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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11953095 No.11953095 [Reply] [Original]

>Graduate college
>move home with parents
>apply for jobs daily
>get ghosted
>parents get more frustrated with my "laziness"
>get home from the library studying
>"why isn't the house clean?"

>> No.11953178

What was your major and where're you from?

>> No.11953200

fuck, im graduating in march and im worried this is gonna be. should i just move out anyways even if i dont have a job?

>> No.11953325

You should try imo. It depends on how your folks are. mine are total assholes so I got out of there ASAP.

>> No.11953363

Why didn't you clean the house before leaving for the library?

>> No.11953379

kek i know so many people like this. they shoulda bought ETH in 2016 instead of looking down on me for not going to college because I foresaw this bullshit. Goddamn normies

>> No.11953381

no you should not move out if you don't have a job. Do you seriously have to ask that? You should have some degree of financial stability before you begin renting on your own.

>> No.11953403

I hate living with my parents. My dad is autistic fedora militant atheist who goes on 2 hour rants any time anyone brings up any kind of mention of religion whatsoever. He also gets mad if I cook food at home because "he doesnt like the smell". Theyre constantly flipping their shit at every day normal things that normal people do. I need to move out but rent is $2000 for a one bedroom in the ghetto in my city. I'm close to kmsing

>> No.11953860

midwest, econ and spanish

>> No.11953869

bc my parents are hoarders and shout at me if I move anything. Classic narcissism

>> No.11953874

Your parents are gathering “evidence” to justify kicking you out

>> No.11953897

I applied to 18 jobs alone today. I average 10 or so but not many people are hiring before the new year except warehouse workers....

>> No.11953938

You should be working mcjob or bagging groceries while you are looking for a real one you lazy fuck, I'd kick you out in 48 hours. It can take weeks to land a good position and you can't spend that time staring at the phone and checking emails for a reply that won't come.

>> No.11953981

I'm glad you're not my parent. I'm super lazy for getting certificates

>> No.11953996
File: 37 KB, 924x499, 1542760414108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's your networking and social life going?

>> No.11953997

>live with parents
>dad turns on (((cnn))) the second he wake up
>listens to (((npr))) on his way to work
>comes home, watches more CNN and reads the Washington post (Jeff Bezos'blog)
>openly brags about "consuming 4 hours of news a day" and getting his news from "a wide variety of outlets" and being politically "independent"
>spergs out Trump does literally anything

Currently doing everything I can to get an exit plan. I'm working on a certification that will double my money in my current field. Fingers crossed by the end of next year I'll be have moved out with my gf.

>> No.11954032

>social life

lol you're funny. I live 40min from town in the country so I'm literally in a cornfield rn

>> No.11954046
File: 467 KB, 2200x1430, hometown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck

>> No.11954069

>accurate pic

just add snow and more opioids

>> No.11954188
File: 182 KB, 1382x1072, lonelyfarmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry anon

>> No.11954220

kill me, there is nothing here

>> No.11954300
File: 263 KB, 1382x1072, deadfarmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11954728

Sale used cars ....easy and good money.

>> No.11955218


>> No.11955232

>Econ and Spanish
Ooof try again lad

>> No.11955237

buy a car and gym membership

>> No.11955309

Literally me five years ago. Don’t worry, it gets worse

>> No.11955397

Wtf is ghosted

>> No.11955457
File: 201 KB, 960x876, bobbeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be OP, a millennial faggot
>spend several years and many $$$$ at college
>use all this money and countless hours working towards a degree, the thing that will largely define what kind of work you'll do and life you'll have
>never once stop to think, what kind of job am I actually gonna do with this?? Maybe I should get some internships and work experience in related fields!
>continue on blindly, and finally finish
>move back in with boomer parents
>spend all day applying for jobs I'm in no way qualified for, and constantly get ignored
>parents still yell at me
kek, so glad I took the skillpill and landed a full time gig with benefits and paid vacation with 0$ debt doing computery shit.

>> No.11955498
File: 103 KB, 1280x1358, 1543508346660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what language/s did you learn based computerman

>> No.11955652

Literally going the same thing.

The laziness is consuming me

>> No.11955768

Same. I'm applying for a masters program to buy some time but I know the end result will be the same

>> No.11955867

Im doing this but im missing out on college degeneracy what do?

>> No.11955883

Thats gonna be some expensive time anon

>> No.11955965

>applying for a masters program to buy some time
so youre basically just wasting money? good plan lol

>> No.11956503

HaHa Losers picking useless majors and get angry when their degree doesn't get them a job LOL

>> No.11956510
File: 72 KB, 595x447, 1543408657041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Graduated from college
>get home from the library studying
What were you studying?
The art of fellatio?

>> No.11956524
File: 131 KB, 573x591, 1523674932139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My dad is autistic fedora militant atheist who goes on 2 hour rants any time anyone brings up any kind of mention of religion whatsoever.
You should tell your dad to visit /christian/

>> No.11956533

>all these cringe gen x parents

Yikes zoomers. My dad's a boomer who goes to AA meetings even though he hasn't drank in 30 years, and occasionally dabbles in model trains. He's cool.

>> No.11956541

>not working while studying
You sound like an entitled little shit dont be a pussy

>> No.11956570

>so glad I took the skillpill and landed a full time gig with benefits and paid vacation with 0$ debt doing computery shit.
Literally fucking this. I dropped out of college after a year once I realized that the whole thing is a (((scam))), so my debt wasn't too bad.
I already knew a fair amount of comp-sci stuff before attending college so I got an internship which turned into a part-time job. By the time my college friends graduated, I already had three years of professional experience under my belt and college debt paid off

>> No.11956590
File: 356 KB, 2448x3264, 150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he's about to graduate and step into the real professional world
>he has a degre-----

Time to see what life is like bud :^)
Unless you have a connection for hire, or are top tier in the looks and interview department.
You're gonna have a nice time with Shekelsteins interiew for your 'entry position

>> No.11956654

I actually do 3d modeling, never could into programming that much. Doesn't pay as much as coding, but its fulfilling and I like the work.
I feel ya man, idk, /fit/ and tinder? If you're over 21 you can also just go to the bars in the nightlife parts of town. If its important enough to you to get the 'college experience', could also just cough up the shekels for a few semesters and get it out of your system.

>> No.11956889

Same, currently signed up for the SIE Exam and CFA Level 1 in June. I'm applying for jobs but none of the job offers I've gotten are worth taking right now.

At least I should have more luck if I pass these exams, but Ill be unemployed an entire year at that point. Guess I can just pretend I was running a business at that point.

>> No.11957135

Christfags are just as bad.

>> No.11957143

>I actually do 3d modeling
You make just a little over minimum wage then. Quit your larping.

>> No.11957153

You should honestly boot yourself out of your parents house. All financially successful people know that when you are desperate and literally have nothing to lose, even becoming homeless for a short stint is honestly one of the most eye opening and empowering moments in anyone’s life. You’ll never be more inspired and driven on how to make the most out of every opportunity. If you’re really wanting to make it lad move to North Dakota and take literally any job that the employer offers housing. There are so many jobs out here that once you get one (lowest starting wage is $16/hr at Taco Johns) you can only go up from there. My employer pays for my $1,300 / month 2 bdrm 2 bthrm apartment and I make over $85,000 a year learning a skill and building a resume that will guarantee me work for life. Put in 2 years out here and literally any employer in the US will hire you because of your grit. Then to say, oh hey btw I have these two majors... you’d be set bud. Not to mention there are tons of beaners here that work their asses off, you’d most likely become foreman right away just because you can facilitate and organize a huge majority of the work force out here...

>> No.11957529

unironically great because all the people with half a brain respect me greatly. started playing the "real-life" game 4 years early. you didn't go to college to have normie-tier connections did you???

>> No.11957559

why do people hate their kids? my parents let me stay in their place indefinitely

no sex life tho

>> No.11958024

No but I have a feeling he's going to have a PhD in that imminently.

>> No.11958099

Your parents dont care about your future?

>> No.11958488

>graduates college
>moves back in with parents
>won't contriboot to cleanliness of house
>probably contributes to mess
>why won't they respect meeee