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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 134 KB, 943x1200, nikola_tesla_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11782335 No.11782335 [Reply] [Original]

>one of the greatest inventors in human history
>held patents that would be worth trillions in today's dollars
>dies a broke 80 year old virgin

what went wrong?

>> No.11782353

His mom browed biz while he was in the womb

>> No.11782359


>> No.11782379

>what went wrong?
He thought the Jew is his friend.

>> No.11782381



we are die

>> No.11782386

Edison and Westinghouse were ruthless businessmen.

>> No.11782391

Lacked business sense

>> No.11782393

he came to the conclusion that there is more in life than to stick your peener into a moist hole

>> No.11782394

have you read his diary/biography? dude was a different breed i swear.

>> No.11782396


Skill alone does not pay the bills.

>> No.11782397


>> No.11782407

It was unironically the kikes. Free energy is for bad goyim

>> No.11782409

Can you give me a quick rundown?

>> No.11782418

Actually this. Although in his later years when people stopped caring about him he basically abandoned his good ideas (that the world wasn't ready for yet) for bullshit shock-and-awe magic tricks that didn't actually work, causing people to think he was just a crazy old man and alienate him further. You can be the smartest man on the planet, but if you can't market your ideas in a way that is pheasible for the time, no one will care

>> No.11782425

He got Jew'd like many game changing inventors.

Infinite Energy -


Frequency and vibration - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLak3NB35q0



>> No.11782429

I really shouldn't post within 20 minutes of waking up, but I stand by everything else I said

>> No.11782452

He was a very, very bad goy. Free wireless electricity? Silly goy.

>> No.11782486

"Free energy" never existed and never will exist. This was all just smoke and mirrors to get grant money.

>> No.11782498


>> No.11782594

free energy = free goys

>> No.11782631

he started harnessing nofap energy to become a genius, and later on realised that he despises women because they're worse than worms under his boots, it was too late, he already became a wizard and theres no coming back

when you can look into the past, future, project astrally, visit other dimensions, become one with the cosmos

vagina has no power over you

either this or he was secretly sucking dicks

>> No.11782677

The guy liked his work. Who knows what he discovered. I think he said he visualized stuff before creating them. Like he would construct the inventions in his mind first and then create it. The guy had an extraordinary mind. Feels to me like he perfected the "Think and grow rich" mind stuff. Too bad he didn't focus on the business part to ensure he won't have to be dependent on some kikes and bankers. Who knows what he was exactly thinking back then.

>> No.11782698

resonant energy IS free energy for those harvesting it. you get more out than you put in.

>> No.11782742

No it's not. Every single free energy device made (and there's a new one every month pretty much that gains a little attention) is total bullshit.

>> No.11782758
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Also should note that this fraud is making billions using his name

>> No.11782895
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He was a nofapper

>> No.11782944

Whoever falls for that Tesla meme about "edizon wouldnt let muh free energy happen" is a fucking leddit tier NPC. Tesla was a above average engineer and a terrible businessman, that's all.

>> No.11782946


>> No.11782963


>> No.11783033

no there was literally what happened. google tesla views on women

he said that he was putting pussy on a pedestal before and later he got redpilled and started viewing women so far beneath him that he'd hate himself if he bothered to spend time on them

tesla said to ignore bitches and make money

in his case though make money means make science

>> No.11783060


>> No.11783070

OP check out the smartest man in the world right now, he works as a bouncer @ nightclubs....

>> No.11783081
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stop wasting my time this retarded. I don't want numerology or this vortex math bullshit. everyone claims tesla made free energy yet they fail to show how he did it and coat their explanations in some pseudo-scientific bullshit

>> No.11783093

He spent too much time on /sci/ and none on /biz/

>> No.11783098

Some company is trying to reproduce the wireless technology he was looking for
I was actually watching this shit right now:

>> No.11783105


>> No.11783110


Not even the most anti-Jew leader of all time beholden to no one, Adolf Hitler, sought out to use his supposed free energy invention because it never existed.

>> No.11783142

same thing happened to Dave Kleiman aka Realtoshi

>> No.11783178

literally all forms of energy production today are about getting more energy out than you put in

also if free energy actually functioned, thermodynamics says the earth is gonna cook like a turkey

>> No.11783189

He was bluepilled on strategy, human dynamics, sexual theory, and other important things.
Smart guy though.
Strange guy though.

>> No.11783194

>Strange guy though
for you

>> No.11783290

actually seems interesting
there are crazy stories about hitler seeking out ufos and ancient aryan culture in tibet so i dont see how it has any weight

>> No.11783349

>select all images with wardenclyffe towers

>> No.11784064

Idk if he died a virgin tho
I heard he fucked the shit out of his best friend's wife

>> No.11784136

I wish I was a virgin

>> No.11784464
File: 217 KB, 539x405, Screenshot from 2018-11-17 21-52-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after being appointed to electrical engineering faculty in Vienna he spent most of his time playing poker around the country which left him broke while somewhere in Slovenia
>he goes back to Father's asking for loan, father sends him to Budapest where he start's working for Westinghouse's subsidiary and learning gradually his trip to USA

>As he arrived to USA, he worked part-time as bay watch guy [pic related]
>he figured it out it's all bullshit and have conscripted himself to magnum opus

we should all thank him for enabling us with the power to shitpost everyday

>> No.11784549

my boy Tesla looking like the zac efron of the 19th century

this motherfucker is so underrated considering what he has brought us.Fucking money hungry cunts destroyed our chance to have a more technologically advanced society by screwing with this guy. The dude hanged around the most ambitious people... one of his buddies thought we could all communicate telepathically through brainwaves synced on high frequencies

>> No.11784588

it was all part of serbian folklore, Tesla brought it to light, that's why he was fucked up, and that's why serbs are all fucked up

>> No.11784639

what was part of serbian folklore ?

>> No.11784657

So I could just swallow my own cum and be fine?

>> No.11784741

>The dude hanged around the most ambitious people... one of his buddies thought we could all communicate telepathically through brainwaves synced on high frequencies

how do i find people like this? i am from the uk and everyone here just resents "posh" people instead of trying to make it themselves and has a defeatist attitude.

>> No.11784836

Based and redpilled.

I started crying at your text anon. 10/10 must be saved.

>> No.11784911


>> No.11784918

I know what you mean i lived in London for a while and from what i saw everybody is a mindless sheep but its like that almost everywhere. People like this you can only find on rare occasions every few decades(if not centuries) kinda ironic to say this on biz but its mostly greed on a huge scale from scumbags that fucked up every potential genius's chance to be motivated and be able to work towards their goals because they didn't don't stop to realize that there are some grounds where they shouldn't interfere so they won't stump the potential to develop better technologies for everybody's future. I kinda understand their mindset, that they don't care about the future and only care about the years they got left alive but messing with progress is unforgivable

>> No.11784924

still coping this hard

>> No.11784934

what a fucking cringe, I can tell you learn your history from 5 minutes youtube videos posted on fucking leddit

>> No.11784969

He made quite a few blunders but the worst one when he was working with Westinghouse. He could've retire from the Westinghouse royalties, but he tore up the contract after Westinghouse was enountering financial difficulties because Westinghouse was the only company that "believed" in him. He could've renegotiated the contract, but he chose the more stupid option instead. He let sentimentality got the better of him.

>> No.11785025

okay retard whats false from that ?
imagine trying to waste time thinking about "funny" names for a worthless place "leddit" talk about cringe

>> No.11785060

There’s an electrical engineer named Eric Dollard who has some pretty enlightening lectures on Tesla and electrical engineering history in general. You can find them on youtube. And actually i think it was Tesla himself who decided free energy (harnessed from the electrical potential of the Earth) wouldn’t be good for mankind right now, but either way he seemed to have gone crazy after the government stole a bunch of his patents. Not super crazy, but just hung out and fed pigeons all day instead of pursuing more science stuff. Also the reason modern scientists cant recreate his work is because they’re all taught Relativity and Quantum Physics, which are wrong and insane. Oh and Tesla predicted the iPhone 100 years in advance.

>> No.11785122
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>Everyone has to live by society standards of getting laid and getting married

>or else

phew lad

>> No.11785150

imagine pussy or dick controlling every aspect of your life

>> No.11785158

Absolute cope

>> No.11785161
File: 232 KB, 733x597, 1541610495865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Infinite energy
Really? How come these aren't the richest people on Earth?

>> No.11785169

basically what will happen to Vitalik unironically

>> No.11785188

He did not invent AC, he definitely did not invent free electric. He dabbled with wireless electricity but that's not an invention, wireless electricity transfer isn't used because it isn't fucking efficient.

>> No.11785204

Not a big fan of money.

>> No.11785246

Keep coping ugly faggit we all know you're not virgin by choice

>> No.11785301 [DELETED] 

Wow brainwashed cocksucker trying to claim others are misinformed yet claims AC wasn't invented by Tesla

>> No.11785329

he cleared his mind of the distractions of a normal human by disassociating himself from sex, money, etc. to be able to focus completely on whatever it was (science, inventing stuff)

>> No.11785330

Because he didn't understand following-

The trick is to "eschew" your ego, abandon the career-ladder (and all of stress and brutality it stands for), settle for underemployment (there are various names for it - such as downshifting), ensure cash-flow from job pays bills without burning you out. And then leverage capitalism to curve your financial freedom. Moonlight your passion. create a side-business (prefer non-tech; again leaving some outliers, tech business mostly enrich VCs and some lucky founders - not the general shareholders), learn everything on earth about investment, in general and stock-investment to be specific and own income-producing assets.

>> No.11785348

>white ID
>not fan of money
You. You're going to make it. Let nobody ever say otherwise.

>> No.11785350

The secret to doing good stuff (research / change-the-world kind) is always to be a little underemployed

>> No.11785600

>wireless electricity transfer isn't used because it isn't fucking efficient
What is RFID? And before that got popular WACOM tablets used it.

>> No.11785613


exactly, looks like the jews have brainwashed a bunch of people

>> No.11785623

Anything more than a few millimeters is a meme. Otherwise every fucking transformer would do "wireless electricity transfer".

>> No.11785679

RFID works at 16 meters currently. If you cheat with directional antennae you could go much further. Wireless as a convenience factor matters more than efficiency in many cases.

Wlan is another example. It's worse signal quality and more delay and people still use it over cable.

>> No.11786175
File: 54 KB, 700x822, fake-picture-of-kolinda-grabar-kitarovi-201512-1456820428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Croat mother

>> No.11786236
File: 4 KB, 295x171, UFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right goy, free energy is a meme

>> No.11786254

damn. this thread has some great posts. and ofcourse some complete braindead npcs who spew so much shit out of their mouth they might aswell be a bot trying to emulate human conversations

>> No.11786283

>dies a broke 80 year old virgin
I came to the same conclusion as he did, woman who imitate men and compete with them are just not worth it, having brainlet woman trying to emulate and be like men won't do good for society and there is no point in shitting out children who have to live in this nightmare.

>> No.11786307

>damn. this thread has some great posts.


>> No.11786311

>>infinite energy
nice sperg you got there

>> No.11786402

RFID is basically just a mirror for invisible wavelengths, not really wireless charging

>> No.11786409

Transfering information isn't the same as transferring energy.

>> No.11786437


>> No.11786451


tesla had a bigger vision than just being rich.

>> No.11786470

Like falling in love with a pigeon

>> No.11786488

incel cope

>> No.11786490

How is Elon Musk a fraud you contrarian

>> No.11786498
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Tesla went off the deep end at that point.

>> No.11786500


lol believed women would one day live without men, and fell in love with a pigeon

this is some peoples' idol keep in mind

>> No.11786514

At least he's still remembered somewhat favorably. How many of us will be remembered at all 75 years after our deaths?

>> No.11786526

he didn't care about money, has ripped up a contract which would set him up for life.

>> No.11786536

Everyone screwed him over and he was too autistic to stand up for himself. Plus he didn't know anything about American culture or capitalism. So he was worked like a dog by Edison who stole his patents and let him die in poverty.

>> No.11787054
File: 87 KB, 374x252, Screen Shot 2018-11-18 at 8.30.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pic is from a book called Tesla Man out of Time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla:_Man_Out_of_Time

>> No.11787570
File: 43 KB, 500x903, Rick-Sanchez-Rick-and-Morty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tesla said to ignore bitches and make money
>in his case though make money means make science

>> No.11787594

There is no quick rundown. Read a book, retarded nigger.

>> No.11787626

>"miss, never trust a jew"

he actually really said that, look it up

>> No.11787867

Paul Allen just recently passed away. Let's consider the following : not many people will talk about him compare to Tesla 100 years from now. Just this fact alone makes him not a loser.

>> No.11787890

He just got jewed by Westinghouse.

>> No.11787931

That should explain to you what went wrong. The guy was a charlatan. His real stuff wasn't able to support the life style he wanted, so he went full fraud. Not only that, he tried to swindle smart people. That ended up his undoing. He did manage to convince retarded US authorities that he knew something, though. Now he would be in Silicon Valley selling worthless unicorn start ups to retarded tech billionaires like Theranos and his namesake company. It's embarrassing the cult of this fraudster still sucks up people.

>> No.11787945

On free energy, what must be said is that the Earth's ionosphere contains unlimited amount of energy as one can witness during a thunder lightning storm. If one were to put a tesla coil on every rooftop of a tall buildings, everybody get free energy

>> No.11787947

He needed a Steve jobs friend

>> No.11787952

Jews favor reckless profit over humanitarianism.

>> No.11787959

You know nothing. Tesla have hundreds of patent. Look up HARRP station in Alaska

>> No.11788002

So do niggers who patent door handles. What's your point? The guy couldn't afford the lifestyle with his engineering. He started building perpetual motion machines for show to get the ball rolling on the unicorn startup. He was ahead of his time in that. Now the stupidest money in the world is Cali VC crowd, and they would have financed his frauds. Back then people with money had some sort of grasp on reality that the current "investors" clearly don't have due to infinite QE. I can patent shit too. The people rolling out perpetual motion machines are the very definition of a fraud.

>> No.11788212

Normies ruin everything.
This faggot world wasn't ready to take a step ahead.

>> No.11788295

We can do 60+ watts multiple meters.

>> No.11788302

It's literally wireless power. You don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.11788466



but I feel like that's what a lot of people have come to

>> No.11788481

There's nothing about Tesla building perpetual machines. Just because modern scammers slapped his name on their goods doesn't mean it originated from him.

>> No.11788545

Mind explaining how relativity and quantum physics is 'wrong'? There's a nobel prize with your name on it if you can.

>> No.11788566


He was too busy actually inventing shit to play the buy low sell high bullshit capitalism game.

>> No.11788577

Relativity is basically bullshit. Theres basically no proof of relativity. Black holes are false, dark matter is false.
Quantum mechanics is flawed because of relativity, but otherwise electromagnetism is a thing.

>> No.11788663

There is people accelerating shit found hard to beat speed of light, the proof

>> No.11788677


so, einstein and the jews spouted relativity just to avoid the 4th industrial revolution with free energy

>> No.11788699
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>> No.11788710


what a fucking psycho holy fuck

>> No.11788726

"Hard" isnt proof. Scientists have apparently "broken" the speed of light several times:
1. The big bang
2. Experiments did earlier this year
3. Quantum entanglement

>> No.11788790

Ok, so if i want to have 1 billion of dollars net, i should stop fapping away for 10 years

>> No.11788794

So you claim that the laws of physics are not the same in all inertial frames (which implies the speed of light is invariant as it is a consequence of maxwells equations?). Billions of dollars are spent on particle accelerators that simply wouldn't work if special relativity was wrong, so what you're saying doesn't make sense.

If you're talking about GR, that is a little more difficult to prove, but there have been quite a few experiments that demonstrate the validity of einsteins field equations. A good example is the orbit of mercury that is explained perfectly using GR. If you don't accept GR then it makes sense to deny black holes and dark matter so I'll leave that.

There are some consistency problems between GR and QFT (although there is no problem with special relativity unless you are dealing with some foundational ontological interpretations and consequences of Bell's theorem (though the solution is to throw away realism but interpreting the wave function as simply a mathematical construct)).

While it is true that there are consistency issues between GR and QFT, both theories are still incredibly useful and make extremely accurate predictions within their range of validity (QED makes some of the most accurate predictions of any theory ever formulated).

The ontological explanations are a different issue, it does seem rather obvious that there is some deeper connection between the two that is not yet understood, but that doesn't mean that either theory is not useful within their respected fields. There is a saying... shutup and calculate.

A good example of the usefulness of the quantum theory can be seen in material science (specifically band theory). By applying quantum theory to material science we were able to develop the modern transistor, without which all modern electronics wouldn't be possible. More recently there has been progress towards utilizing the principle of quantum super position to carry out calculations.

>> No.11788796

I agree that einsteins theory is shit in 3d modeling but there are scientists finding majorana fermion for quantum chips here

>> No.11788816

I don't think it's useful discussing the big bang here, though it's possible that some of the physical constants of the universe were different during the very early stages (thus it is possible that the speed of light was different).

There have been no experiments done that demonstrate light travelling faster than c in a vacuum, so im not sure what you're talking about here (maybe link the paper?).

Quantum entanglement doesn't violate the speed of light as no information is transmitted faster than light (known as no signalling). Entanglement does violate classical causality though, but there's not really any reason to assume classical causality to be true (although it is extremely useful in applications such as causal discovery algorithms).

>> No.11788827


the proof: hiroshima

>b-but muh proof

you are literally giving the proof to all Tesla creations because he invented the AC first

>> No.11788833

>to you
He had a tight knit relationship with a pidgeon.

>> No.11788851

>His real stuff wasn't able to support the life style he wanted
He invented the electric motor, that's fucking massive.

>> No.11788854


>> No.11788856

He didn't invent the electric motor, that was Faraday. He invented the AC motor :p.

>> No.11788859

I would have accepted I was wrong but now I can't.

>> No.11788867

Memorizing shit dont make u invent shit,but good for u to know what has been made.

>> No.11788869

It's pretty much common knowledge to anyone with a physics/math/engineering background.

>> No.11788880

I was such a nerd that i dont play cnc and stepping motors

>> No.11788895

>memorizing shit don't make you invent shit
actually memory is a crucial part of invention
tesla made mental models of motors and left them running for weeks in his imagination and after a while he'd return to them and assess the wear and tear and flaws of each design.

>> No.11788904

>Tesla was a above average engineer

That is retarded you faggot. He was brilliant engineer and a terrible businessman. If he was just above average we would be drowning in Tesla tier people making crazy unheard of shit. Instead we have made small phones that we can play games on that jew you at every turn in the last 2 decades.

>> No.11788913

But after his mental model is made he need to print it out using real world materials and maybe hiring someone to gather the material and made for him, he need patent office help him to publish his patent

>> No.11789057


If you compare how a DC electric motor works to an AC one you would quickly realize how genius you have to be to come up with a shit like that in the first place, there is no way to make up such a big radical change in design without being a fucking genius, it's literally impossible

>> No.11789179

>Scientists say they have clocked neutrinos – tiny particles smaller than atoms – travelling at 300,006 kilometres per second, slightly faster than the speed of light.
there are many other such articles on the webs

>> No.11789255

This same story has been circulating since 2011 or so and was found to be a mistake.

>> No.11789258

accelerating to the speed of light is impossible according to the theory of relativity. exceeding it while never having been below it is not a problem.

>> No.11789310

Such a particle would be a Tachyon (Neutrino's are not Tachyons, in fact Tachyon's have never been detected and probably don't exist, although their existence is not prohibited by relativity).

Such a particle would have a 'spacelike' world line which means it would exist across a continuum of space (which is very weird to imagine). For comparison, we (and all matter we know of) have 'timelike' world lines meaning we exist across a continuum of time (think past, present future light cones).

>> No.11789443

nuclear bombs have nothing to do with relativity.
you're thinking of e=mc^2 which was not created by einstein

>> No.11789570

While mass and energy had been equated in various scenario's prior to einsteins formulation of special relativity, it would be disingenuous to not attribute the equation to einstein. Galileo was the first to propose the concept of relativity (you can't tell the difference if you are moving or at rest, thus meaning there is no such thing as absolute motion or absolute rest). However Maxwell's equations (electromagnetism) didn't seem to remain invariant under the galilean transformations. Nobody really saw this as a problem til Einstein, who both discovered the problem and solved it in the same year.

Einstein discovered that Maxwell's equations do in fact remain invariant under a coordinate transformation IF the transformation applied took the speed of light to be the same in all reference frames. These same equations were discovered by Lorrentz the year earlier, but the goal for Lorrentz was not to solve this fundamental issue in electromagnetism, his goal instead was to explain the Michaelson Morley experiment. It would have been very difficult for Lorrentz to derive these equations without the conceptual framework of relativity, and because he derived them first they are rightfully called the Lorrentz transformations (not the Einstein transformations).

The key discovery from all this though was that Maxwell's electromagnetism equations are fundamentally relativistic (it just wasn't known until Einstein).

>> No.11789616
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>> No.11789998

>it must be a mistake if it doesnt match our theories!

>> No.11790033

Let's say there's 1 million scenario's that say x is true, and then 1 scenario that says x is not true. If the 1 scenario that says x is not true cannot be reproduced and has plausible explanations for why that outcome occurred, what conclusions would you draw?

>> No.11790040

Thank you.
Learned something on biz.

>> No.11790045

Define 'wrong'

>> No.11790051

Exactly, these fucking retards have been brainwashed and they say Tesla never accomplished anything and is a big charlatan. Lol fucking losers

>> No.11790086

Im not a virgin and I look like a model, better looking than all of this board for sure

>> No.11790197

Now youre just making shit up

>> No.11790218

Guy was pretentious as fuck and had lots of money, unlike his much more successful counterpart

>> No.11790223

Einstein was wrong because michelson morley was invalid. The aether exists

>> No.11790241

It's a thought experiment dipshit.

They tried for 50 years and never detected it. Lorentz Poincare relativity (which assumes the ether to exist) may be indistinguishable from einstein relativity, but it requires additional assumptions (bad), one of which is an assumption that has been proven impossible to prove (very bad). Hence historically we went with einsteins explanation.

>> No.11790250

You can raise a conductor high in atmosphere via a tower or balloon to collect the electrical energy. No need for a Tesla coil, which is actually inappropriate for this.

>> No.11790254

He actually fell in love with a woman and was rejected and pretended he didn't like woman for the rest of his life.

Basically pair bonded with the wrong woman.

>> No.11790278

He didn't have a manager. Just because you're amazing in science doesn't mean you know how to run a business. Why is this dumb idea still prevalent? I can be a great businessman but that doesn't mean I can be a great scientist.

>> No.11790294

But he contributed more to humanity than almost any other human ever did. His name will forever be in history books, his legacy used by billions upon billions... you focus on whether he stuck his peepee in bajina or he maxed out his financial gain, while he literally made it in the highest sense of the word.

>> No.11790302

What is interstellar plasma

>> No.11791538

autism/lack of social skills