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11613110 No.11613110 [Reply] [Original]

>it's 2017 around March
>attend a high school reunion
>a guy that used to beat me up is there too
>decide to talk to him to show him that I am no longer the pussy I used to be
>ask him about his life
>it's shit, he works for minimum wage and lives with parents still
>he asks me what I do and I tell him I do freelance programming and living pretty good
>"Ah, so still the same nerdy weird guy, huh?" he laughs and pats me on my back
>I fake a laugh and tell him that it's actually looking good and that I am investing in cryptos and probably going to be a millionaire soon
>he gets interested and asks me what I am investing in
>tell him about bitcoin and he says he will look into that
>forget about him until February when he follows me on instagram
>look at his profile, full of traveling photos, new house, wearing expensive shit
>he messages me and thanks me for showing him bitcoin
>he sold at ATH meanwhile I am still holding and have to work
>mfw I helped my highschool bully to make it and rub it in my face for the rest of my life


>> No.11613148

From February to ATH was enough for him to retire and live the "made it" life? Either the guy will be broke again in a year, has the biggest balls of all and went all in just from hearing some greasy nerd talk about it or you're LARPing.

>> No.11613154

Could have been smart enough to fuck around with alt coin 10x moon missions

>> No.11613162

It's not healthy to have such negative fantasies, anon.

>> No.11613165

I don't know if he made it thanks to bitcoin only, he said
>that talk we had opened a whole new world for me

I suspect he got into it, did his research and just rode on the whole bullrun

>> No.11613249

i got in around the same time desu. between march and january there were more than a thousand ways to 100-500x your money. if he invested $10k and got into alts its not unlikely

>> No.11613364

srly, why LARP as a loser?

>> No.11613373
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>> No.11613567

>telling anyone about your crypto status

Stupid. It’s called crypto for a reason.

>> No.11614094

This story is true, I am the bully who anon made a millionaire. AMA

>> No.11614201

OP could have made up a story about anything he wanted, and in his own fantasy he is a cuck

>> No.11614209

I started with $200 in crypto at the end of May last year just as BTC was about to hit $2k, by November I had made $30k off various things like Antshares, Raiblocks, etc so things were already going well. Novemeber/December were mental though and by end of 2017 I was at $1.7M. Cashed out $700k but left $1M in, now it's down to $150k but not worried just consolidated everything and gone all in with VET and XSN

>> No.11614309

>get bullied at school
youre never going to make it

>> No.11614395

Did you stick a baseball bat in OPs ass?

>> No.11614413

every day. He even started to enjoy it

>> No.11614568

Nice fake sorry Anon kys/10

>> No.11615392

Kek what a fag