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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11756110 No.11756110 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/, anon here. I bought Bitcoin in 2014 and got in very early in Ethereum. I already have much more money than I can ever spend and I am also balls deep in Link.

I've been mostly traveling for the last year, doing every drug I can do, fucking prostitutes, traps, even guys for a couple of times. So you could say it's been fun. I spent about a week in Brazil this summer in a retreat and did the whole ayahuasca thing. It was something out of this world, I felt like I died, seen the whole existence in a moment and felt connected to everything.

Ever since then I can't stop thinking about doing something that really matters and be among the decision makers that can really direct where we are going towards as a species.

So my question is, when Link reaches a point where it puts me in the billions range, how do I go about doing stuff that can affect real matters? I am a brainlet when it comes to networking and stuff but I really want to do something with all this money.

>> No.11756122

find God

>> No.11756157

>Hi /biz/, anon here.
No fucking way, I love your posts!

>> No.11756204

Ayahuasca ceremonies are done in Peru not Brazil you brainlet larp

>> No.11756211

fpbp and checked

>> No.11756223

Correct. LARP confirmed.

>> No.11756239

Knuckle-dragging linklet looking for advice on how to become > muh illuminati

>> No.11756244

i did one 3 months ago here in the netherlands so stfu please.

>> No.11756343

Some guy I met in Thailand strongly recommended a retreat in Itacare, Brazil so I went to that one.

>> No.11756375

How much money do you have?

>> No.11756422

Fpbp and dubs to confirm it, both checked, unironically this OP, I came back to god as an adult after years of being le edgy atheist then agnostic, God has allowed me to find some peace I haven’t felt in a long long time

>> No.11756449

Link up with Bill Gates. He has lots of great projects to help the poor people in this world. Predominantly focuses on providing clean water to 3rd world countries and agriculture.

>> No.11756483

Although I believe there is a "god" who programmed this existence, you have to be a total brainlet to be a part of any of the Abrahamic religions. I just acknowledge my part in this very complex information transfer system and act accordingly to my inherent programming. May I ask how exactly did you find peace? Which religion do you follow?

>> No.11756544

i started a decentralized 'weed' company in sf wanna invest OP 100 eth would be 10%ish not bad

>> No.11756568

Give the money to us. We know what to do

>> No.11756589

I want something like this but opposite

>> No.11756596

Toilets for Indians would be a good start.

>> No.11756644

>admits to being a brainlet
>calls me a brainlet
Christianity, praying out loud, both expressing appreciation for God and for what is in your surrounding world, as well as making requests for what it is you would like in your life is a very powerful experience and shouldn’t be underestimated, plus if you had a shitty childhood as I did, having God as an omniscient father figure who is good and wants you healthy and to succeed is also a positive thing. Better than fucking sluts and doing drugs, which I have also done

>> No.11756653

>more money than you can ever spend
>balls deep in link
nice larp brainlet

>> No.11756680

He wants what is good for you, is always with you, and will always love you. Helps to not be alone in this world, it is a very personal relationship, we Christians all pray to the same God, but every persons relationship with Him is very different

>> No.11756713

>I've been mostly traveling for the last year, doing every drug I can do
kek all the money in the world and this is what you do with it?

> how do I go about doing stuff that can affect real matters?
fucking npc thread if I ever saw one.
can't even formulate what vague something he thinks he should go do.

>> No.11756729

Continue hedonism. If you don't have your own vision for how you want to change the world, you'll fail to do anything meaningful.

>> No.11756759

Not in my worst nightmares would I trust a single ETH to a "dude weed lmao" guy. Fucking hippies I swear

>> No.11756786

if not larping you start funding companies and start trusts.

>> No.11756787

Start in your direct environment. You have to begin small and once you get the ball rolling opportunities will present them self. Most important is to do something you care about.

Key to finding opportunities is to truly listen. My mentor once taught me "You should not listen to respond, but listen to understand"

>> No.11756810

There have been hundreds of religions throughout mankind most of them evolved from worshipping sun gods (this is why Christmas is on December 25th) how do you know yours is the right one? You chose it purely because of where you were born. If you were born elsewhere you'd be Muslim or Hindu. I'm not saying there is no god because nobody knows but following any organized religion is retarded. They are all man made giant cults.

>> No.11756816


>> No.11756822

How many link do you hold?

>> No.11756826

Degenerate faggot

>> No.11756835

>Most important is to do something you care about.
he cares about whore fucking though

>> No.11756843

Religion is an deeper expression of culture of the people that worship. Caring about existence of undefinable beings and their attributes is getting it ass backwards.

>> No.11756855

if it is as you say and all religions worship the same sun god, then what difference does it make what religion you follow

>> No.11756912

Religions are tailor made to provide a social infrastructure for the people that worship. This is the difference.

>> No.11757035

yeah we really dont need a homosexual to direct the species. thanks

>> No.11757116

>sociopaths discussing religion
It's like colorblind people discussing color

>> No.11757151

they are onto something

>> No.11757192

I would also be interested in doing this. I have a few ideas. Do you have an email so we can discuss this further? (use a throwaway protonmail so anons don't start filling your inbox with shit posts)

>> No.11757958

me 2

>> No.11757992

Buy politicians and make them implement /pol/-tier policies