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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11927258 No.11927258 [Reply] [Original]

4chan has been broken on Brave for days. Complete shit browser, BAT is never going to make it.

>> No.11927348

Posting this from brave

You must be quite dumb anon

>> No.11927352

Weak ass fud

>> No.11927355

Wow that's super wierd because I'm posting this from Brave right now. Maybe its because I'm not a retard and can turn off the shields

> *speaks in dumb nigger* "bUt WhATs tHe PoINT if U caNt RuN iT wItH ShiElDs"

not Brave's fault gook moot not only forked biz but also made this site so toxic with first party ads and trackers which Brave fundamentally can't block or else it breaks the entire site. But you should definitely market sell all your BAT anyway if you were stupid enough to buy it.

>> No.11927522

this 2bh

>> No.11927531

Also, bitcoin is going down again right? I need BAT to bottom out a little bit more so I can fill my bags and hit 100K. It won't happen without sell pressure from btc as there some pretty big buy walls on GDAX at $0.135, $0.133, $0.125 and $0.120 with each being around 300k. Not sure about the other exchanges though but I suspect its the same as we all know there's some serious BAT whales out there.

I'm trying to hold out for another week or two because there's really no reason for btc to go up atm, so hopefully that will dry up the volume a little and drive BAT lower. I would like to get in around $0.07 - $0.010 but what makes me nervous is the fact that v1 and ads is right around the corner so I definitely want to grab some before then.

>> No.11927594

is negative IQ possible? idk but I feel my intelligence disturbed after reading such a divisive troll

>> No.11927723

To whomst would you be referring to? I assume its op because he's clearly a retard and a faggot but I assume you didn't want to (you) him.

>> No.11927785

BAT is seriously about to moon hard from what I hear. Like bigger than last years run, expect $1 BAT by Feb easy. $5+ by mid 2019

>> No.11927847


redpill me on brave is it good or not.
I know its from some major heavy hitters in the browser space

>> No.11927876

Gookmoot riddled the 4channel with tracking scripts that dont play nice after Brave blocks them out, 4chan still works normal.

>> No.11927879

$1000 EOY

>> No.11927889

why does ublock origin with noscript works then

>> No.11927951

Not as comprehensive.

>> No.11927985

See you bros at $0.35 by eow

>> No.11927997

dude its literally the same, just 2 add ons with no token instead of one with a token

>> No.11928048

It's by design, they don't want you

>> No.11928094

why are the most inept people always so quick to complain?

>> No.11928103

OP is an idiot.
>Posted from Brave

>> No.11928110

We 4channel now and you have to go back.

>> No.11928122
File: 28 KB, 229x221, A1B13EA0-1CC7-438D-93CA-3B6629DD940A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh browser plugin token

>> No.11928141

try it out fren it takes like 2 minutes to download and install it....

>> No.11928170
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1540058570538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally working fine.
maybe try updating to the newest version boomer.
its fast and it has built in adblock. + supports chrome extensions now.
its pretty nice desu. the adblocking on phone is really handy.
Yes I am shilling this browser. I don't give a fuck if you use the token.

>> No.11928188
File: 24 KB, 466x490, brainlet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been using Brave since January. It's the best browser i've ever used and BAT is fucking dope.

Fuck you brainlet

>> No.11928273
File: 53 KB, 776x182, metrics november.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try it, see what you think. If you have any complaints you can Tweet the team/post on their subplebbit and they almost always respond and try to fix whatever is wrong

>> No.11928552

How much more time do I have to accumulate?

>> No.11928643

I don't know but I'm getting nervous too. I know v1 is around the corner and it will be like a shining beacon in a sea of red. I wanted to jump in at .11 but it never made it down that far. I've got a gut feeling that bitcoin will scream down again as the shit between it and bch(*) isn't over. Plus futures expire friday, but I've seen some saying that it isn't really a big deal after all. Who knows though. I hope we get a chance to load up one last time but I'm tempted to start DCA'ing like in the next hour.

>pigs get slaughtered

>> No.11929061

I've read a few times that end of November and early Jan are key time frames. Hoping my next paycheck comes before any real movement. Ads, bat in phone browsers, and publisher news all on the horizon... We're in good hands.

>> No.11929071

checked for Brendan "Initiate the Fourth Reich" Eich digits.

>> No.11929075


>> No.11929081

its a decent browser but the token will never moon. it was basically a funding token for the brave team to work on their little project.

>> No.11929178

It has been used to helped fund the development, and continues to be used to promote user growth in the ecosystem. These facts will not prevent it from rising in value as it's utility is realised. What do you think about it's utility value?

>> No.11929453

Some guys are on the BAT subreddit saying that BAT is going to have a 5T market cap. That's $3333.33 per token. Fuck either they're brilliant investors or worse than all the stinkies, pajeets and shills combines.

>but if they're right tho...

>> No.11929484

The opinion of a fudder isn't worthy of consideration. Brave got all the funding they needed when Peter Thiel and the paypal mafia invested in them. The ICO sale was just icing on the cake and was really meant to be be used to kickstart organic growth via the UGP, but it had to have a price point obviously, so they had an ICO.

>> No.11929490
File: 210 KB, 1591x899, retarde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brave is broken
anon have you updated it recently?

>> No.11929638



>> No.11929662

that would make me, a random shithead on /biz/, richer than cristiano ronaldo just to let you know how retarded that price is

>> No.11929681

>chrome extensions

waaaaaait it does now? i was really interested in brave when i first looked into it but i couldnt live without having hover zoom. brb on brave

>> No.11929689

can confirm, this fag will never be that rich.

>> No.11929709

pledge allegiance to america right now

>> No.11929710

I'm using the browser on the phone, but the "ecosystem" is a fucking meme and the whole project is basically a solution looking for a problem.

The Browser is decent tho

>> No.11930050


>unironically just got to 100k

>> No.11930059

Because I'm sure you know as much about advertising as Big Brain. And no, the udemy course you took for you mom's etsy page doesn't count nigger.

>> No.11930176

Considering the success of patreon, the demonitization strife on YouTube and website paywalls/adblock pleads, the problem definitely exists.

>> No.11930195

bat could work if it sought to replace youtube adsense but i dont get the impression it seeks to do that

>> No.11930462

Wait what?

>> No.11931114

Reboot your brain

>> No.11931128

And I'll reboot mine too cos you're different people, apologies. The intention is to replace adsense btw.

>> No.11931187

Using Brave now and have had no problems. Shields are up and everything.