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11857109 No.11857109 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit biz i think i know what the next big thing is.

the fastest growing and most in demand skill, is software engineering. The next big thing is developer tools. Atm the only tools i can think of that have universal dev support are sublime, vscode, atom etc.

Things like MongoDB are already becoming huge huge businesses. Imagine if a framework like React cost $5 a month to get all of the "extra" features. React is already used in millions of sites and only needs like 3 or 4 devs to maintain the library. At most it's $350k a year to maintain. In turn you get $millions A MONTH.

>> No.11857286
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OP pls advise me on this, must chose between those 2 jobs:
- infosec at a small consulting company, they'll pay for OSCP certification in 6 months, but the job is hard and I need to learn a lot of stuff, or:
- lazy ERP system developper at a university, I think i'll have some time to shitpost and work on something mine (wanted to make something blockchain related).
First opportunity is at a big city with lots of tinder sloots, plus becoming good with security will allow me to hack websites and steal crypto or money or whatever; second opportunity is better salary and at uni where my gf studies, salary is almost the same, but first scenario salary will climb faster.
pls help fren

>> No.11857319

you dont want my advice anon. im an 18yo dropout that made and lost 100 years worth of money on funny internet coins

>> No.11857333

do you think this is some new and interesting revelation? People have been saying "software is eating the world" for like 5+ years and tech stocks hit ATHs last year.

>> No.11857348

if 1-5 I chose infosec, if 6-0 I chose ERP job.
If dubs I neet it for another month and look for software dev jobs.

>> No.11857374
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it's decided, thanks 4chin

>> No.11857375

they are consumer focusing tech tho. there are few behemoth companies that are making frameworks. sure, you have the mainstream ones that are made by fb, google etc. But a significant portion of libraries are just open source projects maintained by 1 or 2 devs.

Take a look at LMDB for example. It's basically just one guy behind it, yet nearly every major cryptocurrency uses it.

I just had this revelation because my 9yo brother started talking to me about coding and how everyone in his class now has a coding class. Whose tools and libraries do you think all these new devs are going to use? for a text editor? probably sublime as their first. I can think of a dozen ways sublime could be improved if I spent the time on it. Imagine having a monopoly on the tex editor everyone uses?

It's literally like having a monopoly on microsoft word. Nearly everyone in the first world will use it.

>> No.11857418

>Hurr Durr hack websites and steal coin like L3eT
This is a meme if you are a capable autist which it sounds like you are. Computer crimes that get caught have the book thrown at them. And your shelterted bussy will be gaped open like a parachute. Do hackerone or some shit and follow the guidelines very closely to get your jollies. That is, once you have a clue

>> No.11857441

>I can think of a dozen ways sublime could be improved if I spent the time on it
So can I. It's called vim with a color scheme.

>> No.11857453
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>> No.11857463

pls return sir, do the needful sir

>> No.11857519

if you think the normie programmers in 10 years are going to be using vim your delusional. only reason they would ever use it is in server maintenance. but even then you have nano which is far simpler.

>> No.11857537

In 10 years there won't be a need for normie programmers who can only shuffle around js libraries

>> No.11857541

I actually work in the industry. You are an 18-year-old dropout. Why should I listen to you on the subject of what people in my industry do and do not use?