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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 320x219, current_fed_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1163276 No.1163276 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1163277

You and what army?

>> No.1163392

Also, need to go to Switzerland and end the BIS in Basel, the US Fed is just a branch office of international usury, the largest one, but still just a branch office.

The BIS building looks like the tower of babel, you can't miss it. Probably guarded by eunuchs with uzis, same eunuchs Switzerland sells to the Vatican.

>> No.1163424

No shit.

>> No.1163427

And if you look to the left, you'll see a wild libertarian. In their natural habitat they can be found peddling bad economic policy, ranting about taxation equaling theft, and generally being a pain in the ass to everyone remotely concerned with operating a functioning government. Their population hasn't been thinned out by natural selection recently, so they're growing to be pests in some areas.

>> No.1163429

Kek. Good luck with that dumbass. The fed exists because people use banks. You would have to get everyone to collectively not use banks.

>> No.1163434

If you don't recognize taxation as theft you are morally bankrupt and probably but into the nihilism meme.

It's the forceful transfer of wealth from one individual to another. How is that not theft?

>> No.1163439


Because I have enough education to realize that modern states evolved into their current form by necessity, including apparatus such as taxation.

>forceful transfer of wealth from one individual to another
>the federal government is now an individual

Look, I can do it too: if you claim that taxation is theft you are myopic, poorly educated, and a compulsive contrarian who gets off on exclaiming the opposite of what virtually everyone else understands. The only reason you get involved in these threads is for the psychological thrill of posting your own arguments, ignoring any and all counterarguments, and fellating yourself in as a reward for standing up to the "boot-lickers" and "sheeple".

>> No.1163440

How do you propose infrastructure such as schooling, police, water, sewerage etc is funded? Privately? Because that would be a disaster

>> No.1163444

The federal reserve, as corrupt as they are, have nothing to do with taxes.

>> No.1163445


He's going to call for private, voluntarist solutions for those things. He will try to rebut your argument that the free market is not adequate by asserting that competition will fix problems with those systems. He will launch personal attacks and claim that you are the one committing logical fallacies shortly thereafter. Calling it now.

This dance is predictable

>> No.1163457

Congress should have oversight on the Fed, and the NYFed president shouldn't have a permanent seat

>> No.1163462


No, Congress shouldn't. The Fed was deliberately insulated from popular politics, particularly elections, because it is responsible for fighting both inflation and unemployment, but public pressure to do something about unemployment is always higher. The people who set the system up had the foresight to realize that Congress, being particularly susceptible to popular politics, couldn't be trusted to use such influence responsibly.

Fite me faggot.

>> No.1163509

Give me a historical example of something bad that happened by holding a central bank accountable for its actions?

>> No.1163531


>The Bretton Woods system has only been implemented for 70 years

"Holding a central bank accountable", as you put it, is ahistorical. The reason for that is because people with more foresight than you set up that system.

You do know that fighting inflation increases unemployment, and vice versa, right? You do know that the unemployed tend to vote against established politicians, right? Congress can't be trusted not to use their "oversight" to push their own interests.

>> No.1163560


The US Central bank has been doing great, look at Europe. Literally nobody in Europe has even thrown off the '08 financial crisis while we've been powering ahead for 5 years now

>> No.1163564

Why are retards so worried about hyperinflation in an era of fucking rock bottom inflation and interest rates?

Get a clue, morons.

>> No.1163602

Japs have been fighting deflation for years with endless QE and money printing. Negative rates! Lol. Where's the inflation? 0-1% at best. Hyperflation? They wish.

>> No.1163604


>Fighting deflation

Nobody fights deflation. They fight unemployment.

>> No.1163605
File: 1.41 MB, 875x9090, hyperinflation-infographic-part2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, don't be worried goyim, literally nothing can go wrong, the dollar is so strong

>> No.1163608
File: 178 KB, 1024x576, 4234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1163609

I'd say that most people are worried that their currency is being steadily devalued.

If a fiat currency is worth less by the day, why have any faith in it at all?

>> No.1163611
File: 100 KB, 850x463, 2345245234524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1163612

OMG that graph shows that inflation exists!

>> No.1163614
File: 2.80 MB, 318x212, 1452888731861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this guy a savage

>> No.1163616
File: 110 KB, 1023x800, 1438674157152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur welcome

>> No.1163622

Haha the Fed is constantly fighting deflation and debt deleveraging. Bernenke made it his primary objective being a student of the Great Depression. Sadly, monetary intervention is a mistake and not because of hyperinflation. It artificially redistributes wealth to the top something that my family has benefited from greatly but the masses have not.
On to the subject of the dollar value decreasing. Our economy has expanded greatly over the last 100 years and so has the money supply. If he had the same making of currency in 1913 how would we pay for additional jobs that have been created and the ones that HAVE BEEN INVENTED?! We have personal trainers now lol.
Anyone not invested in income producing assets such as stocks, real estate, or private business' will feel the effects though. Only the strong survive I guess.

>> No.1163641
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read a book goy

>> No.1163670

Devalued, compared to what? You can't buy a time machine and go back to when a dollar was worth more 50 years ago. Sorry it makes you feel nostalgic for the past, but stable society is more important.