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File: 432 KB, 456x406, time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11624630 No.11624630 [Reply] [Original]

What time do you wake up?

>> No.11624659

I wake up at 6 but that pic is obnoxious boomer slave mentality shit. If I started work at 9 I'd wake up at 8

>> No.11624669

Got to get up early to hit the golf links stupid millenials

>> No.11624671
File: 76 KB, 710x577, 1535886026741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never wake up before 1 pm
>still millionaire thanks to bitcoin

>> No.11624680

OP is a faggot

>> No.11624822

Fucking boomers

>> No.11624867

usually 10am

>> No.11624895

This. Flex time is a patrician perk.

>> No.11624927

noon 30

>> No.11624966

i strive for 5 but i don't take pride in it
it just makes me feel good to wake up when it's still dark
then the day lasts endlessly, so it feels like i never run out of time
neet here btw

>> No.11624999

You mean the same society that is trying to import the whole third world over here so I can enjoy the same conditions as their homelands and the one that 'empowers' women (fuck most men over).

>> No.11625022

kek typical entitled zoomer snowflake here

>> No.11625030


and i'm NEET, I just love the sunrise, I go watch it from a nearby hill every morning

>> No.11625031

7-8hra from when I fall asleep anything more is waste of limited time

>> No.11625051

>software engineer
>wake up @ 9:30
>get to the office no earlier than 10:15
>leave @ 5
>still get 3 times the amount work done than peers sitting there 8-5

>> No.11625078

Working construction and it’s a two hour commute one way

Fuck my life

>> No.11625132
File: 511 KB, 840x488, 1540436273801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get up at 8:30 after 9 hours of rest
>Be ready in 10-15 minutes
>Get in my new car and drive to work
>Oops, showed up 5 min late at 9:05
>No big, I own my own business
>Eat breakfast and take morning shit at work
>Do a few hours of high yield work
>Gotta meet a contractor at my latest duplex apartment aquisition at 1:30pm
>Go over business with contractor then bullshit about women and minorities for an hour
>Don't get fired for racism/sexism/homophobia because lol 100% white dudes
>Decide to call it a day at 3pm

My plan is to start getting up earlier solely to have a more relaxing and intellectually stimulating morning with meditation and goal setting. I literally can't imagine getting up at 5am in order to wage cuck for somebody else.

>> No.11625375

usually 6:30

>> No.11625391


>Wake up at 4:30am
>Go to whatever gym is in the shithole town I'm staying in
>Go to work by 6:30
>Work 14 hours

>> No.11625474

I start work at 8 but get up at 5. I need my morning relaxation time or else my day is ruined. Nothing makes me angrier than having to jump out of bed and leave straight for work.

>> No.11625505

Not before noon

>> No.11625508

What's the pay like?

>> No.11625514

i have no schedule so its completely random.
it happened to be 2am today.
ill be asleep before sundown :)

>> No.11625525


what the fuck

>> No.11625557

Is this like the SWEAT pledge thing?

>> No.11625566

You have sunrise at the same time everyday?

>> No.11625594

Used to wake up at 4am to catch early train to NYC. Was nice. Didn't have to compete for shower. Found parking close to train. Had seat all to myself. Wasn't packed like sardines. Could get some breakfast or a donut. By the time I got to work I could chat with some other workers. It wasn't misery at all. I miss those days.

However I no longer work in the city. I have a good system now. I work third shift. Near ZERO traffic. Driver's are more alert and polite at night. Get a lane entirely to myself. Never ever ever late for work.

>> No.11625596


It depends on a few different factors. I'm a coating inspector so I pull around $600 a day. If you want to get into welding inspection it's around $800 a day.

General labor probably pulls $350 a day and operators probably are at $450.

>> No.11625660
File: 1.84 MB, 325x244, 1533262498037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every boomer i've ever talked about liberty to said that they were all about freedom, and yet when asked about gun ownership and shit, half of them said outright that guns kill people and need to be banned for everyone's safety

>> No.11626165

i never set an alarm clock but i wake up between 5 and 6 every morning. go to sleep around 11 every night except on weekends.

>> No.11626189

Is 6am really considered as early ?
Even for a non wagecuck, one should go to sleep around 10pm for optimal HGH production during sleep. This helps a shitton with muscle growth.

>> No.11626208

Sleep at midnight wake up at 9 am. Fucking hate waking up early.

>> No.11626333

5 am. Work from home starting at 7, done by 3, in bed by 10. 2 days a week I sleep like 10 hours.

>> No.11626358
File: 100 KB, 633x758, 1464604543626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

330 am

>> No.11626360

>get up at 6:15
>work starts at 7am
>wageslave without pause untill 6-8pm (no eating pause because no time)
>get home at around 8pm, just enough to eat, wash myself and fall asleep

Love my life, only 25-30years of stacking untill I can buy a house

>> No.11626369

I sleep and wake up at random times of the day

>> No.11626409

When do you go to sleep regularly?

>> No.11626424

Brotha source on this?

>> No.11626491

4:30, black coffee and fasted cartio bc I'm a fat fuck who need to lose weight.

-study, invest and wagekek as a freelancer-

>> No.11626529

Which country has that shitty conditions? Sounds like eastern Europe.

>> No.11626554

6am? Pffff, I wake up 20 hours earlier than you.

>> No.11626640

I usually go to sleep when I hear the birds start singing which is usually at 5am, wake up at 12ish

>> No.11626708

I am such a NEET that 95% of the time I can't say with certainly what day of the week it is.

>> No.11626712
File: 123 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20181103-132309_Clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four days a week. Work 5-330

>> No.11626734

7am on workdays
10am-2pm on the weekend

>> No.11626741

Same, when npcs say shit like good weekend im like oh yeah thats what wagies look forward to all week

>> No.11626747
File: 162 KB, 543x600, 1540873142784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't slept in 4 days