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File: 888 KB, 1024x686, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11904361 No.11904361 [Reply] [Original]


This video finally convinced me to buy Link, after all of your wasteful propaganda. Not much though, I've only "invested" around 300€, for the sake of it. Thankfully I already have a good grasp on what are it's purposes, but I'm not really optimistic for it's future. Anyway, you won, I'm now a linker. You can stop your shilling now.

>> No.11904396

I only have 250 coins. I am just going to buy 100 bucks of it a month for a year. Couldnt hurt and I would of spent that money on boos anyway

>> No.11904412

Can i ask you what makes you doubt that theres has to be a solution for blockchains to be able to communicate with offchain real world values?

>> No.11904441

these are the people putting their lunch money into link and they don't even understand it

>> No.11904484

bingo friendo. Sorry if my lack of knowledge offends you. just trying to learn is all. :'/

>> No.11904558

Its a token that has a uitlity use in a network, a coin is currency

>> No.11904647

So it basically have no value for an individual buyer. There's no cashing out

>> No.11904665

thanks my man, I am trying to learn this stuff on the fly. I am not good with computers and I find it extremely interesting. I don't have much cash at all so I am just trying to acquire as many Tokens as I can.

>> No.11904741

Its not a fucking investment, its the same as a blind punt on a race horse whose name sounds funny after 7 beers. Youre gonna lose 100% of your money you "invest" by the end.

>> No.11904757
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>> No.11904777

You're doing the right thing. I did the same with ETH, instead of boozing on Friday nights I chose to buy ETH. It will pay off eventually.

>> No.11904822

Thank for the encouragement my friend. Hope you find the financial stability you crave and get the life you deserve!

>> No.11904824

Trips of truth.

>> No.11904846

You will do just fine, 2020 you're going to look back at this and see the moment your life changed. Money makes money, starting with LINK is only the beginning, imagine the money you can throw behind the next big thing after you made a stack with LINK. Then repeate.

>> No.11904856

14yo detected
Fuck off

>> No.11904873

very true indeed. Hell I remember a friend talking me out of dumping a grand into BTC in 2011. I listened to him. Never again will I listen to the nay sayers. besides its interesting to learn, and it if I am going to waste my money on boos trying to get women (and fail). Might as well throw it into something that just may take off and keeps me from drinking.

>> No.11904874

This holds true for every single shit coin in the market.

>> No.11904879

This is going to be one of the hardest dumps on main-net and the project will basically fail because people will never use it for anything other than to PnD, which will completely fuck the tokenomics and make the whole thing useless. Sergey will realize this and just disappear along with the rest of the team. SWIFT and co will realize this, and begin to quietly remove any references they have to this embarrassing experiment which - who knows, might have succeeded if it wasn't for the retards who infest this place and run painfully obvious shill and fud campaigns. Many of you will experience the kind of hopium crash which actually kills people, and I suppose suicide is a fitting reward for some of the more smug retards who clutter up this board, but I hope it isn't all of you.

There will be no more memes, no more dreams of lambos or whatever NPC tier 'rich person's car' you've picked out in your imagination as you're left in the dirt holding a bunch of link bags. Even a fraction of the money some of you invested in link could have helped you make it during the next bull-run in a legitimate project. Imagine that. THAT is what you should be visualizing. Not your stupid fucking holiday home, not your imaginary future "faithful" gf / wife, nor an early retirement where you don't need to toil away at menial tasks for your betters from inside your 9-5 existential prison cell - you should instead be visualizing yourself scraping together what little money you have left in the wake of your devastation to try and ride something like BAT or Holo up, and your dream of MILLIONS OF DOLLARS suddenly becomes a much more realistic 100k-200k at most. I mean it's not bad - more than you intellectual runts probably deserve. You'll all see I was right. I always am.

>> No.11904903

I don't know why I bother with this place...

Exactly, dont worry though women will come later too. Good luck friend!

>> No.11904930


I also talked to my coworkers about bitcoin during 2011, everybody laughed at me for even thinking about "investing" in it and so I didnt buy in. Granted I would have sold many years ago, but instead of living a comfy life with my gains I am now in crippling debt because of a divorce and the usual bullshit that happens to some people. Not doing the same mistake with chainlink, either it goes to zero or makes me rich. At least this time I have the balls to do what I think is the better choice.

>> No.11904931

If you are always right why are you so edgy and pissed? If people want to spend a few extra bucks on something why not let them? Most people here are probably rather young and at the worst its money they will regain in life. If you are dumping your life savings into crypto or any investment that is already foolish in itself. Let some of us try and if we fail lesson learned.

>> No.11904949

Thats pasta fucking newfag

>> No.11904952

That's the spirit son. Remember, only those who go broke will truly make it in the end.

>> No.11904960

I am sorry to hear about your divorce. Women are terrible people sometime and the one thing we thought we could count on destroys us the most at times. You will bounce back, as long as we still breathe we can make it. I agree with you, at worst it doesn't work and a few hundred bucks which would have been spent on crap any way is gone. best case scenario you make it large and can enjoy your life with ease. I see it as something interesting to learn about, and a lesson learned is valuable in and of itself.

>> No.11904966

he isnt talking about pasta?

>> No.11904971

damn well it got me. as they say fool me once..shame on you..fool me can't get fooled again

>> No.11905030

>because people will never use it for anything other than to PnD,
This is currently my worse fear about Link. Especially when you hear some of the marines talking about it and planning to latch on the next big bullrun coin/token

>> No.11905095

For now it is, once LINK is up and running it's going to be a different story. You won't be dumping something that will increase in value and make you more fiat/btc just for holding.

>> No.11905128

Ha, I'd forgotten about most of those pajeet videos - and the one with the kid screeching!

>> No.11905588


You will make it anon

>> No.11905609

Dubs confirm

>> No.11906607

Imagine being retarded enough to buy Link

>> No.11906623

LINK about to pump, strap in.

>> No.11906632
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Hi Anons,

Remember when I told to sell?
I am watching it to enter it, but not yet. patience anons. I need a good setup first.

>> No.11906688

It's time now or you will miss, we are on our way up you can still run on.

>> No.11906698

Seig Heil

>> No.11906714
File: 48 KB, 616x261, 1542029430682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SERG heil

>> No.11906778

Link will unironically be the biggest post mainnet dump of any crypto out there. Imagine being such a brainlet that you think you’re going to be raking in the money this early for running nodes. We’re seriously going to see sub 10 cent link. Which is where I come in and drop a fraction of the amount you autists have on Link and end up with double the stack. Link is a long shot, we’re talking 5-10 years if a singularity were to occur.

>> No.11906828

Drinking coffee and feeling optimistic. The world will know chainlink. Words like crypto and coins will die a horrible death. "Blockchain Solutions" will replace that and attract serious investors.

>> No.11907196

This is retarded considering we've seen this cycle exactly once.

>> No.11907231
File: 230 KB, 399x638, surprised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're kidding me. This is an edit, right?

>> No.11907428

Anyone know the source of the music in the video?