor of greater goals, going to sleep at 11 instead of binge drinking until 3 in the morning, by learning something new from scratch rather than being set in their ways, taking risks that have a low chance of success over and over despite the months of humiliation and stress until they finally stumble across something.

The spider can catch insects many times its size by patiently spinning a web.

>> No.1197989

But more specifically.

How can I manipulate normies?

>> No.1197992

>post this bait post everytime and hope this will become /biz/ original meme in the future

>> No.1197995

The first time it was posted wasn't b8.

I stole his thread and made it my own with a picture of hijak.

That kid probably killed his parents and himself by now.

>> No.1197997

Been a while since this pasta was posted.

In any case, nothing. I don't think they owe me anything either, though. I wasn't a perfect kid and they sure as hell weren't perfect parents. I intend to go no contact by the end of this year with them, actually, and try to fix myself and some of the damage they've caused.

I know people get pissy when you blame things on your parents, but as your primary developmental influence, you'd be surprised just how much they are actually responsible for when it comes to the sort of person you cement into through puberty/young adulthood.

>> No.1198006

Cialdini - Influence
Also /biz/ relevant

>> No.1198015

My two gripes with my family;

We never talked about money, taboo subject.

Dads moral objections with taxation. He plays the game like a fool and 45% of his paycheque goes to the stupid government to spend on abos and retards

>> No.1198034

My father left 6 years ago after getting my brother deported. About 12 years ago he sold our house using all the money by gambling, drinking and giving it away. My mom has given up trying to get a job and the only chance I have in convincing her is to get one myself. She talks everyday about what my father did and keeps saying she's going to forget about him but she never does. She constantly talks about what could have happened and all the things she wants to do in life. She wastes all our potential savings on religious shit to get rid of evil spirits or for good luck so she has a chance to win money through gambling. I hate both of them.

>> No.1198042

Great, another /biz9k/ thread

>> No.1198048


I owe them very little. They were terrible parents, and I hope to have as little contact with them as possible. However, they are my parents, and I will still try to help them if they need it; I don't see the point in having hard feelings, unless they do something extremely bad. I don't want to die thinking of hate. I want to be happy, and think about the lives my children and grandchildren will have.

>> No.1198049


That's... that's actually kind of sad anon.

>> No.1198050

No! It's a heart warming story of a tightly knit family, who, through highs and lows, managed to stay together, through the power of LOVE

>> No.1198057


Fantastic attitude! It's always good to be optimistic, except when it's not.

>> No.1198058

More edges than a hypercube.

>> No.1198059
File: 10 KB, 500x262, why-can-t-i-hold-all-these-feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Anon, your dad said we're buying a house in the next few months.
> ...He signed a contract with the landlord behind my back, we're evicted starting tomorrow.
> We're staying in the garage your father rented for the next few days.
> We're moving in with a friend for the next few months.
> Finally an apartment.
> Your brother and I are planning to buy a house together anon.
> Your father lied to the police that your brother stole his car.
> The lawyer says there's still time.
> Your father refused to drop the charges.
> "Lets forget about our son.", I can't believe he said that to me anon..

>> No.1198063

I owe them everything. They work overtime to provide me with the best education, and have sufficient holidays. They will do anything for me, and I will do anything for them.

>> No.1198107
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That's great, anon!

>> No.1198110

I owe my mom a college education, a $250k house in France and a car.

>> No.1198289

I'll always owe them in a sentimental sense for everything they ever did for me, I had great parents. I still live with them and they handle the rent (I'm 23).

But in a money sense I feel like I've paid off my dues. My dad was unemployed for like a year and I had to give him >$10k throughout that year. We don't talk about it much and it annoys me sometimes that I suspect he doesn't realize how much money I had to give him during that year. I don't wanna bring it up to guilt trip him though. He's in no position to pay any of it back anyway.

>> No.1198298

Absolutely nothing.
They let me get molested and told me to suck it up. They tell me everyday how I ruined their lives by being born handicapped.
They tell me every once in a while to "just die already" or kill myself. They pulled me out of 4th grade and sent my brother to expensive private school and tuition. They tell me I eat too Much(no I'm not overweight, my bmi is 21). They tell me I will never amount to anything.

I literally hate them very much. They even tell me that paying for my medicine is killing them(even though they get all that money back because healthcare)

Fuck my parents and fuck my brother. If I could kill them and get away with it I could do it in a heartbeat.

>> No.1198650

Jesus man.

Why haven't you moved out yet?

>> No.1199380

I can't. I'm disabled. And no one will hire me cos I'm disabled.

>> No.1199401

how disabled are we talking?

>> No.1199411

A lot. Technically 68%. I'm trying to move out though. Thanks for asking bro.

>> No.1199414
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I'm in the process of building up a $20k financial safety net so I never have to talk to my parents ever again. I'm at $6k now, should be done with $10k in four months.

Let's just say that my life is so bad that an MRI showed that repeated punches to my head has caused irreparable brain damage, affecting me psychologically - and I wasn't beaten up at school, ever.

I don't owe them a damn thing, and if they try to give me anything, I won't take it.

>> No.1199423

Fucking hell bro.

Exact same story here.

SHIT. I got like $25k tho.

I'm going to work two jobs all summer to save as much as possible while lifting. What are you planning on doing?

I'm planning on just packing my shit and leaving one day. Going to find some roommates and just live in a chill house with them I guess.

>> No.1199428

I don't live with my parents, that's why it's taking so long to build up. I make $3600 a month after taxes, it takes me about $2k to exist a month (this includes buying stupid shit and eating at restaurants and a car payment), so I can normally save about $1k a month.

I moved out of my parent's house at 18, was homeless for a bit, and finally worked my way back up to a good job. Now I have to make sure I don't need anyone ever again.

>> No.1199429


I've been meaning to move out desu. I don't know tho, I'm kind of always worried I don't have enough savings.

>> No.1199433

It's tough and scary, honestly. Try looking for something really cheap, like living in a friend's closet or something. Make sure you're not a burden on anyone for cutting you a break, as it's better to owe friends than the assholes that fucked you up in the first place. And remember that all of those little things you want here or there add up - you'll need to sacrifice a bit to life on your own.

>> No.1199434

I dunno tho. In theory my $25k should be plenty, should it not?

>> No.1199437

My dad, nothing.
My mom, now that I have a good job and have gotten myself in a place where I can have the things I want, I wish I could give her back things for being there for me when I needed someone. She died of stomach cancer last year, so I can not do that. Wish I could have done more to show her how much I appreciated the things she did for me.

>> No.1199446

It should, but you have to make sure it STAYS as $25k. You should only ever touch it in case of emergencies. I have a money market account that I move money into that I do not ever, ever, ever touch unless an emergency.

>> No.1199455

Good luck on getting 0 inheritance faggot.

The truth is you need to offer advice to your parents on personal finance/saving to make them as rich as possible, and then live comfy when they pass away, as well as ensuring them a decent retirement.

I manage my parent's retirement/brokerage accounts and have made them ~4-5% this year while the market is flat for the year. Have also gotten them to stop wasting money and save more.

Sucks that either you or your parents make it impossible to get along, stay poor m8.

>> No.1199456

I currently have 18 months of bills in my savings that is accessible immediately. I only have that long of a period due to shity job market for my field in my living area. If I were to move, I may move it down to a year.

Money market accounts aren't liquid, are they? You have a fixed term to reach those certain return rates?

A lot of people in my industry have 6 months to a year worth of bills saved up for an "oh shit" moment.

>> No.1199461

My mom died poor. My dad is 62 and will work til the day he dies poor due to making poor money decisions for 40 years.

>> No.1200125

I'd like to help silly teens kill their drug-addicted,drinking-addicted parents and win the house automatically. ;)

It's easy and hard to kill a human being.
The hard way: convincing them to fuck off and kill themselves (if everyone on 4chan who got told to kill themselves and did it... then there would no longer be a /b/ board)
The easy way: accidental poisoning, accidental head break(very efficient during winter when the staircase is slippery with ice)
Killing someone from natural environmental causes is the perfect murder. Unlike sabotage, poison, direct mauling, complex bullshit, lawyers, accidents from environmental causes carry no blame onto the hitman. So maybe you started the avalance, so maybe your autistic awkwardness made him slip off the staircase, so maybe he poisoned his own drink, so maybe a bear mauled him, you won't be to blame for the accident.

That's why I'd love for governments to stop being such blatant pieces of shits which murder their own presidents via sniper bullets.
America loves hiding in the bush and denying they're not.

>> No.1200138
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>> No.1200527

It actually really sucks because I feel like I'm a socio. But it's not natural, it's like an adapted trait. It started around sixth grade and I still have it now, where I don't feel anything for any of my family. I basically just use them to fund my college degree. I lie bla bla tell them I love them, but I don't actually feel anything. Same with my little brother. I care most about my potential gf and my cat, that's literally it. Am I a socio?

>> No.1200538

Do you ever jerk off to violent shit? I think I might be a sociopath. Definitely not right in the head.

>> No.1200630


A lot. Whilst I blunder or mess up or even do well, my mother always supports me even if it's stupid. She gives me financial advice and just advice in general. She lets me live with her for no cost, and doesn't ask anything in return. She wants me to succeed and never puts me down.

90% of the reason I want to make a lot of money is so she can live a comfortable life.

>> No.1200665

I don't owe my parents anything, but I'm fine with that. Most of you millennials have parents who pay for your education, car, and housing. A lot of us Generation Zers have parents who lost everything in the recession, and we're still struggling to get it back. How about taking some accountability for your future and quit acting like entitled brats? No wonder no other generation respects you.