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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11572116 No.11572116 [Reply] [Original]

>Marketplace Live Wallet
October 31, 2018
>Wallet Upgrades
October 31, 2018
>Desktop Client Upgrades
October 31, 2018
>Dynamic Peg Exchange Test
October 31, 2018
(huge deal imo)
>Community Projects
October 31, 2018
>BitBay Block Processor
October 31, 2018
>WMP Search and Filter
November 30, 2018
>Ledger Nano Integration
November 30, 2018
>Partnership Announcement
November 30, 2018
>New BitBay Explorer
November 30, 2018

>Dynamic Peg Public Launch
November 30, 2018
>Finally releasing THE PEG. The amazing thing about this peg, and the reason that it's going to be a fucking huge deal, is that it's also backed by TANGIBLE GOODS on the BUILT IN MARKETPLACE. Not only this, but with the newly added ability to use SMART CONTRACTS on Bitbay, it means that there is an INFINITE amount of possibilities in relation to other cryptos in general. Meaning, Bitbay could become the biggest decentralized marketplace for selling both GOODS and CRYPTO of all kinds.

>> No.11572348

Can you actually buy things off of the piece of shit client yet? Last I checked there was NOTHING (0) for sale on it

>> No.11572376

Dunno. Last time I checked there was some stuff on there. Sure, it's not exactly fully adopted right now, but i think that's a great sign. It's a sign that they're building from the ground up, and eventually the herd will come once crypto in general gets adopted by the late adopting retards.

>> No.11572399

Don't forget Ashton kutcher
...you got PUNK'D!!!

>> No.11572501

Any word on how much the peg is gonna be in USD?

>> No.11572522

It's decentralized, and dynamic.
>inb4 BAY 100xs in no time

>> No.11572677

Sorry, if you can't understand the implications of >>11572522
It means that, the price could fluctuate WILDLY upwards. Also, if people decide that "fuck centralized markets like ebay, amazon, etc", they will realize bitbay is the most attractive alternative due to MANY different functions of bitbay.

>> No.11572815
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God biz is fucking dead. Now it's just prolapsed assholes and the same shitposts over and over.
This tells me that 1) it's the bottom, and 2) all of the retards/moonboys have left because they lost all of their money. Time to accumulate.

>> No.11572833
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It's not on binance

>> No.11572853

Exactly. The fact that it isn't yet is also a huge buy sign. Bittrex ftw. Gains secured. 420$ by 2020

>> No.11572957



>> No.11572969

Could take out Amazon if they don't get involved in blockchain.

>> No.11572992

It will most DEFINITELY take out ebay/poshmark.

Ebay for sure. They're too greedy. Middlemen are a thing of a past with the double deposit escrow / smart contracts of bitbay. We will win. Just hold on for a few years, i GUARANTEE the population will catch up.

>> No.11573270

take out amazon. kekekekek good one buddy. delusional as fuck

>> No.11573293

>implying amazon will be able to withstand the coming tide

You clearly have no clue how desperate people are for extra %'s on sales. If they can GUARANTEE an extra 10-20% PROFIT, guess where all the sellers will go?

>> No.11573369

Yeah these fucking shills are rediculous

>> No.11573395

Low IQ pajeet spotted.

My shill is god tier. If you don't buy this dip, sucks for you.

>> No.11573424

BitBay has a lot of potential.
I have a small stack from last year. It's been so cheap lately that I've thought about going back in heavier.

>> No.11573428

>bitbay shilling
is it 2016 again?

>> No.11573439

There's literally no point to not keep accumulating at this price. Even if it goes to 100 sats, I'll still keep fucking buying it. No one even knows about it. I'll continue to shill it daily.

Heh, what you don't realize is that the longer a coin survives, the more likely it is to succeed.

>> No.11573520

The default algorithm will target a usd price of 1/10 000th of bitcoins ATH which equals roughly 20c. That's where yes votes to freeze supply will work towards. They can freeze 1-3% in a single voting session and there are 7 voting sessions a day. So roughly 21% can get frozen a day until the demand for the unfrozen coins is equal to 20c. Then there will be other alhorithms that can say do a yes vote if certain technicals are met like a change of x amount to the rsi or ema.

So even if the price goes 10x to get to 20c, you'll then likely only have something like 1/10th of your coins liquid to sell for that 10x

>> No.11573731
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I remember the baywatch days.

However I dropped that a while back and now am losing massively on PRL and SHL if they don't work out,.

>> No.11573880

Kinda miss the bitbay shills, heh I still have a stack of them I bought last year because of shilling.

>> No.11573911

SILKROAD V3 we finna be rich niggas

>> No.11573937

How the fuck do they just freeze 9/10 of my coins though

>> No.11574020
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my nigga
pretty good explanation
i dont think it takes into account the price of adoption once people realize the power of the peg.

Bitcoin drops? NO FUCKS GIVEN.
my nibbas

If you hold them on the wallet, they can freeze. They are also working with exchanges I believe to incorporate the system there as well. It will be the first of its kind.

>> No.11574148

The coins have some kind of identifier. You can still trade the frozen ones but they will be timelocked for i think a minimum 3 month period so naturally they are going to trade at a lower rate. The thing about frozen coins is they stake at a higher rate than liquid coins and upon maturing from the freezing will effectively have a yield on them equal to the difference between (liquid-frozen)x number of frozen coins you hold. This will make purchasing the frozen coins quite lucrative. Also if you freeze your coins voluntarily you get somewhere around 5% as a stake reward (more if less people are staking).

I think what we'll see first is the whales who will have the voting majority vote straight towards freezing to achieve the 20c target. Then if exchanges integrate the peg we will see a price discovery for sub premium coins which will benefit those who get in first on the cheap ones. If you have 100k BAY at 2c and they freeze until the liquid bay equals 20c, then you can sell off your stack of liquid ones and accumulate more frozen ones. This sell pressure might result in more Liquid BAY being on the market and more freezing to maintain the 20c. Then eventually there will be a squeeze as all the frozen ones are bought up that the price of the liquid bay will rise. Once people see their value being preserved by the peg more people will want to use bay as their stablecoin in tough times and the price will sky rocket. If we go too parabolic there will be voting from qhales to release frozen BAY to decrease the volatility. If too many come on the market and the price starts dumping, they'll freeze more again to keep a stable price. The amount they freeze this time will inevitably less than the amount that were frozen the first time and we'll begin our movement into the top 10 coins. It's a bear proof coin.

>> No.11574373

Great explanation

>> No.11574717

last bump for any lost souls out there. Good luck.

>> No.11574979

They won't listen. Too busy frothing over TUSD or DAI.

>> No.11575950

Since it is a decentralised marketplace, someone should sell guns and drugs on their to see if they delist them or not.

>> No.11575957

Even if they delisted them on the public marketplace (very slim chance), you can still do private deals where no one can see them, so you would use a linkup site to find buyers and boom ezpz

>> No.11576060
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This will be the spot for it. Double deposit escrow and private markets means no more exit scams and honey pots.

>> No.11576075

Do you think 180k is enough to made it? I'm gonna sell my liquid as soon as i see frozen ones moving up fast and stock up on frozen ones anytime more unfreeze.

>> No.11576106

It's a decent amount. You'll make a good amount.