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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11661428 No.11661428 [Reply] [Original]

Does this board have grillfriends?

For some reason I see you NEETs as slightly more self-actualizing and going out to get what you want that other boards here.

I am pretty sure we probably have the highest percentage of non-virgins out of all the others apart from maybe the degenerates on /lgbt/

>> No.11661436

i have two

>> No.11661453
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I'm married with two kids. So please don't tell my wife about my GF

>> No.11661459


>> No.11661461

last gf I had I met in 2013. don't really feel the need to find another one. really sick of the dating situation. it'd fuck up my marriage anyway

>> No.11661466

im a 22 year old virgin

>> No.11661469

no i travel to thailand twice a year though and visit a girl i take care of

>> No.11661471

>everyone on /biz/ is a married chad with multiple mistresses

wtf, I cant even get a girl to talk to me lmao

>> No.11661478

I never talk to a woman

>> No.11661479

Broke up with my ex gf when I was 17. I'm 22 now. Still have sex weekly but would really want a sweet gf again.

>> No.11661494


girl i was dating for a about a month broke it off with me a couple hours ago

>> No.11661495

no idea but it's tiresome and i don't even want to fuck most of the time

>> No.11661497

t. Manvinder
On topic: Kinda, girl I'm seeing has a bf.

>> No.11661509

>Still have sex weekly


what do you mean? you just magically got 2 gfs?

homewrecking chad

>> No.11661516

im fresh out of a three year relationship and i miss my qtpi so badly, i wanna kms. i've had sex with a few other girls since we've been broken up and it's just the worst

>> No.11661526


Tell me about it.

Married at 23, divorced by 26. Although my early 20s were alcohol and drug fuelled mess.

>> No.11661541

yes, pretty much. i never put any effort into it

>> No.11661547

Been with several women, I just wanna be alone now and occasionally get my dick sucked.

>> No.11661550

my whole 20's were a drug and alcohol fueled mess. was good fun though. it's actually my 3 yr anniversary today.

>> No.11661554

Unironically not the first time. Idk what it is but the bitches with long term bfs love me.

>> No.11661559
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>Be student
>Have some sort of position of influence at a student association
>1st year chicks throw themselves at you

>> No.11661560


Congrats mate, my marriage ended with me in a jail cell topkek.

Have a good girl now though. 3 years together but haven't put a ring on it after last disaster.

>> No.11661600
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well fuck you, i cant even get 1

>> No.11661638
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imagine not slaying pussy regularly and then whining about it on a Hawaiian coconut collectors forum

>> No.11661647
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i've had a few gfs, 3 decently long relationships with sex. I had my last gf last summer but I left becuase she was retarded. now im sad cause tfwnogf

>> No.11661648
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Have only 1 gf, I'm a disappointment compared to /biz/
I turned down a model chick that was hitting on me last year though, my "no cheating" rule came into effect so that's something

>> No.11661654

had a lot of gfs

>> No.11661655

where do you even meet girls after college

>> No.11661661
File: 53 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-10-20 at 00.25.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me clear a thing to you, OP.

Usually people that have a social "average" life tend to mediocrity, the reason they are "mediocre" its because they already have enough life results/reward that put them in a safe and stable position.

-Why would you be greedy to be rich when you already have some friends (social circles), are liked by your pairs and have a social and sex life?
-Why you would be greedy if you already feel ok with this life you already have and that is going well for you?

Lack of "something" can produce greedy/ambition, that means if you have a social life with proper resources and social feedback you wont have the estimulation to aim for something totally diferent.
If you always have food you dont know how is starvation and hunger, that means you never aim for hard times.
If you always have some sex life you dont know how is to jerk for years and be ostracized with social experience.
If you have some social reward you dont know how is to be treated like a paria and be isolated.

That means that the average teen that have some "Ok average Joe" life doesnt have the pain/ambition/greed that is necessary to try outsider things.

To save money and to lose your actual current present to aim for a future isn't normal.
To abdicate social experiences aiming more wealth isn't something normal.
To invest in something that doesnt have any regulation or "normal trust" isn't something normal.

That means to be a /biz/ guy you are by nature an outsider even before you reach /biz/.

Why a normal guy would be in a place with "racism", with guys that abdicate their actual life aiming for a future and guys that doesnt share the same world view? There is no reason for that, this is why you wont see normal guys here.

Also, I have a girlfriend, took her virginity and I have some social sucess, yet I am a outsider because I'm compulsive into learning new things, I can't pair with the average guy and that is the reason I understand the anons.


>> No.11661676
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found the virgin

>> No.11661687

how to cop a virgin gf?

>> No.11661694

Yes, almost 10 years now. The secret is picking up a modest and good-natured young woman and continually imprinting wholesome values on her. Don't chase tail, raise yourself to a higher standard but stay humble and people will gravitate to you.

>> No.11661721
File: 109 KB, 625x626, ExcellentBait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>~half the world's population are grills
>where do I even meet them?
Have you tried going outside anon?

>> No.11661734


wtf? whats that?

>> No.11661754
File: 2 KB, 125x125, LowQualityBait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should have stopped while you were ahead

>> No.11661772
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imagine coping this hard

>> No.11661773

Okie dokie.
I'm compulsive into learning things, thats why even living in a favela for decades I was able to learn english by myself.

That means I had touch with a lot of books: Machiavel, Nietzche, Dostoievski.. current content too such as Dale Carnegie.. I already learned almost every "PUA" method out there just for fun, I really like to acquire new and outsider knowledge.

That means that at a "basic" level I know what to do and what not to.
That means I invest time in nutrition, exercices and proper clothes because I know that "Visual always are a sign of value", that means I could talk to people and be able to help them and they would value me out.

I acquired enough value to be seen as a Chad (above average looks, above average knowledge and social sucess), that made a lot of girls have some "interest" in "myself" before I even got in touch with them.

If you wanna help I can help you out.

>> No.11661786

Bro, I'm a thirld world favela guy, my life was already fucked by nature. /Biz/ motivated and helped me and this is the way I have to pay them out. I dont think nobody with sanity would cope assuming he is a favela boy that lives in a shithole and is "mestizo".


>> No.11661824

Define drug fueled mess

>> No.11661826

where do you meet girls? I dont see any girls my age in my city. I just go to the office and then go to the gym then go home. I dont have much friends. I read but I dont think more books would help me in this situation. The only thing I got going for me is im somewhat /fit/ and have a attractive face

>> No.11661877

A good idea would be to expand your circle of friends first. They will introduce you to chicks or at the very least you can go out and do things with them while being exposed to more women than you would usually.

>> No.11661883

To lift and be more attractive doesnt solve your problem that is lack of social knowledge (how to act, what to do and what dont) and lack of social experiences (empirical knowledge).

If lifting was the only solution thin/fat guys wouldnt make sex and they are doing it anyway, in fact the proportion of fit guys by nature talks that you dont have to be one to achieve sucess, there are guys with proper physique that still a failure, this is called "Cope and compensation".

Books would help with teorical knowledge that can be converted in practical knowledge, in a scale from 0 to 10 the average joe is a 6.5, the chad is a 8 and your social knowledge is a 3 actually.

Yes, for sure to lift would help you as it would make you socialize with different guys and have a better body, but that wont fix the primary problem.

I meet girls daily, university, external courses, having a meal at the shopping.. you can turn any normal scenario in your favor and as you look above average it will work (I'm telling work in a way she wont call cops to you like if you were a shady guy wannabe, not that mean sex).

There are plenty girls of your age, they are probably doing other tasks/ activity you aint doing, that is why you dont have contact with them.

>> No.11661888

it would be a shorter list to tell you what drugs I haven't tried. But mostly it was pills in my earlier 20's then moved onto hallucinogens from mid 20's on. mushrooms, lsd, dmt.

Good times.

>> No.11661892

mano, peraí. First off, stop posting on every thread with your name. Nobody likes that.
Second off, what you say makes zero sense. You are trying to pay your dues to this board? By coping? I really wish you well and for you to make the best of the shitty cards you've been dealt. But you really need some time off the chans because what your wrote is cyclejerk the post. Just a reality check

>> No.11661901

thank you for posting what no one else had the effort to

>> No.11661920

I already pay my dues, I already explained I'm actually with a job, I'm using my trip name because some anons can email me at anytime and doesnt need to fear some "ransomware". What I have written make perfect sense, if you can't analyze it's on you, you need a impartial view to be able to understand things.

I'm not coping, I already posted proofs, motel photos, all the tier of shit that really assure I'm talking truth.

I know how reality works, that is why I just show my "powerlevel" in places like here, where are other aspies that can understand my point.

Thanks anyway.

Also, all I write is aimed at the lurkers, never into the replier.

There is 10 lurkers for each reply.

>> No.11661927

Yes, thanks for empower shit talk against me. You with all those addictions and failure is so wise that even after being fucked doesnt learned the lesson.


>> No.11661953

namefags are cancer

>> No.11661969

The cancer is you. You know that we have anons so far from reality and you even waste 30 seconds to write a proper reply, but yet you wanna talk about your drug addiction and failure wedding. You could tell your experience as a lesson to warn others to dont fuck their body/mind and life, yet you just wanna empower shit against people that are atleast investing time aiming to help someone in need.

Take this: Its your prize to doing nothing and yet talking shit.

>> No.11662013

>If lifting was the only solution thin/fat guys wouldnt make sex and they are doing it anyway, in fact the proportion of fit guys by nature talks that you dont have to be one to achieve sucess, there are guys with proper physique that still a failure, this is called "Cope and compensation".
There is a lot of truth to it. This basically described me going to classes. I had this "self improvement" phase where I dressed nice, got a nice haircut and had a athletic build due to sports I did. Several 9/10 girls iniditated conversation by themselves and I was a big of a autistic fuck to give a normal response that didnt creep them out. After all this time I basically came to the conlusion that I have a non-existent character from beeing a shutin my whole youth. I made myself a cut from this time - but I just can feel that every single person I encounter senses my defecits and its akward and non natural from the beginning therefore its a complete vicous cylce. I tried alcohol and it eases my up - but it doesnt feel right to myself, like if I am using cheat codes in a video games. And it doesnt solve my core problem after all bc I unfortunatly cant be drunk 24/7 for the rest of my life....

>> No.11662027


Daily weed smoker 16-18, went to uni, smoking turned into uppers - cocaine, MDMA, mephedrone, used to fucking cane the white powders, 3 day benders with no food or sleep with the lads and girls that used to orbit our party group. Tripped on acid, peyote. Uppers would be followed by downers, primarily ketamine.

One point in time I got some bad mephedrone and had brain zaps and hallucinations for about a week so that woke me up a bit to how fucked up I was.

Used to go to clubs 3-4 times a week. After uni during my relationship I stopped most of the drugs but would drink every night while wageslaving.

Pretty much a mess desu. After marriage broke down, I quit everything and had a 6 month cycle of Zoloft and now the only thing I do is vape.

>> No.11662040

Based response, based namefag

>> No.11662048

There is no way to cope lack of social experiences unless you are a psychopath. That means you have to go step by step, as a baby learn how to stand before being able to run.
To achieve external "value" is just a tool to make the process faster, as people have more "natural empathy" for good looking ones, that means you can make more mistakes than if you didnt had this tool.

Also, 9/10 girls are used to megachads/chads, to try to fake with them is like using counterfeit notes to lifetime cashiers that know real money just passing their fingers.

Alcohol isn't the solution, as I said this is a step by step process that take time.

If you want I can guide you.

>> No.11662105

I have a gf. She encourages me to get a 2nd gf. She only wants me, but doesn't want to be the only source I have available for gf feels.

>> No.11662232

Thanks for the offer but I dont see me doing a 180 so relativly far in my life aready. All these years left imprints on me. My brain is already wired to this "lifestyle" unless I fall in a coma that deletes my pathetic nature and persona.

I have hope that I eventually get my shit together to some extent atleast in a way by focusing on education and ways to make passive income, more or less (even if that means taking SSRIs or so) - but I need to make myself content that it never will be like that how i imagined it as a naiive kid

the only friend(and only because he can relate) that I have actually probably has a psychopath tendecies without harming or killing someone tough. He suffers more or less from the same things but low doses LSD and fakes a personality and using pick up techniques to lure and manipulate girls to get laid this way. I am just not the type of guy to pull something like this off

>> No.11662281

He isnt psychopath, psychopath are naturally socially sucessfull, at max a borderline sociopath.

Psychopaths are born with social drive and they know by nature how power works.
The only one that can choose your future is yourself, if you say you can't and act as so this is how it will be.
Your persona is brainwashed by years of inducement, you dont have the same persona as you could have without those "inducements" that means you can always change. You could be who you imagined and had been killed/died anyway, so there is no reason to imply an random scenario would be better.

Read Eclesiastes, on the bible, it may help you understand yourself (roman catholic bible).

>> No.11662322

Yep, dating a literal 10/10 blond

>> No.11662599

I always wondered who the cucks are that pay Thai hookers bills while they get fucked at Poseidon all day. does not surprise me at all that it's a /biz/raeli

>> No.11662626

Degenerate anon here. I lost count of how many women I've slept with but it's gotta be well over 100 at this point. I mostly do it to make up for all the virgins on biz to keep our average higher than other boards.

>> No.11662643

I have a girlfriend. She knows im into crypto and I'll show her some meme threads. She doesn't get sergey memes because I haven't exposed her to LINK threads, but she thought "BRAAP" threads were funny and loves the 30 yo Boomer and Zoomer memes