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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11920036 No.11920036 [Reply] [Original]

So I’m talking to this roastie today, asking if she’s planning to put a couple of bucks into the stock market. No, she says, but she might buy bitcoin. Her friend Stacy has sunk like 7 grand into this new thing called Ethereum or something. It’s easier, she says. Could I make this shit up? Mind you, they are both dense as fuck.

Turns out normies are readily on the side line, and are just waiting for a good entry or pulling their finger out their ass. All we need is a spark in the form of 20% gains smeared across the front page of some mainstream media, and this shit will go off like fucking 4th of July.

Hang in there, we’re all gonna make it boyos.

>> No.11920044
File: 273 KB, 536x617, ftstccfz68z11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EBZ what are you doing on /biz/ you nigger! Back to your CELL.

>> No.11920073

Idiot Stacey in your area may be dull enough to put money in but Stacey in my area is the smartest cunt because she went to a private institution where she learned about economics from the age of 5. She tells me it's just going to keep going down until it hits about 2 to $3,000 and then it will start going back up you fucking mental midget. Listen to my Stacey not yours.

>> No.11920075

Nice LARP.

>> No.11920076

Fuck you, stay poor you fucking wet back

>> No.11920089

Cuck detected. Implying that women knows even the basic principles of economics. Topkek

>> No.11920098
File: 576 KB, 553x983, 1541647356163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So I’m talking to this roastie today

>> No.11920106

She is currently at the University of Chicago and is shadowing an economic professor and is involved in a couple school projects. I'll trust her over you lardo.

>> No.11920108

I salute the

>> No.11920109

This time it’s actually not a larp. My way of giving back to biz. I want nothing more in life than to see all the fuckups in here make more money than they can spend. The social drama will be glorious

>> No.11920110
File: 53 KB, 443x455, 5BBD7E11-DABE-4C52-A75B-C6D020BAE695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cope these normies bought in last december and you are of them.

>> No.11920118

I bet you are THIS close to fucking her to? Go brag on some vegan forum you fucking virgin

>> No.11920122

And just like that
I love the #Thotaudit.

>> No.11920135

No we live over a thousand miles from each other and she is fugly. Choose to ignore this information, doesn't bother me any you'll ignore it and lose money. Peace faggot.

>> No.11920142

>early adopters

>> No.11920214

It will never seize to amaze me how people are able to get butthurt on an anonymous board. Guess it’s the American way. Stay offended, snow flake

>> No.11920229

maybe we should call off the thotpatrol or shill crypto to the ones being audited

>> No.11920244

Oh, shit the cope in your thread, you don't actually believe her do you? Oh anon your too easily lead, of course she says she's going to put some money in , but after the first dump of 10% she'll take it out again like the dumb bitch she is as will all your friends as soon as they see the YTD losses of this shitcoin fad.

>> No.11920260

He talks to girls y'all

>> No.11921177

I can get behind this, report them but at the same time tell them to get on spank chain as well to avoid the pesky taxman