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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 68 KB, 650x419, mcrobot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11967943 No.11967943 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest: Is your job future-proof?

>> No.11967947

Yes. I'm the one automating your job.
>gets outsourced

>> No.11967951

Sucking cock is always in demand OP

>> No.11967962

Being a landlord isn't going nowere.

>> No.11967964

>He doesn't know

>> No.11967974

I sell alcohol and tobacco so I need to do ID checks. No way for computers to do that yet so I'll be safe for a while

>> No.11967985


>Please scan your ID here
>Please look into the camera
>Here anon, take your beer and vodka

I've got some bad news anon

>> No.11968014

yes, I'm a factory hand that does everything for the company I work for. Fabrication, Technician work, housekeeping, IT support, loading and unloading.
The company I work for is not going anywhere for a long time.

>> No.11968025

>be underaged
>grab my fathers ID
>put on sunglasses, a hat and a scarf
>go and buy alcohol
>computer asks for ID and takes my pic
>looks close enough to picture and accepts me

Cool. That was easy.

>> No.11968026


I’m a high school teacher...yes for the foreseeable future.

>> No.11968036

lol no, im fucked.

>> No.11968041

Also I am a token employee with arse-burgers.

>> No.11968048

sex robots

>> No.11968053
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>he doesn’t know

>> No.11968057
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>blocks your path

>> No.11968067



>> No.11968081

People like you is why this site needs blockable IDs. fucking sick of seeing your shit head everywhere

>> No.11968085

No and I legitimately don't care.

>> No.11968087

On a long enough timeline, nobody's job is future proof

>> No.11968100

Are you 12 or do you unironically believe this? The fucking machine will tell you to remove your shit or fuck off. The only possible way to trick the machine is if you have a full grown beard in your 16

>> No.11968109
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They should take your job away just based on how paranoid you seem anon.

>> No.11968164
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I'm a Fiber network technician, maybe one day robots will be advanced enough to do everything my job requires, but ill be long dead before that day comes so who gives a shit.

>> No.11968250
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>implying any job is future proof

The only job that comes close will be worshipping your future techno goddess

>> No.11968263

I hope not. Automate everything!

>> No.11968283

No such thing

In the distant future we'll all just exist for each other's entertainment. Only people who are hot, funny, smart/informative, original, etc will get views, which will basically be credits in a NWO, ruled by Amazon

>> No.11968301

Desk jobs will actually be replaced before manual jobs. Robots are expensive. But if all you do is use your brain, you're extremely vulnerable to be replaced by software in the next 30 years. Hope you save enough to retire by then.

>> No.11968363

>the 0.1% of people who are fast food workers have to get another, more productive job
>99.9% of people cant get cheaper food and wait in smaller, faster lines
>this is somehow scary

>> No.11968368

This. robots can pretty much do anything corporate/IT/Computer related. Getting a machine to actually move around and do physical shit in large amounts isnt happening in the next 50 years

>> No.11968374


>> No.11968385

Writing won't be going anywhere for at least the next century. The ease with which humans parse meaning of sentences is unreachable and irreproducible by machine learning.

>> No.11968414


This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Manufacturing and labor jobs have historically always lost out first that was the whole point of inventing the fucking wheel! Have you seen an automotive plant? It's fucking robots! I'm not saying your desk job won't fall to automation, but you'd have to be born yesterday to think that manual labor jobs won't be automated sooner rather than later.

>> No.11968419

I'm a lawyer. Graduated near the top of my class from Duke and I'm currently working at my father's contract law firm, making an easy quarter mil every year.

I don't see this changing any time in the future.

>> No.11968459


I'm pretty sure it won't be hard to program a robot to talk out its ass

>> No.11968470

Automation is overall good. A society where people have to do less work is obviously better. In a future where people only have to work maybe an hour or two a day look back on us living now, its like us looking back at cave men who spend 10+ hours a day hunting and foraging for food, and the other hours of day caring for children who will probably die well before they can hunt anyway. Cave men never had the time or ability to build anything impressive, and their only lasting impression is cave art which on the level of a modern toddler's drawings. If a cave men was exposed to the idea of a modern city he would be terrified by the lack of resources to hunt and gather because he cannot comprehend a modern lifestyle. This is the same way people who are scared of automation think of the future. Its a good thing when a job is automated because it means people can spend there time doing more productive things then inane shit like flipping burgers or lifting boxes 8hr a day. People in the future would probably laugh at retards today who are terrified at the idea of a society where hours of tedious manual labor is no longer required.

>> No.11968519

I’m a ups driver so I’m literally gonna get cucked by a drone

>> No.11968534

I work in billing for an internet company. We already have an automated service and most people fucking hate it. When it comes down to it, there are certain matters that customers will want to address with an actual human. You can’t negotiate with a program. We’re stepping into the realm of highly advanced AI, the likes of which could not be implemented for another 20 years or more. We’ve also got this aging boomer generation that can’t tell the difference between WIFI and internet; these people can not tolerate automation. Customer service is a massive part of a company’s success. The human element won’t be disappearing anytime soon.

Now, with that being said—do I want to stay in customer service for even close to 20 years? Fuck no.

>> No.11968537

yes i make custom websites

>> No.11968580

>Please look into camera
>present giant photo of my dad
>thank you come again.

>> No.11968600

You know how often these things mailfunction and the screens are filthy ? That the interface is bad ?

10/10 post, seems OP will never be unemployed.

>> No.11968617

Computers can't solve math problems that people don't know how to solve yet. Mathematicians and scientific researchers will always have jobs.

>> No.11968622

What is a fake beard

>> No.11968643

I dunno. I'm a line cook so it's entirely possible robots could take my job. They do have that one restaurant in Japan. But the industry is so pretensions I feel like there's always gonna be people who say they need a real person making their food. Plus how are all the old hags going to entertain themselves when they can't bitch at a real person about their well done steak not being a lump of ashes?

>> No.11968644

What if...some customers actually desire human interaction when doing business.

>> No.11968649

my job is stupid nonsense work so I think it is untouchable

>> No.11968654


Yeah I'm pretty well set. Tons of variance in the kinds of jobs I can do as one

>> No.11968664


I'm sure androids will eventually be programmed to pretend to give a shit about you just like other wagekeks

>> No.11968718

master electrician. im good for atleast 20 years.

>> No.11968744

Accountant here and work for a private company and get paid well
It’s not the technology that scares me, well it does but really PEO type companies. Companies that take on bunch of companies and do their accounting/HR/payroll/insurance/workmen’s comp and so forth.
I am close to my boss and he lets me be the one that meets these companies representatives and I am super honest with him.
Today I could be replaced but it would cost the company about what I cost the company but they’d give up privacy and some inconvenience when it comes to everyday things.
Technology and revolution is sad when you think about it really and where things are heading.

>> No.11968762

White Hat. Yes.

>> No.11968763

>Mechatronics engineer
Fairly future proof.

>> No.11968781

I actively avoid human interaction. I go to the self-serve checkouts even when there's no line at the regular checkout.

>> No.11968838
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Same, fuck human interaction.

>> No.11968852

Quality Control....maybe

>> No.11969539

Surgeon… 100%

>> No.11969645

That's just wrong.
Human intelligence consist of biochemical algorithms. These can be easily reproduced by AI algorithms in the future.
Even today AIs can compose classical music that can not be distinguished from human composers.
Every single cognitive job is going to be replaced no matter what.

>> No.11969669

Welcome to SmartContracts, Mister Lawyer

>> No.11969710

That shit doesnt even work for iphonex. You need to be a chink to fool it

>> No.11969750

Chef here also. A robot revolution in the restsurant business is still easily 30 years off.
Firstly, robots cant taste shit.
Secondly, robots cant stroke your ego for tips
Thirdly, robots are fucking expensive, and too risky for such a high rate of failure business environment. Restaurants only run on cheap labour, thats the reality. No cheap labour, no restaurant.
What i do see possibly is tiny specialised hole in the wall take away/fast food dispensers.

>> No.11969800 [DELETED] 

The ai is still dumb as fuck.

Just read an article that in which waymo ceo said it will take decades for self driving cars to become mainstreem and they still can't operate in all conditions.

There is a lot of meme bullshit with all this "tech revolution". If you look at history it's speaks to itself - only 2-3% of people lost their job in past decade due to automation.

what do i do with no motivation. Kill yourself is not a pleasant option.

>> No.11969809


>> No.11969814

The ai is still dumb as fuck. Like the choosing images in post verification, you just cna't program it.

Just read an article that in which waymo ceo said it will take decades for self driving cars to become mainstreem and they still can't operate in all conditions.
There is a lot of meme bullshit with all this "tech revolution". If you look at history it's speaks to itself - only 2-3% of people lost their job in past decade due to automation.

what do i do with no motivation? Kill yourself is not a pleasant option.

>> No.11969878

>Even todays ai can compose classical music
Lmao wut

>> No.11969929

>in the future
Yeah, maybe in the 25th century. Today we only have text spinners, which you are free to try out and marvel at yourself.

>> No.11969934

Lmao. Doesnt know about coursera, khan academy, and schoola which have coaches as opposed to teachers.

>> No.11969946

Nice cope

>> No.11969955

Or you know.. something completely unexpected. Like people on a online platform where one your neighbors hosts dinner parties for 1/3 of the price of a restaurant.

You think people in the 50s expected the internet?

>> No.11969958

There's a beer vending machine on ID in my street and it has been there for a couple of years.

>> No.11969974

I basically create apps for the government which collect your data. And I studies artificial intelligence. I think I'm on the good end. Obviously we are dealing with a shitload of pajeet in the industry. But the government isnt goinf to hire some low quality code monkey for sensative jobs.

>> No.11969995
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you do what now

>> No.11970002


>> No.11970023


those kiosks are complete shit, just to order one burger meal with no cheese you have to click through like 10 different screens and scan through their entire fucking menu

>> No.11970105

Lmao, yeah its not as bad as it sounds although yeah it is a bit sketchy. People are aware though that there data is collected, its basically like a survey to which they can sign up. But instead of having to fill in some shitty 5page survey, we just collection something like location data for the duration of a week.

Still pretty shitty. But the pay is insane. And someone's gotta do it. So id rather it be me.

>> No.11970110

Btw sorry for the retarded typing. Just woke up hungover and im on a phone.

>> No.11970160


Watch niggers exit the toliets without washing their hands, they immediately proceed to punch in their order on the touch screen.

Yeah nah, i'm never touching those fucking things.

>> No.11970165

Namefag fagging aboot as usual. Go to reddit, you'll earn points.

>> No.11970209
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Yes, tax audit and dispute are far away from automation.

>> No.11970272
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Please get even a surface level understanding of the challenges that AI faces before spouting this bullshit.

>> No.11970281

>Even today AIs can compose classical music that can not be distinguished from human composers

Please stop getting your scientifical information from BuzzFeed.

>> No.11970346

> people on a online platform where one your neighbors hosts dinner parties for 1/3 of the price of a restaurant
lmao, restaurant has economy of scale, home dining is neither scalable nor truly profitable

>> No.11970403

Yeah who would ever want to ride with a complete stranger, as opposed to a licensed cab driver.


(Hint, cause you seem to be a little stupid: uber)

>> No.11970405

I remember reading somewhere that by 2030 more than a quarter of jobs will have been automated in the US

>> No.11970428

Click "settings" top right, enter my tripcode and check the box "hide". Click "save settings". There, now my ugly words are hidden from your tender eyes for good.

>> No.11970434

my job wont be replaced by automation ever, but cheap labor from nigger countries might

>> No.11970454

You should read Homo Deus by Harari

>> No.11970458
File: 48 KB, 511x671, D708D02C-45B1-4F11-9918-FAD5ED175E7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m an opera singers, so no, I don’t think a robot will take my job in my lifetime.

>> No.11970546

there is no license to be a chef dumbnuts, only your skill

>> No.11970582

Yes. I'm in law enforcement. Recession proof. It would take total collapse for me to be laid off.

>> No.11970712

please be bait

>> No.11970737

Like it takes a fucking genius to know how to operate a stove. Only brainlets become cooks. Its easier than drawing or teaching gym class. You only think its though because you get exploited to work ridiculous hours. Anyone who has an afternoon off can go on youtube and watch how the bests cheffs in the world prepare a stake or whatever.

So yeah that mom that doesnt work, loves too cook, isnt used to a wage, and has a free space to invite guests to (aka her home), will definitely replace your ass in the future.

Sure there will be high class dining with pro chefs at some restaurants still, but thats like 10 percent of the market. And there will be high output fastfood chains, which will operate fully automated for like 50 percent of the market. All other cooks are going to have to take a pajeet wage or find another career.

>> No.11970753

Vocarroo us.
I want to hear le Donna a mobile

>> No.11970997

Same. Large department, strong union, working in a city that’s projected to see significant population growth. It will be interesting to see how automation affects LE, and I’m sure it will eventually to some extent, but for now it’s reasonably safe.

>> No.11971244
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>implying code monkeys won't be one of the first to get replaced

>> No.11971323

You know nothing about turning a profit in f&b. Food costs are 1/3 of the retail price listed in restaurant menus. professional cooking equipment runs up into the tens of thousands for ovens.
The profit model is all about volume of sales. A home cooks labour just isnt enough.

>> No.11971725


Learn self-discipline.

>> No.11971772


Well, you're just being too optimistic.

We are already supposed to only work one or two hours a day according to some predictions from the 1950's or something. The problem is that the gains from automation are only going to business owners and they're not being trickled down at all. Also, these very same business owners are just creating more consumerist crap for people to buy, therefore the labor needs of this world are never decreasing, only increasing. That's why we still have 8+ hours work days, we want our McDonald's and Iphones.

Automation under the current social system is only hastening the return of feudalism.

>> No.11971786

>being this dispatched from reality

You have no idea how new technology is invented. Then you go to the internet and boast about. You should be ashamed anon.

>> No.11971802

I'm the guy they will call when these booths need to be fixed. so yes

t. controls engineer.

>> No.11971807


He was trying to cite the following paradox: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moravec%27s_paradox

To make his statement clearer, conscious mental tasks which are procedural in natural are really ripe for being automated.

>> No.11971808

wtf? where can I buy?

>> No.11971814

crypto trader the most future proof job

>> No.11971829


This. It's actually really hard to make a plumber robot. Software engineers will probably get replaced before plumbers.

>> No.11971830

The way the neoliberal elite have it structured is that automation will do more of the tough mental work that doctors, lawyers, accountants and engineers do and all the jobs that require physical activity are done by immigrants imported in the millions that drive ways down to the ground.

Ideally we'd have a UBI society where we'd sterilize people with an IQ below 100.

But normies would prefer Brazil over utopia. Tbh the elite might start doing that. I think the push for transgenderism is so that people voluntarily mutilate their genitals so they can't breed and so the human population is kept under control.

>> No.11971833

>government jobs being replaced by advances in modern technology

It may happen one day, but you can't fool me into thinking government bureaucracy will be efficient enough to be one of the first

>> No.11971839

I don't think so. I just jobs like software engineers and other engineers will be done AI or outsourced to developing countries where they will be done in the cheap. Like they are now.

>> No.11971845

my ID card has a RFID chip anon, they scan it when I have to buy alcohol. I could scan it myself. then they could use a vision camera to detect if your face matches the face on the card.

I'll write the code for it if no one else will do it, just to watch you cry like the bitch you are when you no longer have job.

>> No.11971852

The public sector has the most makework I have ever seen. We literally create jobs for Beckies.

>> No.11971865

no, being her creator is future proof, because only nerds like me will understand it enough to know how to stop it.

>> No.11971896

I sit at a desk all day...I program robots. explain how I'll lose my job before you.

>> No.11971897
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Just imagine how much worse this will be once America starts replacing workers with screens.

>> No.11971908

McDonalds "food" is already compressed shit, so not much will change.

>> No.11971915

You are retarded and deserve to become homeless because of the coming robot revolution the only job that is safe is programming. because we get to decide what jobs are replaced first.

and moving shit around is literally the first thing robots were used for you dumb fuck. have you actually been inside a fucking manufacturing plant at all?

>> No.11971933

I worked with automated vehicles way back in 2007, confirmed, you are fucked. Anyone in transportation, truckers, drivers, uber. al are going to be automated.

>> No.11971934

If they can automate my inventory job, they'd be doing me a favor.

>> No.11971937

My job is rapidly becoming endangered due to various things. But I work for state government so if they shut the place down, they got to put me (and the other people) somewhere else. They can't just toss my ass to the curb. Been through it before; division got the ax, they moved me where I am now. Oh well.

>> No.11971943

yes it's the worst thing to automate first, but it was the easiest.

they should really be automating the kitchen, but that would be expensive and quality control would likely be lower so don't want to.

>> No.11971947

Nobody will get replaced except cashiers. Not even truck drivers. AI is a gigantic meme and the bubble is already bursting.

>> No.11971972

Hard to say, AI is only as effective as the end users is willingness to trust it. I think tons of jobs will be automated out of existence, many of the lower tier legal jobs are going through this. In 30 yeas lawyers will still exist, but only a few very good lawyers leveraging technology to accomplish the technical work. This will probably apply to many other fields, you need someone who has more than just raw knowledge of a given field, you need wisdom 20,000 feet up directing things and the end user to feel like some person is in control of the situation.

>> No.11971978
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nope, you'll be replaced by pic related.

>> No.11971998

It's happening now dipshit. the fact you don't know just reveals you don't work a real job. you mcdonalds job will go away soon too.

>> No.11972039
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Fucking kek, my job shouldn't even be a job as it is

Take the govpill anons.

>> No.11972060

Code monkeys are creating the robots you retard, we get to decide what jobs get replaced.

>> No.11972079

>hurr durr engieers are creating robots to replace themselves.

you need engineers to make the robots you retard.

>> No.11972098

glad I don't go to fast food restaurants then.

>> No.11972099

Unless you neets can get a pajeet army to program a bot to sell, I'm all set.

>> No.11972100
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thank God we have Japen to provide the world with 90% of its perversity

>> No.11972108


>> No.11972115

I am a java backend developer
i-is my job save?

>> No.11972116
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>No way for computers to do that yet
what do you think this thread is about?

>> No.11972126

those machines need an operator retard

>> No.11972142

Teacher here, it'll loose to the robot overlords probably in 5-8 years.

>> No.11972153
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for now.

>> No.11972167

No you won't, but you're a teacher so you're probably too dumb to comprehend fundamentals on social learning. Enjoy your 30k and summers off ya cunt

>> No.11972168

Yup, maintence electrician with a huge firm, with ngos, lawyers and other high value clients. Had my job over 12 years. We are unironically in a partnership with iota to make internet of things bulding components to give us more.controll over plant and more.data. all these things still need.to be installed.and maintained.

>> No.11972176


>> No.11972201

100%. They'll never be able to automate detailed electrical work, installation, and troubleshooting.

>> No.11972206
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every single door knob you use are a 1000 times worse than any of those touchscreens but i don't see any news articles about that

>> No.11972219

I'm safe. I'm a surgeon. Unless you decide to trust your life to a robot. Nobody will for a long time

>> No.11972228

>show a human while putting you under
> do actual surgery with a machine.

>> No.11972235
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they can be remote controlled and each job gets analyzed to better AI

so AI will eventually be able to perform most routine jobs and then there will be only 5000 master surgeons in the world that remote control these things for the really difficult jobs. as more and more data is collected eventually even those numbers will get reduced, replaced by some low paying supervisor job that will stop the machine if something goes wrong and then call in one of the few real human surgeons left to take over

>> No.11972245

> Such anger, such butthurt, cry harder faggot
Most of the content and teaching material selection for students will be automated with time with selection algorithms based on student performance, meaning that the typical teacher today is spending time on material selection and how to present it to students.

Social learning can happen without teachers, currently they mediate material and assist students on particular problems, something that a well trained algorithm will eventually do as well. Basically you can replace a trained teacher with even lower pay wagecuck cheerleader like yourself with sufficient automation.

>> No.11972266

I work in supply chain, so I'm pretty safe

>> No.11972270

I don't touch door knobs except when I'm at home (where I wash my hands, so I know shit's not on them when I'm touching my own door knobs). I live in a first world country with automatic doors in public places.

>> No.11972285

>imagine unironically thinking a 'well trained algorithm' will replace teachers in 5-8 years

Why are you even on /biz/ as a teacher? It's like being black on /pol/

>> No.11972293
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>> No.11972302

I'm a Microsoft-certified Systems Administrator, so I'd say yes.

>> No.11972313
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>tfw in middle management for tech marketing and distribution

I'm ok right bros? I'm only 1.5-2 years away from getting to upper-middle management.

>> No.11972315

We'd only be selling the devices to clients for use.in buildings we maintain. We're apparantly still researching them. I'm sure they'll come up with a proprietary BMS to go with it. One device for instance is a thermostatic mixer valve. Temperatures need to be checked at the outlet and valve every week and if it's a low usage outlet it needs flushing. All.of this can obviously be automated. In my country these checks are manditory in commercal buildings. Don't think the big boys like phillips and siemans aren't already well ahead.of the game on this one.

>> No.11972320
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i'm pretty jelly at the kids born today. they will probably live twice as long as me and will learn stuff in school twice as efficient.

sure there will be a time period where everybody panics because there will be almost no jobs but afterwards everybody can just spend their time doing whatever they want all life.

im sure you still get the point though

i heard algorithms are getting really good at planning cities and accounting for basically everything, naturally someone will always be needed to verify and approve the final plans tho

>> No.11972359

> Still whining like a faggot.
Not direct replacement, it'll change the job to reduce requirements such that the current version of the profession is gone.

I'm mostly surprised that you don't realize this, it's how all automation works, then again, I doubt that you have any realistic insight in the teaching field.

You could if you google Personalized learning algorithms, it's coming and it will change the jobs.

>> No.11972374

>i heard algorithms are getting really good at planning cities and accounting for basically everything, naturally someone will always be needed to verify and approve the final plans tho

People will mod Cities: Skylines to pay autists crypto in exchange for real urban planning.

>> No.11972397

Note that this is separate from paying Warehouse Simulator and Train Simulator players to do those jobs remotely due to the lag time communicating with Germany.

>> No.11972401

Yes. Automation engineering

>> No.11972418
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i tried playing cities skyline but god it was so boring. all the videos tricked me into thinking it was fun. i think it would benefit from having a little story mode where you can fail a level and not be full sandbox.

>> No.11972457

Those things are a waste of money. No one uses them

>> No.11972495
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Nah, drones can't open doors and enter apartment buildings to deliver packages... and even if they could it would pose severe safety issues in choke points such as doorways/hallways/stairways/elevators. Total automation of package delivery is decades if not centuries out.
Driving jobs are still going to exist for LTL carriers making multiple stops per day and people in rural areas. I don't see a robot/self driving vehicle/drone being capable of driving 100 miles to remote location "A" on gravel back roads, opening multiple locked doors, delivering specific item "X" to said location, picking up item "Y" at said location, leaving, driving 50 more miles on rural roads to remote location "B" and repeating the process anytime soon. This type of thing is only currently plausible in the mega cities.

>> No.11972497
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then where does the poo come from? >>11971897

if it saves on just 1 employee or enables the restaurant to accept 1 more customer per day they pay for themselves

>> No.11972549

I believe that a career in law is future-proof not because it cant be done by AI but because society will never accept it.

>> No.11972561

To a certain extent but smart contracts have the potential to considerably change the landscape.

>> No.11972584
File: 1.24 MB, 3405x2266, space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from what i hear a lawyer's job is mostly just looking up stuff. there will always be lawyers but one lawyer will be able to handle 10 times the clients in the future

>> No.11972599

Get ready to be replaced by chainlink fuckface

>> No.11972626

That is just it. Manufacturing was one of the first things to be automated like this and it has yet to catch up to Administration, Management, "sitting at a computer and looking important" types of jobs.

Most of the money left in manufacturing jobs involves programming and the type of one-offs and in-between work that would be too bothersome to automate for the foreseeable future.

>> No.11972718
File: 63 KB, 353x400, cheap thrill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it, want to post a particular related comic by Jerry Van Amerongen but it's basically impossible to find the needle.

>> No.11972785

Very Good Post

>> No.11972862


How long do we have? Another UPS driver here hoarding all of my bux until the drones and AI truck yank me outa the truck kicking and screaming

>> No.11972990

At least a decade. Self-driving cars can't handle anything other than flat roads on a sunny day.

>> No.11973072

Depends on the level of AI. As long as we haven't found out how thinking and learning works in detail I'll be safe. I guess STEM is one of the most important and best sectors to work in

>> No.11973085

Yes. AI aint doing what i do on backhoes no time soon

>> No.11973095

Im late to the thread but that comment gave me such a laugh. Ive done that job in my early work life and know the feels

>> No.11973123

Maybe that law degree I got few years back while serving time and never used will finally be useful to me.

>> No.11973210

hope you got a LOT of linky

>> No.11973247

Yes the next 10-20 years

>> No.11973278

yeah I want a man to suck my dick not robot you dumb asses

>> No.11973299

you get to decide lmao

>> No.11973377

In field compliance auditor, verifying whether businesses are doing in practice what they report to the gov. Hard to see this being automated any time soon.

>> No.11973507

Lawyers and doctors are pretty safe for a century or two

>> No.11973595

Implying you wouldn't drown in lawsuits if you actually tried to pull that one off

>> No.11973650

Software and math jobs are the only thing that's safe. Everything else will be automated.

>> No.11973723

are you a pathetic creature of meat and bone?

>> No.11974104


>> No.11974133
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i think convoy transports might come sooner than that, one human driver at the front and AI trucks following and mimicking

>> No.11974173

i have experience with data science and quantitative analysis, so yes, my job is future proof.

>> No.11974204

I'm a neet... So yes.

>> No.11974361

>and scientific researchers will always have jobs.
they don't even have jobs right now

>> No.11974393

I am already unemployable.

>> No.11974411

On a long enough timeframe, I don't think any job is really future proof.

>> No.11974419

Which companies will profit more from automatization and mass unemployment?

FANUC,Yaskawa, ABB ?

>> No.11974468

>Manufacturing and labor jobs have historically always lost out first that was the whole point of inventing the fucking wheel!

Very true, but you missed a critical difference. Those tools were developed because newer means of accomplishing physical tasks was the goal. Nowadays mastery of algorithms, data, and AI (the realm of human thought, not action) is the holy grail, not punching 2 holes in sheet metal in the time it took to do 1.

>> No.11974515

This, robots/automation can replace some parts of manual labor, but not all of it, you'll still need process observers even if 100% automated. Copy pasting numbers on a computer is a bit easier to automate

>> No.11974577

The first robot AI to be programmed will be the first robot programmer

>> No.11974600

>Buy some hand tools
>Have some basic networking experience
>Make $ installing these
>Offer to teach employees your trade as they are about to be replaced
>Watch them fail
How do I get in on this?

>> No.11975506


Don't forget that you have Ageism in Software, so you better have made your FU money by the time you're 40. The only truly safe option long term is math.

>> No.11975849

Any attempts to automate the smallest,
repetitive of task in my line of work has failed spectacularly so far,
resulting in hundredths of thousands of pound.

No computer vision or AI will ever be able to do what I can do, I can assure of that.

>> No.11975862

Sexbots are comming anon

>> No.11975886

Trades, so ya, although I dont plan to be doing this all my life, I dont think we're anywhere close to being automated since every day is different

>> No.11975901

I hate society, I hate the rat race, I hate the societal EGO system. My life has been filled with trauma. I'm going to fuck off to a tropical island try to survive and die .FUCK YOU ALL

>> No.11975945
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That's a pretty smart setup.

>> No.11976805

asset manager. i'll be fine.

>> No.11977583

yes idiot but that's the whole point of AI
it's cheaper to get an AI to do white collar than blue collar jobs.
cutting the salary of 10 engineers is much better than cutting the salary of 10 pipe welders

>> No.11978526

I'm an aspiring organic chemist. I thought I was safe from automation, until I saw this


People literally do 11+years of schooling and the AI can already do synthetic prediction as good as us in a fraction of the time in a lot of instances. Give it 5 years and we will be obsolete in that regard.