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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11834074 No.11834074 [Reply] [Original]

I finally looked past the meme and did the deep dive on LINK. I’m actually shocked at how game changing it can be for the industry as a whole. Is LINK unironically the Netscape moment for crypto?

>> No.11834092
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time for another 200 reply thread

>> No.11834112

Gee anon it took you a year to realize link is the only possible way to save crypto? What else are you missing that was infront of your face this whole time?

>> No.11834131
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>> No.11834158

this thread is bait but LINK is more like aws or linux

>> No.11834175

I’ve actually ignored crypto almost completely since February. Now that that market is crashing I’m watching what’s getting flushed out as well as any promising projects in the short-mid term

>> No.11834192

Chainlink isn't the Netscape of crypto, it's HTTP.

>> No.11834323

Wow that’s an even more impressive comparison

>> No.11834336

What else do you want to know? Ive been deep into link that whole time, lemme know if you want me to explain something. In very short terms, chainlink is the last link to crypto, making it actually useful.

>> No.11834414

Thank you based anon. What smart contract platforms do you think it will perform best on? Or does it even matter?

>> No.11834503


>> No.11834535

Well played. Lol

>> No.11834541

Can you PM me? I have some questions about link that I don't want out in the open.

>> No.11834544
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I think the foundation right now is ETH just to develope the product. One of the best traits of chainlink is that its blockchain agnostic, meaning you can use it for any blockchain. This is one of the reason it will be used by most blockchains, just like a lot of blockchains use eth for smart contracts, link will have to be used for oracles. So it really doesnt matter what blockchain it performs best on, as its going to be used by all kinds. One problem right now is Eth needs to find a scaling solution, keep the network clean and unclogged. Chainlink has even made progress in this area too with its off chain computing using towncrier and intels sgx system. Let me know if you got more questions, its hard putting all these big ideas into one sentence so i hope you get my points.

>> No.11834575


I'm a stinker with a finance background, getting a few investors on board with me. Blows my mind, but I'm having difficulty wrapping my head around and explaining the significance of the API extracting. Yes I know it will automate smart contracts, but I'm having difficulty explaining this in my own terms. Maybe I don't truly understand it

>> No.11834590

Didnt even know 4chan has a pm feature, where is it?

>> No.11834605

upper right hand corner, looks like an X.

>> No.11834623

Up your butt and around the corner

>> No.11834653

Ya I was wondering how offchain computing might help the host SC chain. This can make a smart contract be a single trigger, minimizing onchain txs, right? Could this make really simple but real world applicable SC’s on Bitcoin possible via RSK? If so holy shittttt

>> No.11834681
File: 409 KB, 814x1136, 5F15E841-4A86-4F35-B4AC-69A2952FDC1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In very simple terms an API is capable of spitting out information for use by another entity. Wanna know the price of a stock? Well that website you visit to check the price is probably using an api feed to keep that stock info updated on the website. This might be too complex to explain to someone who doesnt have back end infastructure experience. In a few words, chainlink changes the way digital agreements are made. Read the attached pic. One of the problems of link is that it is a lot to digest, you prob will not understand link in one day.

>> No.11834687
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$1000 EOY

new paradigm confirmed

>> No.11834723

chainlink is a good idea but you don't need chainlink to have decentralized oracles.

the tokenomics of the chainlink system is inherently flawed hence the value of chainlink tokens will tend to zero over time.

however decentralized oracles can live intrinsically on certain smart contract platforms, but be careful when u invest in CL. It's a pump and dump.

>> No.11834736

It will not only help but be a major part of the system. Idk what rsk is but it sounds like you are on the right track.

>> No.11834757

If you want the Netscape of Crypto, look up Brave Browser headed by CEO Brendan Eich who developed Javascript for Netscape, before founding Mozilla. It's looking to revolutionize online advertising through it's BAT token, basically it blocks out current ads, and replaces them with new ads that will get paid to the user and content provider. The browser is also going to have an integrated ETH wallet with Metamask making dapps easily accessible to normans.

>> No.11834770

Can you explain how the reputation and aggregation systems will work? I'd prefer if you sent a PM to my address as well. I'll tip you in LINK if you want.

>> No.11834774

Youre on the right track, heres a video where sergey explains some of this off chain computing https://youtu.be/js5SL5Z1ZxY i recomend watching thr whole thing but the off chain computing starts about halway thru

>> No.11834818

That’s another question I have- yes oracles are needed but is it necessary to use Chainlink? What is preventing Ethereum or EOS etc from integrating it directly into the protocol at the base or even second layer?

>> No.11834832

Rootstock - smart contracts on Bitcoin

>> No.11834965
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I must be a brainlet cause i cant find it, nor find any info on google on how to pm on 4chan, maybe because im on my phone? Anyway, we dont know much about reputation and aggregation, both will have to be tailored to the specific industry the smart contracts are operating in. My rep and agg will have to be different considering an insurance smart contract vs. if i was feeding thousands of menial tasks a day like SWIFT systems.

>> No.11834982

Rumors is rep and agg might be created by 3rd parties...because they would know what kind of rep and agg they need and it also decentralizes the process even a little more

>> No.11835000

No way this is real

>> No.11835026
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Saw this in another thread. Anyone know?

>> No.11835035

There will def be competition. AS OF RN, chainlink is ahead by years. Check out sergeys track record and who he has working with chainlink, top leaders in this space. Some will def make their own oracles, but i think most will use chainlink. Will a company really spend time and money on creating oracle system when chainlink is already work and OPEN SOURCE? Its almost unbelievable how far ahead chainlink is. Also consider chainlink is not just oracles. Remeber it has off chain computation, town crier, sgx intel compatability, using those two things they created a whole new generation of secure number generation, that can be viewed in the video i posted on one of the replies. Just think of that...chainlink created a whole new level of secure and private computation as a fucking side quest. Chainlink is many things not just oracles.

>> No.11835097
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Read this asap

>> No.11835103

It's called remote attestation. The enclave will identify itself by a signed result

>> No.11835118

what's a netscape? some kind of a coin?

>> No.11835135

Bat is the real real deal dude. It's definitely a top 5 coin in the future. Great hold for sure.

Also, you should probably check out Nano. It works a lot like bitcoin, except instead of a blockchain it uses a block lattice, which means that the transactions are instant and feeless. Imagine Bitcoin but with no fees! It's seriously undervalued right now and definitely worth a look.

>> No.11835157
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zoomer detected

>> No.11835162

Brainlet here...what are the advantages of being on open source project rather than a proprietary one?

>> No.11835176
File: 51 KB, 400x239, Truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the awaken. You have now seen the light. You will be invincible to the FUD. Good luck Anon.

>> No.11835192

That stuff is a little over my head, id like to qoute sergey on this too, he said something like this tech was produced by the leading people of this field, they couldnt compromise it either. This is the mext generation, of course there might be a hiccup or two but so far this is the best solution possible yet. That brings me to another point, this isnt just oracles, chainlink has made this in such a way that an attacker has less of a space to attack, making these transactions and computations more secure then what we have now

>> No.11835199

meh, i just googled it, some kind of a shitty looking browser from the early 2000's.

>> No.11835243

Thanks anon you’ve been v helpful

>> No.11835244

Bat might be real but i dont invest in companies that try to get adopted, i like new tech that HAS to be adopted. While bat can take off, it will never scale as huge as chainlink. Chainlink has the potential to change digital agreements IN EVERY INDUSTRY..not just one or a couple ..Almost every industry.

I also just dont have enough money to invest in any other good coins haha, only got 3 grand to my name rn, its link or nothing for me

>> No.11835259

u teeny retard listen up this browser was used by everyone at one point cuz there was no better.

>> No.11835265


>> No.11835281

Someone else might have to chime into answer this but low start up cost first comes to mind. You really have to think about it, if chainlink is there why would you want to reinvent it? Think how much time and money a company can save by just using an open source product. I cant emphasize how far ahead chainlink is, so far ahead that yes it will be the default oracle.

>> No.11835294

chill dude i didnt talk any trash just stated facts, id have many coins in the bag if i had money to throw around like that.

>> No.11835348 [DELETED] 

Glad i can help, its a lot to learn but when it all clicks in your head your going to start thinking why anyone would hold anything else. Theres so much more to dig and learn, hope you all the best on that journey, took me a good half year to learn exactly what link is.

>> No.11835360

I clearly asked you to fucking PM me and you go and post sensitive info about aggregation all over the front page of /biz/. Don't you know that LINK's competition frequently browses here to get this kind of info to use against us?

I swear to G*d you fucking newfags never learn. When someone asks you to PM them, either ignore them or do it. Don't go posting that kind of information of Mobious spies to see. You seriously ought to know better and you owe me an apology.

>> No.11835367

you boomers are funny. did you also have a b&w tv because there was no better? lol

>> No.11835370

Street beggar faggot

>> No.11835398
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>> No.11835433


Thank you

>> No.11835472

> Yes oracles are needed, but why are oracles needed?

Anon... I'm going to help you out because you seem well intentioned but come on. Smart contracts can only operate on data contained within the blockchain in order to preserve the deterministic nature of the agreement's execution which is basically the whole point of a smart contract. Now think about how useful outside data can be retrieved... do we really want all 25 thousand ethereum nodes individually pigging an API, when any difference of result from the API or inability of some nodes to connect could cause failure of the network to reach consensus? Better offload that job to a network purpose built for connectivity that wont collapse the entire ethereum ecosystem when a data source goes offline.

> Why can't Ethereum build their own 2nd layer solution?

The entire point of Ethereum is to be a base layer deterministic protocol, and clearly it's hard enough work getting that to function at scale. Not only would duplicating chainlink's efforts be pointless, it would likely fuck up the whole system.

The point of chainlink's decentralization aspect is allow a useful but much smaller amount of redundancy for accessing outside data. Think 33 nodes reaching consensus instead of 25k. And lack of consensus at worst results in Oracle nodes having their deposit slashed and the smart contract failing to trigger, rather than total system meltdown.

And none of the above even touches the additional benefits added by chainlink's adoption of towncrier for trusted hardware security benefits. If ethereum tries to require nodes to run everything through specialized TEE's, would that help or hurt the network's already embarrassing centralization of hash power?

Lastly, there are economic benefits to utilizing separate tokenized systems for different purposes. It allows token price within each network to more accurately reflect the value of that specific system.

>> No.11835541

Sorry man but his is chainlinks safe heaven...infact half of biz owns link and the other half still think its 100% meme. The project is open source, others can see it no matter what, me not posting it on biz isnt gunna do shit. And if you dont know link is only talked about here..go ahead make a chainlink thread on reddit and see what happens...

>> No.11835558

Good read

>> No.11835571
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I been unemployeed for two years, almost 30 years old and still live with my rents and i just educated a couple people with knowlege they would have had to dig for...im sorry if im asking all mighty king

>> No.11835592

it is esoteric now but LINK will be one of the more historical technological innovations that will transform this world

>> No.11835613
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>> No.11835614

The hardest part is waiting haha

>> No.11835753

this thread was debunked literally on the second post. a TEE can be evidenced using cryptography as can data sourcing. OP of that thread is a retard.

>> No.11835930


I resent that.

>> No.11835983

Could some anon maybe go into deeper detail here about remote attestation ?

>> No.11836141


>> No.11836183

Holy fuck you need to lurk more


>> No.11836221



>> No.11836247

haha chill dude

>> No.11836277

At this point in the market, the only thing that will matter. How do you LINKIES actually think adoption will happen? Shill me your most likely scenarios.

As I see it now, once they release there will be 0 adoption, for at least several YEARS

>> No.11836335

Random number generation via decentralized TEE's for lottery contracts and other gambling.

Price discovery for smart contract bonds and derivatives contracts on MARKET Protocol and the like.

Off chain computation in trusted execution environments for scaling and compliance with Eurofag data privacy laws.

>> No.11836410

Yeah i know about all those possible ultimate uses.

But who? And what form? How often?

probably actual adoption will be severely underwhelming. bear market needs adoption, not hype.

>> No.11836444

It seems very much like a "build it and they will come" situation. It's easy to point to lack of smart contract activity now because, surprise, you can't really do much interesting stuff without real world connectivity.

>> No.11836457

I get that. But then there's no point for me in buying their token now. Nothing will make their token price rise.

>> No.11836462

the tokenomics of Chainlink is a thing of beauty.

Smartcontracts will use decentralized oracles that carry COLLATERAL value of LINK within the nodes.

Think about that for a second and you will see how valuable LINK will become.

The higher the price of LINK the more stable the network. The higher the price of LINK will also coincide with the growing number of smartcontracts.

>> No.11836487

meh, it might be good first attempt, but not need to get excited about. be quiet you annoying little shills.

>> No.11836535

>nothing will make their token price rise
That's objectively false. Increased incentive to hold on to tokens due to staking increase value. Increased usage of the network creates a demand which increases value.

>> No.11836552

Staked tokens collateralize the service agreements. This provdes incredible value by offloading risk from parties to the smart contract. All service agreements must also be paid in link. Both of those are valid factors explaining demand for the token. Supply is fixed long term at 1 billion. This means that price necessarily increases with demand. Let alone the need for collateral to match a significant portion of the value of a contract. Your argument that price has no reason to increase is equivalent to arguing that nobody will want to build smart contracts once secure and collateralized external connectivity is available. If that's your perspective, then you indeed should not buy chainlink. Also nobody gives a shit if you buy. This is a b2b solution and success of the network has nothing to do with the interest of biz neets.

>> No.11836672

This anon knows their shit.

Are you connected with the project at all?

>> No.11836728

>In very simple terms an API is capable of spitting out information for use by another enti

A web API is kind of like this:

When you go to 4chan.org/biz, your computer sends a message to the computer (s) at 4chan.org that says "please give me what you've got for '/biz'" and the 4chan computers send back a bunch of text that contains people's shitposts, etc. and some text that tells your browser what the font size should be, what the colors should be, etc.. and your browser interprets that to show you people's posts.

This could be a web API except instead of getting shitposts from 4chan computers, the web API gives different data, like Bitcoin prices or interest rates or some shit. It still generally comes down to one computer asking another computer to send it something.

Now, when you make a post on 4chan of your own, you're sending a message to ask 4chan to take some data (your shitpost text) and do something with it. There are APIs that do something similar: one computer sends some data to another and asks it to do something.

>> No.11836732

No just have done my research. Will be running a node though.

>> No.11836778

Thanks for your knowledge.

Are you invested in anything else other then LINK?

>> No.11836967

All hands abandon link, go for sux but widely adopted Internet Explorer of crypto

>> No.11837184

This comment was beautiful. May Sergey bless us all.
