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11931406 No.11931406 [Reply] [Original]

The scope of this project is huge. The short version is skywire (free, decentralized ISP) will make this a top 10 coin when in launches next year. If you want the long version here's some pasta:


There is an insurmountably huge investment opportunity out there right now. In my opinion, Skycoin/Skywire WILL 100% HAVE a Bitcoin-level rise. In the next few months, at minimum (at the very most, a year or two).


The workings of "Skycoin," once fully operational, are very interconnected with "Skywire" itself. Because of that, it takes some time to learn how it all works — because “Skycoin” and its goals/functions are vast.

Here is a long list of benefits, i.e. SKYCOIN/SKYWIRE's main draws, if you choose to read them. There are four main things:

1. SKYCOIN: A coin that is better than Bitcoin in every way. Transactions with zero fees that take approximately two seconds, unlimited transaction rate, no need for miners and block rewards, low power usage, all the problems in cypto fixed, a consensus mechanism superior to anything that exists, resistant to all threats (government censorship, community infighting, cyber/nuclear/conventional warfare, etc).

- Once coinjoin is implemented and the network is running over skywire, it will have a higher level of privacy than any other coin (more anonymous than zcash/monero and without the overhead). Wannabe drug lords will switch from monero/dash to skycoin after the CXO browser and skywire are available.

- Holding Skycoins generates income in the form of Coin Hours (like NEO’s GAS). There will be a marketplace where Coin Hours are traded and Coin Hours will be used for services within the Skycoin ecosystem.

- A hardware wallet will be available soon.

- Endless peer reviewed whitepapers.

- Skycoin is being developed by legit engineering geniuses, for years (predating Bitcoin’s boom).

>> No.11931425

Only Sky is the limit.

>> No.11931435

2. SKYWIRE: A decentralized ISP where you earn coins for forwarding traffic/bandwidth (like Tor but faster and you are getting paid to run a node), that will give everyone free internet access and could get a lot of users and actually be useful.

3. SKYLEDGER: A platform that’s their version of Ethereum’s ERC20, but is better. Every coin is given their own blockchain and the platform runs on top of the skywire infrastructure. Coins have already started doing ICOs on skyledger (Solarbankers.com, SPACO, etc). About 30 coins lined up so far. There’s a programming language (CX) and it’s not limited to just "smart contracts". Developers of each chain can hardcode whatever they want to do. For example full video games can be embedded on the blockchain.

4. Then there’s an ecosystem of stuff being built on top of the previous three things. Like the sky-messenger, the file sharing/dropbox functionality, distributed social media (sort of like Steemit but running on skycoin’s infrastructure and platform), and DEX and OTC markets for the whole coin family. There’s now about 15 development teams all working on different projects within skycoin’s ecosystem.

This is a twice-in-a-lifetime opportunity (The first opportunity was with Bitcoin's price rise). You need to hold these coins for a year or two, and not be greedy with day-trading. That is the most ultimate lesson I can ever teach.

Just like Bitcoin had its path towards proof, Skycoin will as well.

>> No.11931501

Ok skyniggers, I'm not gonna read that wall of fucking text. I just want to know how much it costs for all the components to use the network?

>> No.11931559
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>> No.11931575

Lazy, just ballpark it for me. I don't have all day, I got lawns to mow or my pussy ass kid will be hurting his bare ass feet on them.

>> No.11931584

The most centralized shitcoin out there with a team that already market sold the peak with tokens that they can mint at any time.

Pass & sage

>> No.11931870

Bitcoin is dead
Skycoin is just heating up

>> No.11931888

>still no consensus algorithm

>> No.11932242

Impossible to mint new coins. Only coins that ever will exist were created on the genesis block.

>> No.11932251

You don't need anything to use the network. Just install skywire software on a vm. It won't do very well for contributing to the network and earning though, but it will let you use the network.

>> No.11932306

Skycoin is literally going to zero.

John Mcafee was paid a few hundred grand by the dev team to shill their bullshit vapourware.

They keep dumping on newbs too. Notice how the volume is like 30 btc usually. Then they just market dump like 40-80k skycoins on bags holders making them even more heavier.

Mcafee doesn't care what he says or does. The man is dying. He has 2 years to live at most. Why do you think he said btc at 1 million by 2020 or he eats his own dick?

the man is gonna die before then.

Skycoin is one of the most pathetic cryptos out there.

Did you see their recent attempt at trying to make profit? They're selling t-shirts on amazon lmfao.

fucking t-shirts while they're shedding off millions of dollars on their market cap. They're about to slip below the 200 rank with all the other shitcoins.

Good luck kiddos. You're gonna need it,.

>> No.11932503
File: 908 KB, 3194x2126, McAfee-Vote-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK, you just made all that shit up.
At least try to make your fud believable.
The absolute state of Skycoin fudders.
Vote McAfee 2020.

>> No.11932888

Skycoin is the next Bitcoin:

>> No.11932906

There is absolutely nothing to indicate whatsoever that anyone will actually participate in this chuck-e-cheez token ponzi scheme though.

>> No.11933521

Sure there is, it's called Obelisk and it's in development.

>> No.11933537

It's a coin, not a token. There's a difference.

>> No.11933723

I just want to know how much does the skyminer costs

>> No.11933881

fuck off mcafee we dont want ur shitcoin we already have the next bitcoin lined up and supply bought out

>> No.11933893
File: 68 KB, 973x486, binga bunga bonga .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The scope of this project is huge.
>"skycoin" == "scam coin"

Once a man appeared in a village and announced that he wanted to buy monkeys for $10 each. The villagers, realizing that there was no dearth of monkeys in the nearby forest, went out and started catching them. The man bought thousands of monkeys at $10. As supply started to fall down, the villagers stopped catching more monkeys.

Now the man further announced that he would now buy monkeys at $20 each. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. As the supply diminished even further, people once again stopped catching monkeys and started going back to their farms.

The man further increased the rate to $25. Soon the supply of monkeys became so little that it was quite an effort to even get a glimpse of a monkey, let alone catch it!

The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50. However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on behalf of him.

In the absence of the man, the assistant said to the villagers: “Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at $35 each and when the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for $50.”

The villagers squeezed up with all their savings and bought all the monkeys. But they never ever saw the man or his assistant again in the village; only monkeys everywhere!