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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11616231 No.11616231[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay boys and girls, this is going to be a long one. It might not make sense at first but I'm going to explain why TELECOIN is the best and most comfy hold of 2018. You'll have to read it all to really understand why. So strap in put on your reading glasses and let me educate you on TEL

Also? Rank 112 on coinmarketcap. Rising pretty fast.

I'm going to be straight here though. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.

The EASIEST way to buy TEL is to use forkdelta. Once you're on there you will despoit your ethereum onto the websites exchange, and then it'll allow you to either put buy orders, or buy the sell orders.

Not working? Use more gas. Order taking too long? Use more gas.

Laggy orders, not showing up? SAVE your seed word phrase w/ metamask, and reinstall.

Exchange link for regular metamask >>> https://forkdelta.app/#!/trade/0x31bbd084f5d3f46fe5c0a43d28c8eec7f5c7403b-ETH <<<

Exchange link for users w/ metamask beta >>> https://beta.forkdelta.app/#!/trade/0x31bbd084f5d3f46fe5c0a43d28c8eec7f5c7403b-ETH <<<

>> No.11616236
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stop spreading this OP, you're going to ruin a good opportunity by reposting this on /biz/, everyone should sage this thread

>> No.11616244
File: 1.83 MB, 360x654, RichExcitableChrysalis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok retards let me just explain to you 100% how to do this without fucking up because I know one of you will, and will cry about it for 3 weeks on here.

Use fucking metamask like OP said. Download the NEWEST version. SAVE your FUCKING seedwords degenerates. If you don't say bye bye to all your tokens, TEL, link, eth, or anything you have on there.

SEND the ETHEREUM to your metamask, or directly from the exchange to forkdelta if youre a retard.

Then TRANSFER the ethereum ONTO forkdelta - accumalate the TEL, WITHDRAWL the TEL, and send the TEL w/ your metamask wallet to kucoin.

Rince & Repeat. I better get a fucking thankyou.

>> No.11616254
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Too late gramps! Kek

>> No.11616258

Tank you basedanon

>> No.11616260

That ass...

>> No.11616265

People fall for these?

>> No.11616268
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Up 4.5eth already nice find op

>> No.11616272

TEL is a prom8sing alt for 2019 anyways

>> No.11616274

All in

>> No.11616280

What happened?

>> No.11616290

Sleep on this and kys in 2019

>> No.11616298
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Hey yes SIR! That is very nice of you. Thank ya!

>> No.11616304

OP made a fake telcoin
If you check the contract address it's not the real telecoin
Additionally, everyone in this thread is just him on his cellphone turning 4g on/off to renew his IP
Notice it says "1 post by this ID" on all replies except mine
Report this and hope for the best

>> No.11616305

Kill your self jewfag

>> No.11616315

Just picked up 250k bags

>> No.11616318
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>> No.11616323
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Up 2 my self I'll be up all night arbtriaging this .

>> No.11616337

Changed my life actually.

>> No.11616348

The 5999 stack for 2.1 TEL I can't buy any. Anyone know why? It says "this trade has already been traded please try again" but I still see it. Wtf?

>> No.11616350

Because it's all bought out and just lagging.

>> No.11616360

Not nearly enough volume for me to leg in within a reasonable timeframe

>> No.11616384

Doesn't matter unless it all sales out on forkdelta. The 2889 stack is rip. Try your self. Seems like forkdelta is laggy,and behind. People aren't hopefully Hodling this anyways hopefully they're shorting kucoin with it.

>> No.11616645

Th is is what you should be doing goys

>> No.11616806
File: 57 KB, 656x755, 1518937679215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell a new mommy!!!

>> No.11616833

Hodling 4k TEL 9k link 2k bat and 92 eth let's go

>> No.11616960

Sage fake scammer thread

>> No.11617001

Just remmebr anyone calling this a scam has probably been arbitrage kucoin this whole time

>> No.11617011

You'll make it friendo

>> No.11617031

Bless your cotton socks op

>> No.11617046

holy shit OP how many times have you tried running this bullshit scam?

Forkdelta 24h volume is still 0 -- fuck off you stinky pajeet

>> No.11617067

It's 2889 that's sold out the 2890 is up though

>> No.11617077

When I try to buy it says it's been bought already uh?

>> No.11617098

Are you retarded ? It literally says why you can't buy it

>> No.11617173

Kucoin gooks mad about this

>> No.11617183


>> No.11617188

if you are some stupid newfag and not OP you're about to lose all the money you put into this. OP makes these threads all the fucking time.

>> No.11617200

The fud is amazing here. KEK. Keep reading fud while I bounce low prices

>> No.11617208
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>> No.11617211

This. Don't sleep on this rejects.

>> No.11617231
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ALL in on this dumb shit because of the nice shill

>> No.11617246

Eth networks a little conjested atm to short kucoin thanks though OP

>> No.11617313

Because of ethereum city announcement

>> No.11617699
File: 112 KB, 600x800, 15192625689111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 2 btc hi op

>> No.11617990

Easiest guide to follow. You'd have to be a brainlet to not do this

>> No.11618021

Wykurwiaj z tym, powiedziałem

>> No.11618484

What's with the cuck shit? Fuck niggers.

>> No.11618836

What's with the naziism? Go back to /pol/ kid

>> No.11619167

Basedboy alert