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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11762200 No.11762200 [Reply] [Original]

With Chainlink we will be able to build a decentralized assassination market. Ari Juels talks about this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5pJL6uJuI4&feature=youtu.be&t=2666

In the video they talk about how this mostly can be used for bad and try to figure how to mitigate this. I personally believe that this simply can't be mitigated but can be adapted and turned into something primarily positive.

What if we used the decentralized assassination market to assassinate someone who is a murderer? We place a bounty on their head let the bounty hunters figure it out. Now you need to figure out who actually did this of course and that can be a bit tricky but this can be solved by having privatized crime researchers. Now these researchers need to be acting independent and will be overseen by the government to check if they act according to their policy (there are more ways to do this without a government). If research is done this way it will be more decentralized, competitive and provide incentive. Even a staking mechanism could be implemented.

If the research structure provides some trust, people could pool together to bundle a budget of which the investigators will be paid and the bounty. The bigger the pool the, bigger the incentive. Pools that agree on the rules can merge together since the total budget could increase significantly. Maybe the world at some point will be just one entire pool of people that each pay a micro payment each year which will provide them ginormous security.

Maybe this even could protect us from malevolent AI since it also couldn't hack the Ethereum network but could only attack nodes in the network which would trigger an oracle. Benevolent AI would then be incentived to take out the attacker.

What does /biz think about this?

(Yes I might be off with some thinks but you get the general idea)

>> No.11762211

Chainlink is a scam

>> No.11762292

Isn't this a plot point for Psyco Pass?
They used a decentralized oracle to maintain the law. Eventually a chunk of nodes performed a 51% attack on the network to lay hits on targets.

>> No.11762335

I never heard of this, definitely gonna watch this

>> No.11762490


>> No.11762624

Its very exciting. Although critical towards the expansion of nations in the industrial age, central governance is set to have its value dwindle in an increasingly trust-less environment. Just as how a decentralized assassination market is possible, so too is the possibility of a decentralized civil infrastructure 'market'. Decreasing importance could also lead to lower revenue from taxes as people become more reluctant - how will this affect welfare or policies? In such circumstances, what does it mean to be a citizen?

>> No.11762705

All of these depends on how obedient a population is. If some are independent and non-compliant, then we may see nations splinter into different groups, each potentially with very different policies while still operating under the same title. After-all, governance is cheaper than ever before

>> No.11762867

I'll just keep open an insurance contract that states in the event of my assassination x amount will be payed to whoever captures/kills my assassins. boom.

>> No.11762891

>Ancapistan will run on Chainlink

>> No.11762892

>in the future you will need to pay for assassination insurance, or you will get immediately murdered by someone
This is the future Sergey is dreaming.

>> No.11762899

Lol a kind of assassination derivative hedge

>> No.11762938

They're too easy to game. No one would be your counterparty in that bet.

>> No.11763141

correct. you could have a list of suspects you constantly add to, where if something happens to you they get green lit automatically. maybe your insurance contract triggers drones that drop incendiary devices on 13 national forests across 4 states. no one likes forest fires. your ability to dissuade assassination attempts is limited by your bank account and imagination. it's not like poor people are going to have contracts opened on them....often? in the case you're too poor or unimaginative to hedge against anonymous assassins, you should clean your room.

>> No.11763294

white people crazy

>> No.11763351
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>Public crowdfunded assassinations become a reality

>> No.11763363

LINK will make anime real.

>> No.11763824

Holy fuck we could only dream

>> No.11763958
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Use Openlaw to draft Bounty Smart Contracts when crimes are committed.
>Make Cowboy Bebop real

>> No.11764585

Blompf btfo

>> No.11764773

>Crowd funded counter assasinations.

>> No.11765218


literally the entire plot is about a CENTRALIZED oracle system. did you even fucking watch the anime you retard? The entire premise was that the government used a CENTRALIZED ORACLE SYSTEM TO MANAGE SOCIETY.

chainlink will save us from this dystopian future

>> No.11765236

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgyAputOHJE So it'd be more like this?

>> No.11765509

It's already on Augur.