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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11647863 No.11647863 [Reply] [Original]

Ok serious thread please. Do we at least have a month of stability or downward movement left? I'm gonna be cashing out max 5k LINKs from my 25k stack so I can make a nice 2.5x profit in another thing and then buy back in 30 november or so. The mainnet doesn't seem to launch any time soon since tasks haven't been done yet and I'm guessing a full testnet(without reputation) needs to be completed first.

I'm guessing December near Christmas might be a time when Sergey will drop something as a present or so, but atm November might be the pause point where they keep working after all the conferences.

>inb4 Italians and their pasta

>> No.11647879

Sergey is going to fuck every single no Linker when they're least expecting it

>> No.11647889

agreed, i think major announcement about main-net b4 the year is out, probably have main-net launch proper in Q1 2019.
the energy sergay had at the conferences was frightening. something is defiiniteyl in the works.

>> No.11647900

Yes, that's why I'm only selling a bit of my stack. Will it be in November is the real question.

>> No.11647948

I'm thinking they'll get the full test net running before the eoy and then testing begins, but maybe they already are partially testing and might launch mainnet right away idk. The code is being audited which means it's really near the finish.

>> No.11647958

Chainlink doesn't do "announcements of announcements", they'll just drop the nuclear bomb. That's why we're in steady uptrend for months.

>> No.11647984

you geniuses ever think that maybe 50 cents is all it is worth?

>> No.11648041
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Idk I kinda expect some sideways movement since we just left the hype phase and those normies who bought the hype will probably sell the way down since I doubt they understand Chainlink. Nothing drastic though, maybe go to the blue support line and go sideways until some news or something. With the towncrier announcement the smarter ones will probably keep on buying so there will be some support.

>> No.11648061

That's it, pack it up boys. The technology that will make millions of clerical jobs obsolete and facilitate at least a halving of total clerical costs for multi trillion dollar industries is only only worth a couple hundred million dollars. We made it, that was the moon.

>> No.11648077

Its literally dumping right now. Target: 0

>> No.11648709


>> No.11648739

Ok, I can see from the pixels that the stripper, her pole, burger, and mcdonalds drink are shopped but sergey with a mcdonalds bag on his lap appears to be real? Can someone else confirm?? I thought the whole sergey mcdonalds thing was just a meme

>> No.11649375

No memes are *just* a meme.

>> No.11649388
File: 81 KB, 639x955, 4B84D951-223B-4143-9F65-25E30AFDBF4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11649453
