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11789851 No.11789851[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks anon.

>> No.11789869


>> No.11789884


>> No.11789893


>> No.11789903

Whatever country you mom is located

>> No.11789916


>> No.11789922


>> No.11789936

>not going to Venus for sex tourism


>> No.11789946


>> No.11789954


>> No.11789955


>> No.11790196

Philippines unironically. Catholic girls + no sex ed = creampies forever. Lived there for 1 year, fucked multiple times a week and never used a condom once.

Fair warning they don't use birth control either.

>> No.11790207

2nd place is indonesia/Jakarta. All the brothel workers are sex slaves so can't complain if you nut inside of them. All the online dating girls want white babies so will demand you creampie them.

>> No.11790208

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.11790209


>> No.11790225

Manila is the number one aids capital though no?

>> No.11790236

A note about indonesia. They want white babies so they can sell them into sex slavery at a premium price when they get old enough. Its pretty fucked up if you have a conscience. Pretty awesome if you don't.

>> No.11790243

pretty awesome

>> No.11790252

Due to faggots and ladyboys, possibly . Its almost impossible to contract HIV through vaginal penetration, for a man. Even more impossible on prep which any whoremonger should be on.

Something like 30% of all trannies in Manila have HIV.

>> No.11790264
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>Its almost impossible to contract HIV through vaginal penetration, for a man.
is this true?

>> No.11790271

/biz/ you never disappoint. OP, I suggest San Francisco if you are giving the bottom his bareback bun bumping, and Amsterdam if you are taking the pink torpedo up the shitter. It's easier to bum an Amerifat, you can't grab a Dutchies head and force it into the pillow when he's 7' tall and you barely reach halfway up his back

>> No.11790286

The transmission rate for penile vaginal penetration is .02%, which is a number not adjusted for sores/hygiene. The real number for a man without a wound such as syphilis or herpes is around .01%.

It's basically unheard of to contract HIV from fucking a vagina. The vast majority of infections come from dirty needles or sodomy.

>> No.11790292


>> No.11790296

well if it means anything right before I decided to be a degenerate for a few years I researched it myself and its a super low chance. I fucked like 200 women without condoms, like 50 of them were escorts or low end prostitutes that looked like they had aids lol. I don't have any STDs luckily. I honestly don't know how but I suspect it's because most people don't have porn style sex where it's rough plus long lasting lol. I would usually nut in like 10 mins.

>> No.11790298

Based and redpilled

>> No.11790335

Tell me more about indonesia

>> No.11790338


Why do they wear the mask

>> No.11790351

Several 10s of million of little brown fucking machines that know enough english to demand bareback sex and a creampie from white men with blue eyes. Literally just make a tinder/wechat that says you are here to make white babies, and women will come over to your hotel room to have sex with you.

Not exaggerating its really bizarre and like the most lazy form of sex tourism I've ever engaged in.

>> No.11790353

Wouldn't they come back and sue me for support or something?

>> No.11790369


>> No.11790371

Based and genghis-pilled

>> No.11790375

Why the fuck would you give some random woman you fucked once your real identity?

Even if they did Indonesia doesn't have extradition treaty with any western nation, and they also cant put an immigration hold on you for paternity testing.

>> No.11790381

lmao how?

>> No.11790387

Guess I'll be visiting indonesia some time in the next 5 years.
Hopefully the party doesn't end.

>> No.11790402

How many did you impregnate?


Don't worry, this sort of thread will be censored by 4channel's corporate sponsors.

>> No.11790425

I'm a 20 year old, decent looking 6'2 slav with blue eyes but still a virgin due to social anxiety and lack of confidence
Is it really that easy to get laid in Indonesia? Just make tinder, put up a picture saying I want sex and have women swarming with me into a hotel room?

>> No.11790436

I know at least 2 guys that have gotten HIV from just vaginal penetration and they did not do such things as often.

>> No.11790441

Do you, as a 20 y/o slav, really have enough time and money to waste to go to Indonesia?

>> No.11790450

lmfao are you seriously this desperate?

>> No.11790458

I live in a relatively modern country with decent economy and everything is really cheap. Plus I made shitloads of money in crypto last year, so yeah.

>> No.11790464

then go to a german brothel

>> No.11790465

Are SEA countries vulnerable to the coming financial recession (if it's not just a meme)? Something might change: prices/no. of tourists/no. of girls working/...?

>> No.11790471


Caveat as always is that you can't be a creepy fuck. Do not attempt this unless you are already a degenerate. I suggest online regular dating in Philippines as training wheels and to ease yourself into this world. You are too young and people will be suspicious of you if you try to play the part of a sexpat at age 20. Do legit travel and party stuff and sex will come to you easily.

You were lied to. They are faggots and/or drug users. They lie about contracting from women to save face. Simple as.

>> No.11790484

A white man having vaginal sex once a day for 5 years with an hiv infected woman at the end of 5 years there's an 80% chance you won't have HIV

>> No.11790486

Get this bitch off my fucking screen. The audacity of your fucking hard drive to liter like that? Profound misstep! Not going into my collection.

>> No.11790487


Girls there never ask you to use a condom

>> No.11790489

I am unfortunately. I tried hooking up with girls several times but social anxiety is one of the worst things imaginable. I'm already a nervous wreck when I meet her/call her and then I have no idea how to continue conversations.
And then there will be a bit of akward silence because I have no idea what to say and since it's so akward I will start literally talking about anything to at least not make it so weird but problem is I have nothing to really talk about so it's just going to be dumb shit like "oh this random thing happened to me at school today". But I am horrible at conversations so I will even fuck that up horribly so the entire meetup or a call goes fucking horrible and she never messages me again and usually blocks me too.

It's unironically the worst thing because I know I am pretty attractive since a lot of the girls had flat out said it to me, and 6'2, blue eyes and somewhat muscular (not ripped but no skeleton arms either). I genuinely absolutely fail when talking to any semi-attractive girl and become and absolute wreck. And it's not just with meeting women it's with everything - arranging a job interview, talking to people I don't know. I wouldn't wish social anxiety on my worst enemy. Text messages are the only thing where I can at least hide the akwarness and come up with something to say since I can have like a minute delays between messages.

>> No.11790492

SEA shitholes suffer worse than western countries during global financial recession. This makes them even more seething hotbeds of debauchery.

On the contrary, when everything is good and stable and improving there is less of that stuff around and stricter law enforcement since the countries are trying to improve their image.

Thailand will be 100% done in a generation, for example. Its already a shadow of its former self when it comes to degeneracy. Pattaya veing the exception, but there are already plans on the drawing boards to tame that place if the GDP keeps going up.

Nobody actually wants to be the condom of the rest of the world. Its just a stepping stone (that nations with hideously ugly women don't have).

>> No.11790506


>> No.11790511

Grow the fuck up dude nobody gives a shit about you. If you are good looking then drink with a chick and tell her to come home with you. You dont need to entertain SEA monkey fucking machines, because letting then ride white cock is a favor you are doing for them, not the other way around.

If you pay for sex its even more simple since its her fucking job to entertain you. If you're that anxious just don't even talk except for basics.

>> No.11790512

It seriously is that easy mate. I don’t know why Asian women betray their own men like that but we are winning taking all the prime Asian pussy.

>> No.11790516

So you masterbate often?

If yes then try Nofap for 3 months, social anxiety will disappear

>> No.11790517

How many children you have?

>> No.11790527

Mexican/Central American and Caribbean women will beg you to impregnate them.

If you prefer white women, you should unironically visit Southern US. Women there are religious and sex Ed is poor.

I never fucked Indonesian women, but I've met some really cute ones from Samoa and Java.

>> No.11790528

I would but I don't like paying for it and would feel weird, sort of like cheating. I don't think I could even get hard knowing that the girl is basically completely disinterested in me and only does it because of money. At least in Indonesia I would have girls wanting to genuinely have sex with me, even if it's for my seed. And not to mention I would probably be the tallest and most handsome guy there so I would be even more convinced that they want it and enjoy it with me.

>> No.11790547
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>> No.11790549

What's often? I maybe whip it out once a week. I don't see how nofap would help since the anxiety isn't only related to sex, it's about talking to people I don't know. I mean I have zero problems talking to friends I know and they don't have the slightest idea I have anxiety but I think it becomes very obvious when we all go and meet a new person and I'm the only one suddenly becoming quiet and akward as fuck.

>> No.11790555

IDK probably several. I've been colonizing SEA for more than a decade and haven't used condoms ever.

>> No.11790556

Did you really just ask a man that questions?

>> No.11790573

They lied to you anon

>> No.11790580

Enjoy the hiv

>> No.11790583

You better believe they are related on the hormonal level. Just do it for a while.

>> No.11790587

Only way to know is if you try. You have nothing to lose and you will never see any of those people again in your life if you do make a fool of yourself.

You're pretty insecure and seem extremely inexperienced at basic life stuff, so you will probably also get scammed or stolen from while you are there. It will toughen you up. Just don't carry too much cash on you or expect to hold onto your electronics. Go in knowing you are a dumbass and expect to get burned. Protect yourself by not taking anything you can't afford to lose and do what it takes to get your tip wet.

>> No.11790589

I doesn't make sense, I know. But once you've tried going full monk from porn for 2-3 months, you'll feel it yourself. There isn't anything you can lose from trying it.
Warning: Your mood/energy can get worse at some points during the first few weeks. This is where most people fail and think NoFap is pointless and shit. But if you stick with it, then after 1-1.5 months your energy will slowly start climbing.

>> No.11790591

lol it believes in hiv m,yth. i love on hiv women and feel great. immune system is on top of the world.

>> No.11790592

HIV is a meme to keep normies (like you) in line.

>> No.11790594

>Enjoy the hiv
HIV doesn't cause AIDS retard

AIDS is caused by blood transfusions including getting someone else's semen in your blood. Your immune system learns all the proteins in that foreign material is the enemy and then goes right ahead and attacks your own proteins.

>> No.11790598


What is your nationality?

>> No.11790613


>Its almost impossible to contract HIV through vaginal penetration, for a man.
Not true at all if not using prep

And just fucking lmao at actually using the same medication every day that hiv positive people use just because you are such a fucking degenerate

It is ONLY TRUE if you are a white man having sex with a white european woman. The HIV type is entirely different in SEA, and transmission rates are much higher. I know someone who got it from 1 single time of vaginal sex with a thai whore

>> No.11790623


Thanks for the suggestions. I think going balls deep and dumping your payload deep inside a fertile womb is just about the greatest thing on the planet.

>> No.11790651

I'm not inexperienced, and I'm not a pussy if that's what you're asking. If someone wants to fuck with me, I can make it clear to them that it's not gonna happen. And I generally distrust people until I know for sure that they have good intentions. I think the part about never seeing those people again would probably help a lot. Not to mention I am way more confident when I speak English than when I speak my country language for some reason.
I never tried it so who knows. I might do it since I'm not that latched onto porn anyway. Probably won't be too hard.

>> No.11790656

Can you buy a sex slave in Indonesia? And is there an age limit to what kind of slave I can get?

>> No.11790657

anxiety is completely natural. you honestly shouldn't even talk to women much less try to fuck them. they will only fuck you over. if you can find a good one then do everything you can to stick with her. the thing is I wouldn't trust you to be able to recognize a good one.

so just stop man. go to a brothel and fuck some women if you want. but just stop, relax, and enjoy simple pleasures. it's not necessary to suffer when you can just go enjoy something else.

>> No.11790659

I don't even know what to say to a retard like you. I also said, enjoy the HIV and not enjoy the AIDS

>> No.11790696


the amount of ignorance

i guarantee at least 2 of you guys already hiv+, but ya'll most likely will die in some other shit earlier with that mindset so it really doesn't matter to you

>> No.11790800

Yeah he got it from a Thai whore. A ladyboy that fucked him in the ass. Stop spreading disinfo because you can't accept that your "friend" (you) is a sodomite. The SEA strain of HIV is 1/3rd more virulent than European strain. An additional 1/3rd of an infinitesimal small chance is still nothing.

People who catch HIV in Thailand are fucking (Being fucked by) ladyboys. If it was possible to catch HIV from hiv+ women in Thailand it would be an enormous epidemic of gigantic proportions and the sex trade in the region would be suspended.

But it's not. The HIV infection rate of men actually continues to decrease, but the number of diseases faggots and faggots in denial continues to rise.

>> No.11790806

>I'm not inexperienced, and I'm not a pussy

You are a 20yo who is scared of women. You are not just a pussy, you are a dumb pussy. You can change though and I believe in you.

>> No.11790822

>what is std testing
>what is prep

STUPID faggot.

Even if someone does get hiv it is easily managed by modern medicine and the cost is as little as $200 A month without insurance. See I actually know about this shit because I acknowledge its a risk (however minor) of my lifestyle and decided to learn about it.

You are a brainwashed retard drone and your opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.11790873
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Can confirm everyone in this thread will get pajeet scammed so hard from the SEA niggers pimp and will contract herpes on their way home.

>> No.11790924
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fuck of already favelanon. Your hilarious dumbness and audacity reeks from each of your post even without namefaging

>> No.11790965

also from the sound of it you're just fucking literal butterfaces who should never reproduce just because you think spreading your dna is a win

you're achieving nothing with your life and will never will fulfilled

>> No.11790993

usa, home of the brave

>> No.11791033


I routinely get DMs. and follows from Malaysian/Indonesian/Women from that part of the world. Anyone else? A lot of them are in hijabs and look fairly conservative. None of them are remotely attractive though

>> No.11791040

yes this is true

>> No.11791042

kek retard