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11676287 No.11676287 [Reply] [Original]

Check that zinger she threw at him out

>> No.11676295

I despise Jordan "jew-lover" Peterson

>> No.11676299

>reddit unironically takes life advice from kermit the frog

>> No.11676315

peterson is good at speaking and stream-of-consciousness lectures but god damn he can't debate

>> No.11676331
File: 159 KB, 611x663, 1b65889fb995765ba98919e9db1a81b6e754a64fae3c14287fbe00678e9e97bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow she really showed him huh

>> No.11676333

It's almost like when he sticks to his area of expertise hes okay

But he has to "chime in" on every single issue with his folksy chat

>> No.11676345

would pay money to see a long podcast between craig wright and jordan peterson

>> No.11676385

wow he's a stupid fucking prick who can't listen. no wonder the retards here love him

>> No.11676395

>unironically getting life advice from jordan peterson over Dave Ramsey

it's almost like most young men are pseudointellectual cucks who deny the unironic glory of Jesus Christ and have car payments

>> No.11676446

Insidious subverters like him will get the noose first.

>> No.11676452

I think one important lesson I've learned in adulthood is that the mediocre gather around the mediocre. This is yet another reason why populism is so shit.

>> No.11676484

you mean I'm not special just because I'm white, happened to be born in the 1st world, but make 30k a year and am up to my eyeballs in debt and live in flyover country and am married to a small whale...

>> No.11676500

What? He immediately went on to explain the reason why her argument was wrong... Did you guys stop after like a few seconds?

>> No.11676516

Don't get it twisted: the default state of shitskins is mediocrity, or worse. But the same principle applies to anyone.

>> No.11676599

I know right. Seems even pol hates this guy so much they will temporarily abandon their tradwife fantasy because owned or something lol

>> No.11676617

Because he said jews are only in control of everything because they have a high IQ, and he refuses to acknowledge that whites are going extinct.

>> No.11676783

It is because they have high iqs though you fucking retard.

>> No.11676789

This woman is so disgusting. She could be tortured and I wouldn't care. Of course her whole life is torture to her, which is why she is that way in the first place. Every argument she has breaks down when you consider this. She twisted herself into those views by virtue of her suffering. When faced with reality she shrinks back into her pose of arrogance. Why do people fight for rights? It's a cry for mercy (or dominion rather) that they avidly defend with arguments. That's all it is. When the argument displayed comes after and hides the agenda, you know what you have: a phony. And this phenomenon is everywhere. I struggle to relate to dishonest types, the people that lie to themselves every day of their lives and hold hostage everyone who doesn't. But those are the people I deal with on a daily basis. It's a struggle that I hope ends well for us, and not them.

>> No.11676837
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Imagine being this much of an incel

>> No.11676928
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>his area of expertise
what's that? spouting a bunch of crypto-jungian pre-ww2 "psychology" bullshit mixed in with some pop-evola predigested so 85 IQs can understand?

clean your room friendo

>> No.11676939

>some pop-evola

The fuck'd you get Evola from?

>> No.11677062

nah, but imagine being a brainwashed leftist dumbfuck... oh, you don't have to imagine

>> No.11677120

juden peterstein is a massive hack

>> No.11677126

it's so bastardized it's barely recognizable, but you can see it in how he words himself when he talks about hierarchy and its necessity sometimes.