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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1161447 No.1161447 [Reply] [Original]

What happens next collapse? Neg int rates?

>> No.1161448

yes. and a ban on cash

>> No.1161471

probably negative rates, yes. however the "next collapse" is at least 10 years away, and most likely 20+ years away. so who cares

>> No.1161472

who is that sexy man?

>> No.1161474

What makes you think that the next crash will be so far away?

>> No.1161486


>> No.1161536

u post pictures of yourself and ur penis and ill give you source :]

>> No.1161538

Ok but shitposting aside, negative rates? Has it been done? What is it and what does it imply?

>> No.1161540

this person looks familiar. is he from /fit/? i used to browse that board years ago. what was his trip name?

>> No.1161596

They have negative interest rates in Japan now

>> No.1161608

because things are, believe it or not, getting BETTER, not worse. theres no reason to look for a crash now. wait until it stabilizes or starts to get worse. these things take years/decades to unfold.

>> No.1161614

n-no bully!

just tell me

>> No.1161620


Agree with the above.

Negative interest rates.

Ban on cash.

Bail ins.

More asset/capital orientated taxes

>> No.1161622


>> No.1161883

>because things are, believe it or not, getting BETTER, not worse


take basic economics and spend 10 minutes looking at the global economic situation

things are teetering on collapse thanks to batshit insane fiscal and monetary policy

>> No.1161972
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so crypto currencies gonna explode

>> No.1161976

My jizz gon explode in ur mum m8. Lololololollollollll

>> No.1161981

that's the dream

>> No.1162016
File: 3.31 MB, 3456x2231, CIMG0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like 10 years ago, flight would have been into precious metals, but this shit is boring and has so many disadvantages.

1. It's immobile as fuck. Especially silver (I once traveled by train with 30kg of silver in my bags. The wheels of the bag almost broke)
Similar problems with gold. Try to travel between Europoor and US and see how far you get with your bars or coins...

2. Supply can be controlled by the government and taxed.

3. Illiquid as fuck for private persons. If you want to buy or sell fast you can't just go directly to the exchange. So either sell with huge discount to a dealer or try to sell to private parties which is very time consuming.
With crypto currencies I can leave a country very easily if it becomes to hostile or wants to tax my wealth.

E.g. I can have an encrypted copy of my walled on some server and can leave the country without any physical thing.

Or if I prefer to have a copy of the wallet with me I open the back of my laptop or smartphone and tape a tiny ass micro sd card inside the device (on the card will be a encrypted wallet). I could leave the country with a billion Dollar worth of Bitcoin on the SD card taped in my smartphone and nobody would know.

>> No.1162020

btw. the silver bars on the pic are 1kg

>> No.1162021

I've always thought silver was a shit investment because it doesn't do anything. Invest in water saving toilets and led light bulbs bro.

>> No.1162026
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At the time it was great. I made like more than double my initial investment but as I said, crypto currencies have taken the place of precious metals.

>> No.1162030

if they ban cash i will literally be in the 1%

>> No.1162033

I've never been a fan of crypto currencies either. You buy a water saving toilet your going to save on water costs. Buy a crypto currency your going to have some numbers on a computer screen.

>> No.1162039


>> No.1162058


>Buy a crypto currency your going to have some numbers on a computer screen.

Put your money in the bank and you have some numbers on the bank's server.

Put your money on the blockchain and you have some numbers on computers distributed around the entire world, on the most secure computer network in existence.

>> No.1162059

>encrypted copy of my walled
Why not just memorize the whole thing?

>> No.1162087

This. Waaaaay better than what we have going now. Cash is a total waste of time and resources, not to mention all the coins and dollars lost to the abyss. I haven't used cash in like 3 years and I hate places that accept "cash only". Get with the fucking times and get a damn card reader.

Also, I cant wait for all the crypto tards to get cucked. Once they ban cash, governments will crack down on cryptos like they are evil incarnate, claiming that they enable terrorist cells. Every single bitcoin exchange will disintigrate instantly and cryptos will have to retreat back into the far recesses of tor where only tech nerds know how to navigate properly to not get caught. If you think cryptos are niche now, wait until the userbase is only a couple hundred. Then all they have to do is raid the decentralized markets 1 by 1 and shit on people individually like they did with silk road. Its going to be a fucking massacre. Good riddance.

>> No.1162090

>most secure computer network in existence

That's a great comfort.

So when my wallet or the exchange I use gets hacked my money is safe then?

>> No.1162154
File: 68 KB, 720x540, 1453505472098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, I cant wait for all the crypto tards to get cucked. Once they ban cash, governments will crack down on cryptos like they are evil incarnate, claiming that they enable terrorist cells. Every single bitcoin exchange will disintigrate instantly and cryptos will have to retreat back into the far recesses of tor where only tech nerds know how to navigate properly to not get caught. If you think cryptos are niche now, wait until the userbase is only a couple hundred. Then all they have to do is raid the decentralized markets 1 by 1 and shit on people individually like they did with silk road. Its going to be a fucking massacre.
Government weren't really able to crack down on torrenting and filesharing.
After a certain point it will become impossibru to crack down on crypto since there are way to many users..

>Then all they have to do is raid the decentralized markets
How does one raid a decentralized market? They would have to take down every single user of decentralized exchanges (e.g. Bitshares) to shut them down.

>> No.1162158


your wallet will never get hacked with proper security precautions

>> No.1162162

>not memorizing a 64-character random symbols+digits+cap/lowercase password and generating the wallet offline

>> No.1162176


Listen faggots, daddy is gonna drop some knowledge. Compared to 25 years ago, Americans do not own anything anymore. They do not own savings accounts, houses or even the cars they drive. Their savings are so pathetic, that they'd be crushed by a surprise 1000 dollar expense, they either rent or are underwater/barley chipping away at a shit mortgage and have leased their car. This will all come to ahead within 2 years, but with the recent volatility in the market, I'm thinking late 2016 is the best guess.

If you don't have assets, that means that once you lose your job and once your credit cards are maxed out, you are no longer a consumer. America runs off of consumption, therefore it's just a matter of time.

Employment is at 4.9%, good fucking job, all I see are service industry or retail jobs of people working 28 hours a week.

>> No.1162187


>Employment is at 4.9%

Probably closer to 49% to be honest familiano

>> No.1162379

>They would have to take down every single user of decentralized exchanges (e.g. Bitshares) to shut them down.
No they dont. What kind of dumbass world do you live in? All they have to do is go undercover in these sites and crack down on a few individuals users and the site creator and make examples of them. What the hell do you think happened with the first 2 silk roads? Lmfao. Feds were crawling all over that site posing as buyers and sellers long before they ever took it down. All they had to do was compromise the integrity of it. Super fucking easy. Plus, people are OK with downloading a torrented movies to watch off a site like popcorntime because they consider it a soft crime. Its not like anyone is going to jail for watching bootleg Zootopia. With cryptos it wont be so benign. Motherfuckers get scared when you use words like "money laundering" and "tax evasion". Trust me, if they make cryptos illegal, bitcoin is fucked. I don't see any type of world where cash is banned and cryptos are not.

>> No.1162429

I believe that's Isley. Based tripfag and rower from /fit/

>> No.1163536

can you explain that to me?
I'm still new to this
not a total noob though..

>> No.1163583

After the great recession, central banks turned back to keynesian policies in order to get the economy going. They lowered interest rates in order to force investors back into the markets and spent on stimulus. The US has kept interest rates low for a very long time, putting off the inevitable increase back to sane rates.

Now that the US is actually slowly increasing their rates, we have European and Japanese central banks going to opposite direction into negative/very low rates which is unheard of.

It's sort of like a kid who's hyped up on caffeine/sugar thinking he can stay awake forever.

>> No.1163948

so what would happen if the US lowered their rates right now?
I don't have any clue..

>> No.1164293


People lose faith in the system and flee to any store of value

>> No.1164295

I want to know why man :D

>> No.1164386


The /biz/ness man just told you.

>> No.1165042

because it's essentially a monetary u-turn and implies they don't know what they're doing, which is bad when you have a fiat currency that's worth is only based on a number.

>> No.1165044

The people will continue to decentralize power from corporations, executives will cry hard, and a majority of humans will use rural resources for food, at times from community-seized lands.

>> No.1165117

>All they have to do is go undercover in these sites and crack down on a few individuals users and the site creator and make examples of them. What the hell do you think happened with the first 2 silk roads? Lmfao.

And now it is effectively impossible to buy off the dark nets.


>> No.1165209

Naw just really sketchy and not at all mainstream. People are getting tired of getting scammed through these darkmarkets. Look at all the reviews for alphabay for example. Even the high rated sellers are waiting for big sales so they can cash out. Also, the moderators are in on it. There are tons of cases where people log in and all their bitcoin is missing. Not only do people have to worry about the feds raiding these sites and going undercover to target people, they also have to worry about other users trying to scam them. It's a failed system. Trustless marketplaces don't work because even with high rated sellers there is no way to completely trust that they aren't law enforcement or theives manufacturing those ratings. Dark markets are actual honeypots now. Only retards use them.