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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11924427 No.11924427 [Reply] [Original]

Can /biz/ confirm if this is based and redpilled?

>> No.11924447
File: 796 B, 20x20, 39A958C8-6562-4BF6-83EA-F59EB72E6AA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Jews had high IQ’s?

>> No.11924463

>only stupid people commit crime.

>> No.11924484

>only those who catch.

>> No.11924521

The Sovereign Individual - pilled

>> No.11924530

>preying on low IQ people isn't the vast majority of economic activity of high IQ people, however many times abstracted from the core idea it may be

>> No.11924541

High IQ = running circles around low IQs
There's a reason innovative nerds are antisocial and repressed

>> No.11924560


>> No.11924565

more like betas vs alphas

>> No.11924590

No one in this thread gets it - he's talking about whites and niggers.

>> No.11924605
File: 24 KB, 300x400, crimnal ganeis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diminishing returns after 140
>150 IQ just as likely to be a criminal as someone with a sub 90 IQ

Read you fucking idiots.

>> No.11924620

Imagine worrying about how other people make their money

>> No.11924635

I imagine thats what youtubers and twitch streamers and patreon snapchats believe, that theyre adding value to the world.

>> No.11924640

Nah, only stupid people get caught for small time crime.

>> No.11924656

pretty much. dude is a so yboy seething faggot tho, wouldn't take much of his biased opinions without a few grains of salt

>> No.11924667

this. i stay alone because i can't learn anything from the other low iq niggas

>> No.11924682

Better yet, imagine inadvertently including yourself into a grid of low iq people

>> No.11924716

That's actually a fucking true.

>> No.11924744

Explain. It blatantly isn't

>> No.11924759

He never said that, he just said that they need to do it amongst other things that aren't innovation to get paid, you low IQ illiterate bastard

>> No.11924768

Fuckin based and not just red pilled, but a deep vibrant blood colored red pilled

>> No.11924772

I'm low IQ and I can confirm. I'm also unattractive, unfunny, and noncriminal so I don't get paid.

>> No.11924776

Isnt that already obvious?

>> No.11924786

It is to a certain extent - but actually typing this out and posting this on social media shows with what useless things he spends his time with

>> No.11924842

only blacks commit crime

>> No.11924843

>Black people have an average IQ a standard deviation lower than Whites
>No one talks about this

>> No.11924846

I wish I could buy some sex dammit

>> No.11924879

>mix something I don't like with something that's universally consider negative making it negative as well
Isn't this something that females do?

>> No.11924906

>Describes nigger behavior perfectly
Yep, it all checks out, anon.

>> No.11924922

making people laugh requires creativity and it improves the world because laughter is the best medicine

>> No.11924943

High IQ humor isn't well received by the pleb masses

>> No.11924962

what is an example of high IQ humor in your opinion

>> No.11924971

Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says "But Doctor... I am Pagliacci."

>Most underappreciated art form saturated with shit.

>> No.11924973

>I’m too busy being “smart” to get laid

>> No.11924987

So what have the high IQ individuals in this thread created that improved the world?

>> No.11924995

in b4 sam hyde

>> No.11924997

>comedian cope

>> No.11925010

Worst fucking argument in the world.

>> No.11925019

Isn't this self-reinforcing virtue signaling
>people who do good stuff are high IQ
>I do good by voicing this opinion, therefore I'm high IQ

>> No.11925022

how is humor not an innovative value?

>> No.11925027

Nice non-argument

>> No.11925044

How is scamming people not innovative? It's one of the most creative things one can do.

>> No.11925052

it is but stealing doesnt change the world for the better

>> No.11925067
File: 58 KB, 1024x536, 1523721386759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least youre self aware anon

>> No.11925115

dis finna make a lot of cents too a high iq nigga like me

>> No.11925124

Fuck off you god damn idiot. Invalidating people because of not yet apparent achievements is so myopic it borders on idiotic. It is a well known fact that most artist and authors usually get credit after they are dead. It took Tesla decades to receive the recognition he deserved. The nobel prize has a rule that one cannot receive a nobel prize posthumously unless death has occurred after the announcement of the Nobel Prize despite this the prize has been awarded 3 times posthumously.

So like what have you invented if your so smart is a cop out.

>> No.11925157
File: 25 KB, 631x223, Womens-Rights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11925159

(((changing the world for the better))) is more anecdotal rather than societally progressive.

most technological advancements are making lazy people more comfortable being lazy for not having to put effort into daily tasks ie smart fridge, self driving cars, (most AI)

>> No.11925244

/pol/ humour is pretty high IQ, but is censored

>> No.11925267

I dont know if its high or low IQ but I consider "Fuck Niggers" tuxedo pepe to be the best meme this site has ever spawned

>> No.11925286

>White people have an average IQ a standard deviation lower than Ashkenazi Jews
>No one talks about this

>> No.11925303

>crimes can't be complex
synaptic malfunctions were responsible for this twitter post

>> No.11925553

>he cute

>> No.11925723

That's not what the discussion is about. The opposite in fact.
The premise is that changing the world for the better = high IQ and scamming people and sowing destruction to be low IQ.

>> No.11925768

Making some drunk normies laugh isn’t making the world better dude

>> No.11925800

>Only 5 1/2 million Jews lived in pre-war Europe, yet 6 million died
>No one talks about this

>> No.11925840



>> No.11925891

I come here exclusively for the purpose of amusing myself by watching retards being retards.

>> No.11925957 [DELETED] 

>>11924590 #11924842. #11924843

First of all, there are no blacks in this thread apart from me. The others are blacking and breeding your white girls.
Maybe that's part of selling sex to your starved wives

>> No.11925995

>>11924842# >>11924843#

First of all, there are no blacks in this thread apart from me. The others are blacking and breeding your white girls.
Maybe that's part of selling sex to your starved wives

>> No.11926011

>your wives

>> No.11926036

>comedy and top teir athletics
>low iq activities

that sounds like a cope

>> No.11926055

>muh blue collar hard work attitude
dumb stormcuck cope. the smartest people in the world are scammers and financial rent seekers.

>> No.11926059

So do I. You're that retard by the way

>> No.11926075

>IQ having anything to do with morality

holy brainlet

>> No.11926204

Two standard deviations anon. That's one below a common spic
>implying any coalburner isn't damaged goods to begin with

>> No.11926253

>muh dick

>> No.11926266

Imagine believing cuck propaganda is real and not a fantasy

>> No.11926322

greentexts and pasta

>> No.11926553


He’s autistic

>> No.11926575

Yeah, from u

>> No.11926632
File: 25 KB, 600x428, 1535086052798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are no blacks in this thread apart from me
sure thing schlomo

>> No.11926679

Lots of insecure IQlets in this thread

>> No.11926725

Holy fucking cringe

>> No.11926737

comedy requires a high IQ. to be able to see patterns that other people don't and express them in a clever way

>> No.11926820

Maybe they should catch up on the last 3 indrustrial revolutions, instead falling behind on an another, instead of spending time on MuH Dic, and thinking about white people endlessly rent free in their minds

>> No.11926910

>it was a black guy, only blacks commit crime
said every white criminal ever.

kinda genius tho.

>> No.11927864

Nah he needs to read 48 laws of power and get the fuck off twitter

>> No.11928766
File: 871 KB, 245x230, SS_Laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11928850


Is he talking about niggers here?

>> No.11928855

I work a retail job and listen to old ladies lament their families and lives.

I'm in the highest 2% of IQs -- arguably someone who should be designing pharmeceuticals or robots. Yet I dropped out of college and am living my life among the commmon man. And i'm much happier for it.

"Intelligence" is overrated. Humans are social creatures that need love. Any economy that ignores that fails at improving the lives of the people who support it.

>> No.11929438

so true. i had a low iq biz partner and he fucked off to grow weed. I'm still prodding along with the businesses he left behind and now im raking in the big $ while i've developed a shit ton of new products, meanwhile he's still...growing weed

>> No.11929550

>being funny, highly athletic or able to get away with crime are not forms of valid intelligence
>implying that most high IQ individuals are not egomaniac autists who go to mensa meetings and felatiate each other about how smart they are all day rather than being productive

>> No.11930125

Good thing you can reflect on your life and choices. IQ means nothing if you can't apply it to something. Like a chimp with a laptop.
I came to believe that discipline and will power are far superior to IQ in the long run

>> No.11930251

Iq has reduced returns outside of STEM. +2 standard deviations reduces admin opportunities.