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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11789924 No.11789924 [Reply] [Original]

I donated a couple millions dollars in bitcoin to a fellow rich-fag I know who's opening a NEET rehab centre.


>> No.11790452

You want a pat on the back?

>> No.11790483

I been a neet for two months and already want to kms.

>> No.11790499
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It is actually a part of his performance. I shit you not, but he eats that burger in two bites. He always does that to energize the audience before his presentation. They go absolutely insane when he does it. You can hear gasping and loud mumbling, as they sit in disbelief as to what they just saw. Sergey then says "You would never in your wildest dream belive that what you just saw is possible. You will think the same about the presentation, but it's true, all of it". He immediately follows up with a very long, almost neverending gurgling fart. This is ensued by dead silence as the crowd again is in disbelief and shock, and not sure how to react. That's when Rory starts slow clapping from the back of the room while leaning nonchalantly against the wall. The audience follow his lead and it ends in a standing ovation. People are are cheering, clapping and even praising Sergey with their arms and head stretched towards him with blissfull faces. The energy in the room moons, and some of the ladies are crying and even fainting.

This man is, as Scott Adams would put it, a master persuader.

>> No.11790709

I'm actually more qualified to talk about this than most anons.I'm employed with a cyber-techno machinations company, I do a lot of security analyst programming type work. Open source, decentralized, APIs, partnerships, you name it. We'd be one of the first companies in line for something like Chainlink, if the decentralized smart contract space had more value over traditional data exchanges. There's a catch though, an underlying flaw more deeply embedded in the bedrock of LINK than the very code itself. The flaw is with the concept, and it's this: Companies won't actually go through the hassle of trusting their data API's through crypto.

Now I can already hear your keyboards going frantic, but hear me out. /biz/ hates banks, and traditional data providers. But actual companies, businesses, and investors do not. There's an old saying you might have heard of: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". The idea that any of our bosses would give us the go ahead if we approached them to put our companies valuable data in a smart contract on a cryptocurrency called Chainlink, that they've never heard of, we'd be laughed out at best and fired on the spot at worst. We already have API data buyers and providers we trust.

'But Chainlink is trustless!' I hear you cry, but is that really a good thing? Just listen to the sound of it. Businesses don't want to spend millions of dollars on something that is trustLESS, they want something trustFUL. 'But the reputation system!', doesn't that defeat the whole point of your coin? If companies only trust nodes with high reputation, what's the difference between trusting banks and data providers that already have reputation, but in real life not on a computer screen.

The fact is, LINK is going to share the same fate as ETH will. A lot of 'real world application' hype, with a lot of 'crypto world application' reality. Only, this billion supply coin isn't going to come close to the $1k that Etherum hit. Happy gambling though anons.

>> No.11791924

NEET rehab centre would be a reasonable investment I think.

Most NEETs are intelligent people unable to self actualize, usually due to social problems. Rehabilitate them and I'm sure many of them will become successful people

>> No.11792124
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Donate BTC gibs for ramen pls

>> No.11792286

far better use of resources than migrants&co sitting on gibs.
NEETs also don't do any crime as a whole outside of the odd drug abuse and some piracy,so far less dangerous to handle.

>> No.11792393

NEETS do not rehabilitate. They are destroyed utterly and totally without so much as a wonder why. They are happy in their shallow meaningless existence and do not want to do what is necessary to change it. Congratulations on wasting. Your btc.

>> No.11792416

not a glimmer of humanity or hope in your soul left to see, right anon?

>> No.11792673
File: 73 KB, 800x450, doh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first i dont belive you, why would you give away that much money. 2nd Im in 15k debt and my portfolio got rekt and barely worths 2k. Pay my debts if you are such a big genereous dog and you get a picture of my pinky

>> No.11792760

>Neets are the only ones in despair
>Hurr Durr get a job
>The schlomo slaves are happy
Anon, I...


>> No.11792772 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 585x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-11-15 at 17.41.18(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm known as Favelanon, as my name say I'm a favela guy of a thirld world country: Brazil, living in the richest state poorest area: São Paulo.

I have to fight against everything to try to have a better life to myself and for my young brother. I had found an internet job but I was fired 2 days ago. I currently do two graduations and I'm volunteer in a NGO.

I would like to ask the help for find another job that I could do over internet.
I have to pay rent, food and everything else because I come from a poor family.

I'm asking for your help to find a job, in return I'm already offering anti suicide support, life changing support and a method developed by myself to progressive change from an total non social to an socially sucessfull guy.

My country is into economical recession, there is no job and more than 20 million unemployed, not just that but my expenses are higher than minimun wage so I need to try an unusual work.

Any help would be appreciated, I promised the other anon I wont talk bad things and I'm not talking them, I'm just explaining that I'm down to any job and I'll do in advance.

Thanks, frens.


>> No.11792779 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 585x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-10-20 at 00.36.52(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her photo when I found her in the favela, mobile internet is expensive here.

Thanks for everything.

>> No.11792846

I think I remember you from the summer. You were talking about donating to NEETs and I posted in your thread about being a NEET. I think it was probably you.

Weird cognitive dissonance in this thread though, on the one hand it's a "thread for millionaires" and bragging about donating millions to rich-fags, on the other hand you want to help NEETs.

>> No.11792874
File: 59 KB, 633x585, B59703C8-77AF-41AD-BC66-B72172EBC101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m $80k in student loan debt and work as a teacher and I’m all in on Link.

I’ve often dreamed about what I’d do when I become a millionaire.

Honestly the only thing I really want to do is open up a sanctuary for animals. Pay a handful of vets to live in the property with me and care for them all. Have a farm at this sanctuary and grow everything I eat.

Travel a bit, start and raise a family.

Yea that’s pretty much it.

>> No.11792895

BOLSONARO rubs your country get a job as a tranny hunter.

>> No.11792924

Also to expand on this -

Sanctuary would rescue exotic animals as well - lots of morons take animals they can’t care for an end up releasing them or giving them away.

NEETS will hang on the day of the rope. What a waste of money.

>> No.11793044
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>> No.11793141 [DELETED] 

What you mean?

>> No.11793828
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