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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11727060 No.11727060 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto worked for a while as a speculative investment (for the whales, and the lucky fry fish in their wake), but that's over, since the normies that bought our bags have already been scared away by the burst of the bubble. And of course you need normies to buy in to drive the price to those heights.

Besides of speculative investing, it is worthless. So it is worthless now. I come here every month hoping to have an actual /biz/ board, but you fags keep beating the dead horse of crypto. It was fun, but let it rest already.

>> No.11727333
File: 35 KB, 1024x572, 1541659628025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I save enough money to buy enough alcohol to blot out the memories of the halcyon days where my holdings were going up by $1000 a day before I lost it all and went into debt trying to get it all back?

>> No.11727346

>he doesn’t know

>> No.11727416

Don't know what?

>> No.11727417

>posting reddit comic
>thinking crypto is about zeroing transaction costs
>not going to the dozens of existing business communities
why do normalfags do this?

>> No.11727565

>Moves the goalposts

>> No.11727615

Based and redpilled

>> No.11727623

>what is nano?

>> No.11727626

Crypto (proof of work) is intrinsically wasteful so it'll always be worse than a centralized system.

>> No.11727683

where's the cope? one can find crypto utterly useless and still identify you as a retard normie who comes to the right conclusion for the wrong reasons

>> No.11727748

>What is this specific shitcoin
What's so special about it, memer? What sets it apart from all other shitcoins?

At least you conceded the point, shitlord.

>> No.11727797

jesus christ, normies can't into logic
let's run the previous post through the retard translator:
"one can find" = "it is possible" != "i believe"
again for emphasis, your ego obsessed 90-110iq normie ass would be better served in the multiple existing business communities. you don't have the mental capacity to handle free exchange of ideas
here's your spoonfeeding, now go be a normie somewhere else

>> No.11727828

Also, crypto is THE thing not because low transaction costs, but because it lets you make financial transactions without the government or a business in the middle

>> No.11727869


go get a mcdonalds application. internet money will never be real.

>> No.11728026

This is going to be the last time I post this, from now on you brainlets are on your own.
Getting normies on board is NOT the issue. The whole thing with normoids is that they swallow whatever is on the menu.
BTC's real goal is to be ideal money for rich people, huge institutions, companies, and other whales.
When pension funds start allocating a couple percent of the trillions they manage into BTC, when new generation billionaires start saving part of their wealth in BTC, when banks settle international finance on the blockchain, NPCs will be putting part of their generated economic value into BTC, WHETHER THEY WANT TO OR NOT.

Pro tip: alts are to get more BTC.
Pro pro tip: segwit is not BTC.

>> No.11728239

not all cryptos are PoW....

>> No.11728304

Who hurt your butt so bad?

It's still shitty as an investment and no large userbase needs that application. And guess what? Money needs a large userbase to function!

kek. This. Based and fiatpilled.

Hope you're telling the truth. So I don't see this shit posted again.

>t. bagholder of that crypto.

>> No.11728313


>> No.11728629


>> No.11728708

I tried but I can't fap to this blog.

>> No.11728722

what a pathetic thread. every single person ITT except me is retarded

>> No.11728729

Government and business in the middle are there for a reason.

>> No.11728734

The energy consumed by the process of verifying the ledger is part of what gives it so much security and immutability you moron. If the cost to reproduce a distributed ledger as secure and utilized as bitcoin, it wouldn’t be secure would it?

>> No.11728975

screencapped for future cringe

>> No.11729156

Buy signal...thanks anon

>> No.11729305

Imagine being this butthurt.

>> No.11729322

What is it good for, then? Oh, right. Fucking nothing. It has survived its usefulness.

>> No.11729345

Strong buy signal. Anger is the next phase.

>> No.11729350

>still shitty as an investment
Only if you play it wrong. Lots of opportunities for making money even in this market, and if you bought something reasonable like bitcoin in early 2017, you're still way up.

Regardless of whether or not it's a good investment now, you can't deny it was previously a great investment.

>> No.11729365

Yeah as long as you can predict the future. But you can't. Most people lose.

>> No.11729382

Most people lose at just about everything.

>> No.11729392

If you aren't an exchange owner, Bitmain CEO or another insider you're "most people"

>> No.11729402


>> No.11729404

It is intrinsically wasteful because discovering truth is intrinsically surprising.

>> No.11729466

You won't make as much as insiders or big exchange owners. But that doesn't mean you need to be losing money. For some reason, people have this idea that it's impossible to win with trading. Proper risk management and good trading practices mean you can lose on most of your trades and still come out on top. You don't need to predict the future perfectly to find good trades either, though doing good research will put you ahead of most.