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11899114 No.11899114 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from impending Trump impeachment and imprisonment?

>> No.11899153

Sell him blonde hair dye behind the bars

>> No.11899172
File: 54 KB, 570x294, 1485065728085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to your containment board

>> No.11899204

Sell ironic MAGA merchandise to redditors

>> No.11900112

bet on it happening

>> No.11900120

Short fake tan

>> No.11900128


>> No.11900133

> tfw leftist fantasies

>> No.11900138


The democrats can impeach all they want. They don't have the votes in the senate to remove.

>> No.11900155

Any better markets than Predicit? https://www.predictit.org/markets/detail/4319/Will-Donald-Trump-be-impeached-by-year-end-2019 isn't exactly "he gets hauled off in handcuffs".

>> No.11900191
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like anybody wants democrats again

>> No.11900213

Never going to happen, Trump 2020 btw.

>> No.11900216
File: 57 KB, 420x572, 1541486945266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short whatever market is highest because fud and panic sellers will be rife
but it won't happen you stupid brainlet

>> No.11900218

Plenty do. Boomers are dying off and Trump is about 22 million behind on deportations.

Trump's dipshit tweets didn't keep Texas and Florida from coming down to the wire.

>> No.11900226

short the $SPY

>> No.11900299

check bovada. i've just seen it on betfair

>> No.11900803

Short GEO and CoreCivic.
Once the Trump administration ends, private prisons are going to have no friends in the Federal government.

>> No.11901663

short manlets

>> No.11901963

Here is some solid action on there (bet no for both)

I'm almost certain Beto isn't delusional enough to try for the presidency and there's a strong chance that Kamala will look at the field and think "ehh fuck it, this isn't worth it"

>> No.11902693
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thank the liberals for helping the cause

>> No.11902707

orange man bad

>> No.11902987
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I got a better idea, how about we starting loading leftists into trucks and sending them off to camps

>> No.11903075

> impeachment
that guy's aiming straight for assasination
screencap this

>> No.11903120
File: 151 KB, 1267x837, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screencap this

not only screencapped, reporting to the FBI

>> No.11903143

> impaen fbi wont be in on this
You dont go against fed and stay alive.

>> No.11903155

you short any and all guns manufacturers

>> No.11903164
File: 348 KB, 863x620, 1539178605984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old, white people are dying off so this means that the entire country will follow the Weimar Germany style Jewish brainwashing.
>Actually believing this
Go to bed. You have 9th grade in the morning fag.

>> No.11903166

too early
when dems start talking gun control these will moon.

>> No.11903167

> impaen
Nervous typing detected

>> No.11903221

Gotta pack my shit up fa

>> No.11903249
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>impaen fbi wont be in on this

hope you're right about that, fren.

>> No.11903888
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Hey Scully come take a look at this

>> No.11903957
File: 67 KB, 711x570, 43328D96-60B3-4DFE-8A71-808167E8F603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just keep swiping your credit card for them hollidays shopping you little lefty faggot, he’s going down any minute now

>> No.11903983

>its a seething /pol/tard thread

>> No.11903991
File: 392 KB, 851x508, laughing slutty dinosaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open thread expecting shitposts
>instead its just a bunch of incredibly angry /pol/tards unironically taking the shitty bait
Christ dudes what the fuck?

>> No.11904103

your taxes could've given you a stable world with minimum universal wage but you chose to invest in war and fomenting trouble all over the world and are reaping the dividends in the form of refugees

>> No.11904136

If you want to know true despair read those interracial bait threads. Biz is unironically the lowest average IQ of any crypto forum. Worse than twitter. Worse than facebook.

>> No.11904218

Invest in ESL companies
Espanol as a Second Language

>> No.11904650

>you can't be against capitalism.... You own a thing!! That means you like capitlasim!!
Based and redpilled desu

>> No.11904814

To quote comrade Martin Schulz, german EU politician: "What they (refugees/migrants) bring to our countries is more valuable than gold."

>> No.11904842


The jews behind this need to die