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11827532 No.11827532 [Reply] [Original]

>sunny day in London
>attractive women everywhere wearing little clothing
>26 years old and never had attention from women ever, only ever had escorts
>have zero friends or social life
>main hobby is sitting in public to feel less alone while drinking coffee, browsing 4chan on my phone, and feeling bad about all the attractive women who have lives on easy mode, 9001 matches on tinder, and consider all non Chads disgusting
>tfw became the loser loner guy after only a few days at my vacuous low effort government job; come in 30 minutes late, take 2 hour lunches, still feel bad
>tfw have nothing to say during small talk
>on Saturday and Friday nights sometimes walk outside and observe the Chad and Stacey hedonistic paradise I'll never experience due to my ugliness and shit social skills and zero friends head on in order to have some sort of catharsis
>tfw too intelligent to swallow self help BS; all advice is trivial
>20 % of men get all the women
>coffee ruins my sleep and therefore my gym lifts but can't bear to stop; similarly with junk food
>like reading but hate being told I have to read long and boring old books; even leisure becomes work
>all culture is a vacuous corporatised dishonest sham or pseudo
>feel guilty for not working on side projects; feel guilty for not enjoying my youth; too ugly to enjoy youth if I tried
>pol is right but we can do nothing; I'm not even white
>for the 700+ day in a row I am heading towards an evening junk food and coffee fueled blackpill epiphany about getting my life on track before delaying it by another day tomorrow
>see normieclones find socialising easier than breathing
>know there's no way to be part of anything unless you already have friends
>only proposed solution for social rejection is to be a pathetic beggar of attention
>find no satisfaction in anything

Chads and women live like royalty. The rest of the normie males sustain the rigged social economy. The subhuman males live alone in a wasteland.

>> No.11827561

You don't sound intelligenent at all.

>> No.11827590
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>> No.11827600


>> No.11827605

Stop comparing yourself to chad and Stacey. Who gives a fuck about them. Find interests and hobbies you genuinely enjoy and pursue those things. You could find some chick if you really tried. Also isn't this an old pasta

>> No.11827613

holy shit, you're me.

>> No.11827619
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I hate how I feel the need to read boring books because pseudo intellectuals claim you need to read them for "insights" when they just want you to pump up the value of their hierarchy by expending energy within it. I see novels as something to be enjoyed. I simply don't have the balls to live life according to my own intellectual and aesthetic tastes while calling out the dumb bullshit as I see it. I know there are no "insights" in Dostoevsky other than the made up crap that people judge based on fashion. I would honestly give up on most books within 50 pages if I used my taste.

I hate how I'm an ugly 26 year old male with no friends, whoha never had attention from women ever, and hasn't had a social life at all since I was 18. I went through university like this. Tinder shows that women have Chads on tap and it is clear that they live easy lives and society sees males as disposable shit to be bled dry and discarded. I hate how you can't even point this out, and the trivial empirical observations are ignored.

I hate how I eat junk food and coffee to dull the mental pain of my shit life, ruining my sleep and gym strength. I hate how I became the ugly loner beta at my workplace within a few days. It confirmed everything I ever intuited about the workplace and professional environments and the necessity of normieness to succeed.

I hate how boringness is seen as a sign of intellectual worth. I hate how simplicity is seen as proof of near worthlesness.

I hate my desire for a philosophy that will let me know what to do. I know there is no such thing and I would feel like a dehumanised robot if I tried to follow it. I know that the truths are all trivially obvious and most "insightful" thoughts stem from a deviation from them justified by lies and obscurantism (there is no meaning to life, no objective morals, no way to optimise life, no automatic cost for hedonism, no automatic gain for pain, no guaranteed qualities to compensate ugliness or vice versa).

>> No.11827633

this pasta is old. my god. also start roiding, your mentality will change and escorts are fun - even the romanians can have a personality.

>> No.11827646
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Why is it so forbidden to say: 20 % of men get 80 % of women; women live lives on easy mode; literary theory and almost all humanities "scholars" are bullshit; old classics can be boring and are not all stunningly genius works of incredible philosophical genius; all the religion / atheism posturing is fashion statement nonsense (with the most insufferable of all being lit and it's "I'm not religious but I want to sprinkle religionshit over everything because it has been associated with literary and cultured people in the past" attitude); the current "gatekeepers" in literature are horrendous leftists; that people only praise old books so hard to fit in?

>> No.11827656

Back to r9k

>> No.11827676
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>had no coffee yesterday
>go to bed and wake up after 8 hours feeling fucking great
>drink some water and go to bed for another hour and feel even better afterwards
>go to work
>have coffee at lunch while sitting around in busy place, tortured by the huge number of qts I see
>currently sitting at home at 10 pm on Friday night, having wasted all my time at home on the internet, and about to spend some time reading the republic to make myself feel better than the people enjoying their youths outside
>was listening to normies talking at work and realise I can't even imagine myself in a conversation where the other person doesn't want to leave it at all times (nvm a girl who would be attracted to me)

It takes me more mental strength to get through the day than it would take a normie to fight Mike Tyson.

>> No.11827695

How do I cope with being so unspooked that I just wobble around in the middle, with every single opinion, ideology, action by other people representing a grace attack on my innermost being?

I tell myself I'll not drink coffee tomorrow to have better sleep. But is that stupid because I'll lose pleasure for a stupid reason? But what if i want the sleep? What if I can have both? Why question anything if don't believe in spooks?

I think I have an all or nothing personality. I trust my tastes but don't have the balls to fully commit and act on them. If I did have the balls, I would thrive by giving up junk food but I'd give up on books that the pseuds claim I have to read.

>> No.11827708

at least you have a job, quit whining you faggot

>> No.11827714
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>have only about £35 until payday, 8 days away
>asking for more money from parents would be unthinkable because I've done it multiple times before and they'd freak

I have three days worth of food in the house, maybe a bit more. £26 k is a cuck wage in London. I spend all my money on junk food and coffee due to being in such an awful mood. I hate seeing attractive women everywhere who see me as a disgusting non Chad. Everyday I tell myself I'll have no more junk food or coffee then my spirit is crushed by my environment lack of satisfaction from life.

I wish I could give up coffee because it ruins my sleep and gym gains. Only dyels say coffee doesn't hurt sleep. I can function with ruined sleep but have no chance of being strong in the gym. I am a loser with weak willpower. My only hobby is drinking coffee in public to feel less alone, browsing 4chan, and feeling sad about life.

I think I am book smart but I am already 26 and with zero social experiences since I was 18. I've never been to a pub or club. I hated my. boring stem degree I've had no friends since 18, no female attention ever. How can I sit in my flat learning programming or something useful when my youth is passing before my eyes? And I'm being really fucking generous when I call being 26 youth.

Everything feels like work. I'm reading brothers Karamazov just to say I have. It's boring shit that pseudo intellectuals praise. Every single activity descends in to drudgery.

Acting normal isn't an option when you're ugly, normies will never accept you. I waste all my money on junk food and coffee. Societal propaganda is awful yet "classic" books are zero escape, just more drudgery that you are told to do.

I think at this point all normies have a superiority complex over me. Everyone else's life consists of easily joining institutions filled with normies like them, being judged by normies like them, doing things that normies enjoy.

>> No.11827726
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>> No.11827748

The life bro, all this stuff u are saying is materialistic low intelligent down chad stuff, try to improve urself under a spiritual light, and i'm not talking of religion. teaches to your reason to like the little stuff u already have for get more. There is nothing that attracts another soul like happiness. Smile and the world will smile WITH you. Also rk9 stuff budy

>> No.11827795

leave london

>> No.11827825

Don't worry southern goy
I am northern goy in same position
£11 until payday
Driving around on fumes
I'll fucking rob the co-op probably at the weekend

>> No.11827845

Weapons grade autism

>> No.11827878

Ur not subhuman. Ur on 4chan which contains the intellectual elite. High iq individuals dont thrive in barbarous conditions like were living in now.

>> No.11827889

>that retarded, blue-pilled green text is suddenly shoved up OP's ass

>> No.11827909

>feeling bad about all the attractive women who have lives on easy mode
thats like saying a dog has life on easy mode. would you like to be a fucking dog?
almost all women out there are extremely animalistic compared to men - they are all about emotion, blindly following impulses and sexuality - in other words: being an animal.
if you envy them so much you are probably lacking in principles, values and an appreciation for all the more abstract things in life that these people will never think about in their dull and pointless NPC lives.
*tips fedora*

>> No.11827936

Women's dating life is on easy mode.

>> No.11827940

wrong board, bro.

or, you forgot to mention you have only a few thousand BTC left in your wallet

>> No.11827943

Same except I make 100k in NYC , which is barely minimum wage in my location really.

>> No.11827969
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I think the problem is you're not the sharpest tool in the box.

not trying to be rude, but using the power of anon. to call is it I see it.

we could discuss how guys like Dostoevsky debate exactly the sense of alienation that you're experiencing, and even move on to suggesting some solutions- but I don't think you have the mental capacity to grasp it.

Thats why you're NPC mind just goes blank and rings up


Anyway coincidentally i saw a Dostoevsky joke today,maybe it will help-

Existentialism is:
Sartre: freedom.
Kierkegaard: despair.
Nietzsche: will.
Dostoevsky: axing an old lady in the head for no reason.

>> No.11828002
File: 69 KB, 840x756, Screenshot from 2018-11-20 21-00-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>sunny day in London
>>attractive women everywhere wearing little clothing
Lying on a taiwanese scarf nitting board about how pathetic you are.

Just when I tought I'd seen everything.

>> No.11828059

Do we really need this thread again? People already gave you some good advice. You probably ignored it and here you are again. A little older and nothing has changed.

>> No.11828196

Self-pity is the most useless and self-destructive emotion of all (speaking from experience).