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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11915616 No.11915616 [Reply] [Original]

you've changed /biz/

i used to come to this place for the random brappers, kek at the next shrimp memecoin and maybe call out a few faggots.
that's is what made this place great.
pure uncensored fuckery.

i want you to look yourself in the mirror and tell me what happened

t. oldfag

>> No.11915661
File: 906 KB, 1292x774, _1 Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we r9k now

>> No.11915672
File: 1.24 MB, 400x560, 1489207683870.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know m8 i know

>> No.11915713

i see at least 2 random brappers in the catalog, a lot of memecoin shilling and constant talk of faggotry.. i dont know what you're complaining about?

>> No.11915740

Mods always ban me right away when I make brapper threads now. Biz has gone full reddit. Feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.11915779

this used to be 4chan.
its 4channel now.

the board will be even more dead in a month, once you lose a critical mass of people with the same mindset the newcomers who will be trickling in from elsewhere will begin to make the board the same as every other cryptoshit on the internet, as rather than disenfranchised and angry r9k or pol users making up the newfags itll be people on red dit and twitter finding threads from google searches, bringing with them a conditioned culture of self censorship.

think of everytime you told somebody to fuck off back to in the past, well this is it now. we sfw

>> No.11915812
File: 298 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20181126-203010_Clover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I saw four posts deleted simply for containing the word nigger.

I want to make a new chan but I'm concerned it won't help. I've already got the domain and lynxchan running.

>> No.11915825

>brap posts

because here a year doesn't make you an oldfag, sorry

>> No.11915860



>> No.11915895

mainstream happend... it killed /b/ and now it strarts killing the rest.... its not the good old days anymore brother... they stole everything from us

>> No.11915914

Can some kind anons post some thicc Asian brappers plz. I'm on a plane so it's awkward for me to dig through google images rn.

>> No.11915937

f you don't remember the "canadian plumber" posts, people posting their robinhood portfolios and talking about penny stocks instead of crypto, if you don't remember the days when Potcoin was shilled instead of Link, then you're not an oldfag.

>> No.11915946

we were bored then.
Exciting things are happening.
We are getting bitcoin finally...
ETH is being exposed as run by stuttering potheads...
LINK is always a powerhouse of progress...
We don't have as much time to shrimp farm.

>> No.11915981
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>> No.11916009
File: 6 KB, 270x186, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4channel has made a commitment to shedding its roots as an alt-right hate hive. Once bitcoin dies, we can finally start talking about the real innovation in the world happening through crowdfunding.

>> No.11916337


>> No.11916369
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Well technically saying nigger on most boards has been against the global rules for like a decade now lol... I seriously doubt the moderation policies changed as I can recall being banned for much tamer things quite often.

The hiro era actually has relaxed moderation in my experience, or maybe I've mellowed out.